"John Gold! I may die by your hands now, but you'll regret accepting this mission!" Death cult leader shouted

Then red light shone from his eyes and all pores of his body emitted a bloody fog, it flew high to the sky and attached to Johns forearm.

I! A clear bold red colored roman numeral number 1 is visibly seen on his fore arm like a tattoo.

"What did you put on to me?!" John shouted angrily at the man

John grabbed the bloody man trying to make him speak but he noticed that his tongue was bitten. Due to his shock John was not able to prevent it from killing himself.

Then he took out his katana...


It didnt even touch the body but the invisible wind blade slash through the cult leaders body as if it were butter. Then the body fell in half.

"That's the last one of my target, but what in the world is this number!" John sighed, he doesn't have any idea what the cult leader did to him.

John was thinking to himself 'this has been the most difficult mission i had so far. The cult had only 100 members but all of them were superior masters.'

Then as he was walking out of the base, he passed by an altar. He saw an old black book wraped in leather.

To his curiosity he browsed through it.

'Death is not the end! Its only the beginning!'

Then suddenly the tattoo lit up and the book flew to his glabella then vanished. His skin begun to change its color, from his white skin it was now red there was pain. He felt unimaginable pain all over his body, he was now bloated ten times his size and after a few seconds...

'Just when im finally willing to retire and settledown! Jane! I love you!'


A loud booming sound was heard and the whole base was turned into a giant 10 kilometer crater.


"President! Generals! The base of death cult turned to a crater after a massive explosion! Everything was turned to dust!"

"Anyword from John?" The president and the generals loudly asked

"Negative Sirs! Im sorry but no news from the general! His last communication was prior to his infiltration, sir!"

Everyone was downcast, the atmosphere was so heavy that the soldier who reported nearly fell due to the invisible pressure that everyone excluded.

There was a very long pause...

No one spoke, everyone was gripping their hands, their eyes were red.

Then suddenly a loud crushing sound was heard! The table crumbled. Then a black man in a general uniform, rushed to the president and grabbed him by his collar lifting him as if he was weightless.

"Arthur! I dont care if you are now the president. You knew that this is going to be a suicide mission! You knew it but still let John go there alone?!"


The man punched Arthur repeatedly, he was venting all his anger and frustrations on him.

Arthur was silent his hands were tightly gripped and his eyes are so red with tears trying to fall down.

"Martin! Stop!" An old general shouted

"Why would i stop! I'll trash this MOTHER FUCKER until his mother wont recognize him."

The old general signalled all the others to pin Martin down.

"Let me go!"

Then when Martin calmed down he threw an envelope.

The old general took it. Upon seen the content the tears that was being held fell without him noticing. Then the others followed through and they all cried after seeing the content.

"Before he left for this mission he asked me out to drink."

Then Martin cried as he recalled the night.

"Man! I know you wouldnt believe me, but i tell you, after this mission im gonna marry Jane!"

"Here!" Then he gave Martin a white envelope

When he opened it, a fancy invitation was seen! And John and Janes smiling photo was at its very center.

They drank the whole night and were so wasted that they slept at the bar wasted.

"Arthur! Give me Johns last war letter, ill be the one to tell Jane about this."

Arthur stood up then gave a black folder with a red topsecret print on its cover to Martin.

Martin took the folder and left the room.

Leavenworth Washington.

A huge log cabin situated on the mountains by the lake. A beautiful woman is gardening.

When she looked up there was a black hawk helecopter comming her way. Her eyes were dreamy full of anticipation.

When the black hawk landed, the man she expected to appear was not there but it was Martin. She knew him because he was Johns best buddy.

She felt a very constricting feeling on her chest when she saw the downcasted look on Martin.

When Martin was near Jane...


He knelt infront of her then he cried "Jane! Im very sorry but John wont be coming back anymore!"

She felt like the world fell her eyes went black and she fainted from where she was standing.

When she woke up, Jane was lyong on her bed and Martin was there. He gave her the black folder with Johns last war letter!

With trembling hands she opened it and slowly took a letter.

My dearest Jane,

If youre reading this letter, then it means i failed the mission.

Ever since the day i met you, i felt inner peace that i never felt before. You gave me the feeling of what it feels like to have a home.

This was supposed to be my last mission, and i would like to spend my lifetime with you. Sadly i cant be with you. At the back of this letter is my savings card, i left everything i have in it. Half of my savings will be given to the bronx parish church where i grew up. While the rest would be left for you. The house where we live in and the whole 100acres of land will be left in your name.

Sorry i cant fulfill my promise in this lifetime. I LOVE YOU honey if there is an afterlife i would still like to be with you.

P.s please place my military uniform on my gymbag with my face on it. On my military funeral, hand it over to Oliver, tell him to tie it on one of his ships missile and blast it of at the sea. Its always been my dream to ride a missile. Hahahaha...



Then she cried so hard.

After 4 hours of crying she calmed down. She pulled the drawer on the beds headboard. When Martin saw a gloc he rushed to Jane and held her wrist.

"Sister-in-law dont be irrational. Please clam down! My brother would be sad if he knew this!" Martin hurriedly said

"Im not trying to commit suicide Martin". Said Jane

Then Martin released her hand, she took something from the drawer, it was a pregnancy test kit with two red lines on it.

Then she cried again.

Martins eyes went red again, this time he cried so loud without caring about Janes presence.

When both calmed down Jane slowly said "the day before he left, i tested for pregnancy. I was about to tell him that night before he left but decided to surprise him on his return." Hu.hu.hu.hu

"You know? He always talked about your childhood. When you both grew up in the same church raised by father Earl, when both of you rampaged on a gangs hide out when they stole the churches donations. That was when father Earl died as he took the bullet that was aimed at John. He told me both of you went to prison together as you both killed those involved for revenge."

"Yeah. John was always like my elder brother. He would take the blame for me whenever i screw up. to tell you the truth, when father Earl was killed i was the one who killed the culprit, but when John knew, he went back to their hideout and killed the rest of the gangs, thus we both ended up in prison. Since we were both minors we were pardoned after few years and we joined the marines."

"When i asked him why he killed the other gang members, he only said to me, 'i dont like my brother to be lonely in prison, you are my only family, its gonna be lonely outside', he would always laugh at his problems, its like everything is under control."

Then she continued "if only im not pregnant with his child i would certainly follow him to the afterlife, but ill wait for our child to grow up and have his own family before i do so. I will let him grow up knowing how great of a man his old man was, a hero of the nation"

"Martin, i know you both are brothers with the president."

Martin looked at her and kept his silence, then he nodded

"Please ask him if possible, i would like him to arrange the documents for marraige, even if John is gone I will always be his wife!"

Martins eyes were tearing as he nods vigorously.

The following day Jane is holding Johns portrait as she stood by the marine base harbor. Rows and rows of marines were formally dressed and stood ram rod in their formations. Behind her was the president along with all the high ranking generals of the nation.

She gave Johns portrait to Martin then she took Johns uniform and put it on a gym bag with Johns photo printed on it. Then she solemnly ask the navy general to grant her husbands last wish, as she gave him his last war letter.

Olivers eyes went red as he took the bag and personally placed it on the warhead. After a few minutes the missile was launched and detonated at the sea.

"Sister-in-law! I talked to my wife Cindy and we decided to build a house near yours and John. We would like to help you raise your child along with ours. Would you be ok with that?" Said Martin

"Thank you Martin, id be glad" replied Jane

Then she looked at the horizon and murmured "farewell my love, please wait for me in your next life. I live you."