Slaughter the invaders

From afar dust clouds flew as the rumbling of the ground shakes the whole capital of the Gold Empire.

"Sound the alarm! Close the gates! All able person arm your self, we are under attack! I repeat, we are under attack!" Shouted the city guards

"Just when the king and our troops went to the border to stop the invading army of the wind empire!" Said the other guard

"No matter what happens, we must guard the queen!"

"Yeah!" Shouted the guards and the people below the walls

"Just when our queen is to give birth, this happened!"

Then a tall beautiful woman wearing a golden armor with a red cape with a golden dragon, with a huge abdomen landed on top of the city wall holding a 15 feet black glaive.

"People of my empire, on this very day blood will flow, flesh will be cut, bones will be crushed and lives will perish! We will let this wind empire invaders know that the gold empire is no easy food to swallow! Shouted the woman

"Our queen! Please return to the palace!" Everyone pleaded

"No!" Replied the queen

"We the gold empire are warriors, born and live in battle. How can i stay in the palace knowing that my people are dying on the blades of this invaders! May their blood be the sacrifice for the birth of my son!"

The people were crying but didnt dare to pursuade any longer. They held their weapons young, women and old readied them selves as they waited for the invaders to come.

1000meters away from the city walls 10000 cavalry men lined up in formation.

The general wearing a black armor shouted "golden empire people! We the wind empires elite black cavalry came to take your capital."

Then laughter resounded from the whole cavalry

"Now that your army is fighting our main force, what can you do against our force? Surrender now and hand over your queen, and we will avoid slaughtering you all" Shouted the general

The gold capital is silent, no one answered his calls. The guards kept their position glaring at the invasers as they held onto their weapons tightly.

Then suddenly a melodious voice is heard shouting on top of the city wall.

"My people! Today! We wash our blades with our enemies blood!"

Then a loud cheering was reverberating the whole area. The wind empires war horses were neighing and got agitated, if the cavalry wasnt an elite, they would have fell from their mounts.

"Kill all those who invade our lands!"

"Kill all those who invade our lands!"

"Kill all those who invade our lands!"

Then the queen leaped from the city wall to her war horse. She held her glaive up and said "lets lay waste to our enemies, kill everyone leave no prisoners!"

"Open the gate!"

As the gate opened the queen ordered.

"Men! Charge!"

1000 cavalry lead by the queen rushed to the enemies at break neck speed.

The wind empires cavalry was taken by surprise as the one leading the attack was the pregnant queen of the gold empire.

As an elite cavalry they were able to keep their composure and fixed their formation.

Then suddenly the queen raised her glaive and the warrior next to her blew the horn.


Then the 1000cavalry made a u turn back to the capital. The black cavalry kicked their horses as the chased after the queen, they split into three and the two other teams went on both sides as they tried to pincer attack during their chase.

"Kill their queen!"

"Kill their queen!"

"Kill their queen!"

As they were nearing the queens cavalry, the queens cavalry made a 90 degrees turn to the right entering the woods. The black cavalries right pincer group was the first to react and as the followed the queens cavalry, the sky went dark as arrows rained down on their troops from all directions from the forest. In just 5minutes 3000 wind empires elite cavalry men were, pierced with arrows like porcupines. The rest of the wind empires elite cavalry that followed stopped on their tracks as they saw the arrows raining down the right wings cavalry.

The general of the wind empire was so mad and wanted to rush forward and slaughter the queen. He ordered his men to stop their chase and regrouped.

As an elite cavalry general, he kept his cool despite the initial loss on their first attack. As the regrouped, the noticed that all areas of retreat were blocked. As the general was observing, those who are blocking were either children, women or old men and women. Each wearing a leather armor with 15 feet long spears held on their hands. They were arranged in a perfect platoon formation like seasoned soldiers with hundred battles under their belt.

They were surprised, in their intelligence they knew that the gold empire is a warrior empire, and every citizen is a true blooded warrior. But knowing and expriencing is two different things.

With no where to go, the general decided to rush on the area where most of the warriors are either children or old women.

"Men, lets charge out of their encirclement first the regroup! Our way out is through the areas with the most children and old women! Attack!"

As the cavalry rushed to the areas with most children and old women, they were surprised when shield bearers jumped at the front of the gold armies formation, 5-10children/ old holding 1 huge metal shield as they hold it in place. The spear bearers pointed their spears forward resting it ontop of the shields while the others straight, place in between the shields. As the cavalry got near the formation those spear weilders at the back of the formation threw their spears like javelins to the cavalry. Every wave of spears that was released, 15-30 men of the wind empires elite cavalry men would die. What was shocking to him was that none of the war horse were injured by the spears, only his soldiers would be skewered by the spears.

"What is happening here?"

"How can this people be this strong, even children and women are like seasoned soldiers, they dont even flinch in face of my cavalry!"

"Can someone tell me what is happening here?!"The general shouted

As they were now trapped another 2000 of his elite cavalry went down.

Then he heard hoofbeats behind them, it was a cavalry lead by the queen and shouts of his men at the rear could be heard as they were being slaughtered at the back. The general immediately lead his men to the back to regroup his army but as he went near the back end of the group the queens cavalry was nowhere to be seen. And the encirclement was now closing in on them.

As the general looked at his men he was bleeding in his heart, as there were no more than 4000 of his elite cavalry left.

"Men regroup! Regroup!"

"Lets break into one area to leave this formation! Run in circle to gain momentum and break into the enemy formation!"

"Yes!" And the cavalry reigned their horses to run in a circle to gain momentum

"They are not that stupid after all!" Said the queen as an evel grin can be seen on her face

"Too bad they were too late!"

"Men! Sound the horn!"

Bulooooo... buloooooo... bulooooo...

As the horn was heard the formation moved closer to the cavalry, every 5 steps spears would fly to then from all directions. Followed by a rain of arrows, this continued until they were 50 steps away from the cavalry.

The cavalry formation was disrupted and the horses bumped with the others and created a havoc that ruined the generals plan. His men were falling one by one, he himself has multiple arrows on his back. As he looked at his men wailling and shouting, he knew that they would be wiped out. In just a few breaths everything was silent and when the general looked around nobody was there.

"Ive overestimated our strength! Never knew that gold empire is this strong. Now the wind empire will suffer a massive loss that may lead to its destruction!" The genereal sighed

"General of the elite wind empire cavalry!" Said a sweet voice

"Your head shall be my sons borthday gift, be proud that you could offer your life to his birth, hahahaha..."

Then as the generals lifeless eyes were looking at the queen, his vision was now turning upsidedown as he had his last breath with his head fell beside his body and blood sprayed around him.

"My people this is our win!" Cried the queen

Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah!

As the queen was lifting her glaive, it suddenly fell and she was holding onto her stomach as she felt indiscribable pain. Fluid and blood spurt out of her lower armor. "Ahhhhhhh..."

"Your majesty!" Cried the people

Then an old woman in armor rushed to ger side and shouted "get the carriage, our queen is about to give birth! Hurry!"

In no time a war chariot came, the queen was held by the old woman as the charioteer whipped the horse to the palace.

As the queen was brought to the bed chamber groups of old women and doctors came after.

Ahhhhhhhh... ahhhhhhhh...

The queen kept yelling her lungs out as she pushed the baby out.

Whuwaaaah... whuwaahhhhh...

"Please bring me my child!" The queen said weakly

The old doctor carried a baby boy to her wrapped in red cloth embroidered with a golden dragon.

"My queen" as he gently gave the baby to her

"My son!" As she gently hugged him and smiled sweetly

then slowly she closed her eyes as she fell asleep with the child on her arms. Nobody disturbed them, everybody left except for the queens 2 personal maid and the old woman who carried the queen.

The following day, there was a loud cheering at the capital. One cause of celebration was due to the annihilation of the invaders, the other was the birth of their prince amidst the battle, and lastly news of the empires soldiers returning from a total victory in battle against the wind empires army.

Later that day the queen woke up, she held onto her child as she stepped out of the terrace. She could see the people gathered as they looked up to her carrying the prince. Then she spoke "my people, we have won the war!"

Then everyone cheered so loud shaking the whole plaza.

The queen raised her hand and everyone fell silent. Today our troops are marching home, on the third day on their return. Prepare for a feast for 3days and 2 nights.

"Long live the empire!"

"Long live the queen!"

"Long live the prince!"

"Long live the king!"

Everyone is cheering loudly and the queen entered the room she laid her child on the bed and played with him.