The return of the king

John woke up and noticed that he was in a beautiful womans embrace. He looked at his surroundings and himself and to his shock he was a baby.

"So this is reincarnation!"

He kept observing his surroundings. He was in room like those seen in medieval era. There were 2 female guarding the sleeping woman.

"On my last life i was an orphan, now i have a family."

In this life nobody could ever harm my family. John secretly swore.

He heard them speak but he couldnt understand what they were saying. As he kept listening his consciousness was suddenly pulled by an unknown force. When he looked around he saw the old book that he read before he died. Without warning the book again entered his glabella and information kept rushing through his mind.

Bloody immortal journal

John was shocked by what he saw. The book was actually the joirnal left behind by the bloody immortal.

As he focused on the information he gained, he learned that there are multitudes of cultivation practices on it. The bloody immortal practices the bloody immortal body tampering arts. Its a cultivation practice that uses the blood of his enemies to strenghten his physique and aptitude. There are 9 stages on it further divided into 3 level human, earth and heaven. Then its further divided into low, mid and high. Using this cultivation manual the body becomes the main vessel and his meridians would directly merge with his cells and every cell would become a tank that holds mana. It also states that he doesnt need to actively cultivate and absorb natures mana as he could passively absorb mana through his cells and would passively store it to every cell of his body. Once its saturated the cells would evolve and upgrade on its own.

Using the the technique blood manipulation and blood absorption art he could actively siphon his enemies blood and use it to increase the power of his cells and improve himself.

So it only means im always in cultivation mode,

John was shocked by what he learned. As one of earths top expert he knew several people from china who practice internal force and as they increased their cultivation form cores on their dantian and strengthen their meridians to contain more internal force. His method is much simpler and doesnt need to consolidate his cultivation. He also doesnt need to worry that he would have weak foundation for cultivating fast as his cells would automatically evolve once saturated.

Time passed without knowing whats happening outside, John kept browsing through every information from the journal.

While John is busy studying the journal. The whole palace is on a panic. Later that day after the queens speech, she went to sleep with the prince. For unknown reason, the prince is still sleeping and wont wake up. The queen was hysterical and ordered her guards to call for all the empires physicians and hermits.

They worked fast, it only took an hour and hundreds of physicians came as they were escorted by guards to the queens chamber. Each and every one of them took turns to check the prince condition. But all came up with the same conclusion. The prince is in deep sleep.

The queen was mad and worried. After waiting for a century they were given a child and a prince at that but now hes in coma unknown when he would wake up. The queen dismissed all the physicians. She carried the prince in her embrace as she walked inside the palace with out any direction. Roaming while praying for him to wake up.

"Child please wake up for mom!" She pleaded as tears run down her beautiful cheeks.

Those who saw the queen were sad and cried as well. This battle empress is a very strong and ruthless cultivator against her enemies, would not even bat an eyelid as se reaps lives of her enemy, is now crying while pleading her son to wake up.

John is busy learning all the information bombarded in his mind. As he finished learning the information, he suddenly woke up and felt a loud grumbling of his stomach. No matter how hard he tried to control it he still let out a loud cry.

The queen woke up from her continuous mumbling and hurriedly went to her bed chambers and fed him. John was like a wolf as he slurped down his moms breast like there was no tomorrow. After an hour or so he finally stopped and again fell asleep. Now the queen was not too worried about her childs abnormally long sleep.

She held John in her embrace not wanting to let him go. It aas as if she was afraid that someone will take her son from her.

"My queen, please give us the prince. Youve been carrying him since the day he wont wake up." Said the maid

Like a tigeress she glared at the maid "talk no more, i will carry him for as long as i want, no ones to bother me about it! Do i make myself clear?!" Reprimanded the queen

"Yes your majesty!" The maids gurriedly answered

As John fell asleep he went back to studying the journal, and learned all the quirks of his cultivation. To the present him theres not much he could do with his cultivation, as he was running through the rest of the journal he read about soul cultivation.

It was noted that, to become a powerful immortal cultivating ones soul is detrimental. There are numerous cultivators who failed to ascend as their souls are so weak that they failed to progress in their lifetime.

Soul manipulation arts

Its stated that to start cultivating it, one must divide his soul 9 times on every cultivation level.

'Its not that hard all i need to do is divide my soul 9 times, its not so bad' John thought to himself

Then he read through it.

"Wow! This soul manipulation arts is awesome!"

"It says i can see without using my eyes and i could also detect things within the range of my soul sense"

"Oh! I could also use it to attack!"

Lets try it now, he focused himself as he entered cultivation. Slowly he imagined splitting his soul in two and after a few moment a soul stirring pain suddenly hit him. The queen woke up from her sleep as her child kept crying, she tried everything to make him stop but it was all to no avail.

"Child what is wrong with you, stop crying"


"What am i supposed to do!"

"You!" She pointed at one of her guard

"You have siblings right?"

"Yes your majesty!" She hurriedly reply

"What do you think is wrong with your prince?!"

The queen was dancing as she carried her son trying her best to calm the crying child. Unknown to then John was experiencing a very excruciating pain from splitting his soul in two.

The whole palace once again rattled by the queen, she wouldnt let anyone hold her child as each and every one in the palace who has a child told her what they do on an agitated child.

Poor queen, she kept dancing with her child, but John wont stop crying.

Huwahhhhhhh... Huwahhhhhh...

She felt so nervous as the child wont stop crying.

Inside the palace hall, the usually cold and composed queen is currently dancing while singing a lullaby. No one dared to sleep, as the queen was actively trying her best to calm the prince.

"Minister! Please talk to her highness. Shes now tired. She led the raid against the cavalry and just gave birth after, and since the prince birth she has not slept that much. Im afraid shed fell ill. Please minister talk to our queen!" Pleaded the maids

The minister was the right hand of the king and the queens birth father.

"Diane! My daughter please have a rest, panicking wont do you any good" the minister slowly explained

But the queen replied angrily "father! Weve waited for a century for a child and now we had one, why wont i worry knowing that there is something wrong with him? Look at you, is that how a grandfather should act, its as if you dont care at all!"

The minister kept silent. He knew how stubborn his daugther is. Deep inside he was so happy that he is to become a geandfather, ever since his wife, the queens mother died. He never took any other woman, and raised his only child Diane on his own.

Thus, after knowing the abnormality of the prince, he ordered to call on all the physicians known through out the empire, even without the queen giving the order. Its his grandson for Gods sake!

Noon that day, the earth shook as a massive group of soldiers in gold armor came in marching in formation to the capital. It was led by a handsome looking muscular man in bear chest, wearing a crown and a red cape embroidered with a golden dragon on his back. This was the king of gold empire the reigning king of the Empire. The 7th king of the gold empire, Jonathan Gold.

After winning the war, the king got news of the capitals raid, thus he personally rushed to the frontlines to immediately end the war and save his pregnant queen.

Normally, the king wont worry that there would be invaders. Since his queens power is on par with him, but knowing that his wife is pregnant, he was worried that something might happen to them.

Seeing the city walls, Jonathan stood on top of his war horse and disappeared in an instant. When he arrived ath the palace everyone was standing outside the queens bed chamber fidgety and worried. The king hurriedly rushed inside to room pushing aside who blocks his way, with red eyes and murderous intent seeping out of his being. When he saw his wife lying on the bed tightly holding her son, while looking at her swollen eyes with layers for eye bags and dried tears on her cheek; the murderous intent intensified as his body grew in size, his skin color changed from lighter skin to gold. The weaker cultivators fainted with foam on their mouths. While the others fell on their knees due to the massive pressure released by the king.

Before he could let out what he is about to say. The king flew outside the castle destroying the walls as he stopped as he crashed onto the city wall. The king was shocked and thought that an assassin might have been the one who attacked him. To hit him without him noticing, he knew that the assailant is stronger or as at least on the same level as him. Worrying about his wife and sons well being, he rushed back to the castle only to see his wife murderously looking at him, before he could explain himself, he was hit by a barrage of fists and kicks. The king was confused by his wifes action that all he could do is curl into a ball shielding his head as he waited for her to stop venting her anger.

After a few hundred hits, a loud crying was heard and the attacks stopped. The king felt relief, but he felt shivers as he heard his wife saying.

"Jonathan, you stupid oaf! Im not done with you!"

When he followed his wife he saw her lifting his son as she danced him while singing a lullaby. When he tried to get near them he was greeted with a kick. he had long turned back to normal thus the kick had turned his arms numb. Then suddenly someone held onto his shoulder. As he looked it was his father in law, the minister, asked him to move outside the chamber to talk to him.

"Father, what is wrong with my wife? Our son just cried, why would she react so violently?" He asked

'Why react so violently? You dont know that it took her 2 days of continuous dancing and singing without sleep just to calm your son? And just when he calmed down you barged in with such thick murderous intent waking him up?, haist!' He thought to himself, as he could not voice it out to the king.


"Ah, your highness, the queen is just tired. She wanted to personally take care of the prince" he replied

"What? How useless are they to not even make their queen rest?!" Shouted the king

"Madam Linda!"

"Yes your majesty?"

"Care to explain what is happening?!" As he glared at the old maid and the queens head guard

"Sire, its like this..." she retold the king everything that happened since the prince was born

After learning what caused the ruckus, he felt guilty of what he did due to misunderstanding