
Just as John calmed down after he successfully divided his soul in two, he felt a very strong murderous intent that is nearing him and his mother. When he saw his sleeping mother, looking at her haggard appearance, he felt a stabbing pain on his heart. He wanted her to rest, but the blood lust he felt was so strong that he was worried for his mothers well being. Thus, he cried. What surprised him is that when the man with strong murderous intent came inside the room he looked tenderly on his mother and rage spiked when he saw his mothers poor condition.

He stopped crying but what happened next was beyond his expectation. His mother suddenly appeared before the man and gave him a strong round house kick sending the man accross the wall.

"Wow! Moms awesome! That kicks gonna send that man God knows how far"

'If i were in my prime on my previous life, id turn into mince meat! No! Id die without even a speck of dust left, with the power of that kick! How strong was that man?' He was thinking

He noticed that despite kicking the man his mother never had a killing intent as she gave the attack. This John wasnt worried at all, he was wondering 'who is that man?'

Worried about his mother that left his side John only knew that if he cried his mother would rush back, thus he cried!

As he thought, after a few moments his mother came and carried him in her arms.

John felt at ease and he stopped crying.

The the man came back! He was now glaring at him as the man tried to come closer to him and his mother. The queen noticed his sons glare and felt proud that her baby is trying to protect her, as what she thought.

So she greeted him with a kick and continued to dance with her child, she was now happily holding him. While John snuggled his face on her mothers bossom trying to imprint her scent, as if he feared that ge might loose her.

The king nodded as he listened

"So thats what happened, seems like i misunderstood"

As he went inside the bed chamber, Diane was lying on the bed playing with John who was nested on her arms.

He walk slowly as gently sit nex to her.

"Honey im sorry" said Jonathan

"Hmf... dont you ever dare do that again, look at our child he keeps glaring at you since you released you blood lust."

"Such a sensible child, he immediately cried as if alerting me of the danger" then she giggled

Diane felt her sons worry by his simple actions and made her feel proud as a mother. This was a newborn baby and he already showed her so much care. As a mother how could she not feel proud.

Jonathan tried to touch Diane but he noticed his son glaring at him. He laughed it out and held onto her. Then after quick kiss to his wife, Jonathan reached out to John and lifted him.

With a very loud laughter he shouted so loud that the whole imperial capital shook and heard him say, "today i am a father! Hahaha... from this day forth you shall be called John Gold and you shall be the heir to the throne the 8th king of Gold Empire!"

As the king declared the whole capital cheered so loud.

Everyone was on festival mode. The whole empire was celebrating for their victory and the birth of the prince.

While the gold empire is celebrating, there was a high level meeting happening at the wind empires palace. After the war the wind empire lost 50 percent of their troops against the gold empire, if this war continue, there will be no more wind empire adter the war.

Thus all high level personnel of the wind empire came.

"What do you think we should do?" Asked the king, after he knew the details of the war, the kings hair turned white overnight.

"sire, we must use our trump card and continue the war, once we invade Gold Empire we would be the sole rulers of the continent and we could start our invasion on the fire continent!" Said a general

"Silence, you stupid muscle head!" Said one of the generals

"As you know we have an advantage of numbers, and our strongest troops are all magicians that weve trained for this invasion" said another

Then the head general spoke.

"I know you all want to invade the gold empire. But from this war, there is one concclusion. We have the quantity but we lack quality soldiers"

Then he continued

"From this war, there were 2 million frontline soldiers. While gold empire led by their king only has 500,000 soldiers. After the war, we were left with a little more than 900000 soldiers, while our enemy has less than a thousand deaths and injured. If we continued this war, we will have more losses even if we won!"

"But that 2000000 troops are our average soldiers to test the waters. Our total number of troops are 10 million with 2000000 among those are our special troop of magicians."

Then a general continued

"Even if we lost this one, we are still left with 9 million troops, if we use human wave tactics, the gold empire would tire out and we will dominate then in battle!"

The commander general said "true we might win, but have you thought about the losses we would incur after the war?"

"If we ever won the war, but lost most of our troops in their desperate counter attack, then we will now be the chickens on the chopping board waiting to be slaughtered by those empires from the other continent."

Then the king sighed heavily as he spoke

"Send a messenger to the gold empire, state that we would sign a truce for 20 years. Send gifts for apology in gold and silver, and separate gufts for their new born prince."

Nobody spoke despite some of the generals were against this order, no one dared to object.

"You may all leave, commander general please stay behind."

All generals left leaving the commander general and the king kn the throne room.

"General, from this war what can you say?" Adked the king

"From this war, i can say that if we continue the ones that will suffer will be our empire."

He continued

"From the start to finish, the gold empire only sent 100000 soldiers as vanguard and our losses were massive. From our analysis, one of their soldiers equates to two of our elite soldiers. From the war i could say that 1 of their soldiers could easily trample 10 to 50 of our regular soldiers."

The king was now contemplating, and gesture the general to continue his analysis.

"But, in 20 years we could double our army and further increase our elite armies battle prowess. Then we can be sure of a landslide victory."

Then the king nodded

"Ok! Lets proceed with our plan for now, we regroup and further enhance our army. General you are dismissed!"

Then he sat on his throne as the king pondered how to proceed with the 20 years invasion plan. He is thinking of starting the succession war to look for a suitable candidate as king from his sons and daughters.

Back on gold empires bed chamber...

John now learned some of this worlds language as he listens to the peoples conversation. In order to learn more of this new world his plan was to stick to his mother like a koala. Indeed it was a success, as his mother never wanted him away from her. After a few days of being on the meetings John got the whole picture of what is currently happening.

He learned that he was the only prince of the empire

'Damn im so lucky!' And his parent are 120 years old but was considered young in this continent. They are one of the top warriors and ruler of the empire.

The war between the wind and gold empire, started due to the ambition of wind empire to rule the continent. After the war the wind empire sent an envoy for a 20 year truce, sending gifts and compensation for the gold empire.

Thus when his father Jonathan agreed with the truce and announced it to the public.

The feast that was announced by the queen started. It lasted for 3 days and 2 nights.

His parents were so loving that they kept being passionate since the day his father came. John being a man who have lived in two lifetimes, didnt mind his parents endless passion and silently absorbs mana to strengthen his cultivation.