Bad constipation

By the end of the 3 day feast, as John was about to finish his cultivation he felt his whole body burning up, he felt swollen all over, and he is now like a cooked lobster. When His parent ended their love making session, his mother noticed that His sons breath suddenly disappeared. Thus without caring that shes still naked she rushed to John and saw him completely red and is not breathing.

Looking at her sons furrowed eyebrows, and shaking body, she knew that he was still alive. Jonathan came as well and when he saw Johns condition, he hurriedly called for Linda and the imperial physicians.

The old maid came in a rush, when she saw John her eyes opened wide as the child is like a cooked lobster. But when she held the child, she felt a burning pain on her fingers. Then the physicians came one after the other as they checked Johns condition. Its been 2 minutes and Johns condition did not improve, by the look of it its getting worse.

Diane was now kneeling beside her son crying so loudly praying for her sons safety. While Jonathan was lost on what to do.

Suddenly Diane spoke

"Son if something ever happens to you, mom will be there for you!"

When Jonathan heard his wife, he was alerted, as ge knew that she would certainly commit suicide and follow their son. Thus without any warning he chopped Diane by the neck with his hands, and she fainted afterwards.

Linda please take care of my wife for me. His eyebrows were furrowed as he looked at John being cared for by the physicians.

While he is being held and checked by the physicians, John was cursing at the old men as he is currently focusing on his breakthrough.

He felt so much pain that he has no more strength to cry, slowly every cell on his body reach their macimum limit, after a minute he felt a sudden urge to poop.

Jonathan was so worried now, its been 10 minutes since John stopped breathing. He knew that its bad if this went on, thus he rushed to his son.

Just at he arrived by his son, there was a sudden burst of poop that came from John. It splattered everywhere and all the doctors checking up on him including Jonathan was showered by Johns holy bread.

John fell asleep after, he is now in his dreamland without care for the world outside.


Sounds of retching filled the room, since this doctors are not warriors that is used to the gory scene and smell of slaughter, hence their reactions.

Jonathan was like a statue looking at the scene, but instead of disgust and anger at the doctors reactions he felt happy. His son was just have a difficulty pooping!

'So this is how troublesome rearing a child! Hmnhmn...' thought to himself

Before he could speak Diane came and pushed him by the side. When she saw that John was ok, she heaved a sigh of relief.

It took her a while to realize that the whole room was filthy. Then she scolded.

"What are you all waiting for leave at once and clean yourselves. All of you are disgusting!"

The doctors all felt shame as the smell of filth seeped through their noses.

'How are we supposed to predict this would happen?' They wanted to retort but held it back

Then there was a commotion outside, as the minister Alfred came with a group of physicians.

As he entered the room, the smell of filth was so unbearable. As a seasoned warrior he is used to this kind of smell thus he was able to keep his composure. Seeing the embarased look of the doctors inside covered in filth, he knew not to speak his mind.

"Doctors thank you for taking care of the prince."

The doctors bowed to the king and queen, then the minister, and then they left.

As soon as they left the room the doctors hurriedly went to their homes as they are agitated to wash of the filth.

Linda who was standing by the side didnt know whether to laugh or cry. She was trying her best to hold her laughter as tears were falling on her cheeks as she recalled the event.

Noticing her abnormal behavior Alfred ask Linda.

"Did anything happen?"

Linda recounted the events and Alfred had his lips twitching as he heard of the event.

"The prince had a bad constipation!" And Linda couldnt hold it anymore as she burst into a soft laughter as Alfred followed through.

Of all the people they are the only ones who could laugh at the couple in their most awkward moments.

Diane was now done cleaning up John, when she saw her husbands dumb look that is covered with Johns filth, she released her aura to wake him up from his day dream.

As soon as Jonathan noticed his wife aura wave, he suddenly burst into laughter. Then he said without thinking "my son is so extraordinary, even his poop took me bu surprise!" Then he scratched the back of his head.

Diane stood up carrying John, she looked at her embarased husband

"Enough of that, hurry up and wash, your so disgusting!" Then she giggled and pinched Johns sleeping face.

Jonathan left in an instant and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Oh father your here?!" Just now did Diane noticed her father

"I just arrived, i brought doctors to check on John, but he's ok when we arrived" he replied

Diane hummed as she sang a lullaby to John.

Alfred just shook his head and signalled Linda as the left the mother and child alone.

It took 3 hours for Jonathan to wash of the smell of filth, when he got out of the bathroom both Diane and John were sleeping soundly on their bed, he laid down beside them and slept as well.

The next day when John woke up he checked his cultivation and he is now a low human level of the first stage of the bloody immortal body tampering arts. Thinking of his soul manipulation arts he was still not satisfied.

If the other cultivatators where to know about this they might vomit blood in frustration.

Days went on normally within the empire. Today John was meditating to improve his soul cultivation. Jonathan pleaded his wife Diane to let him carry his son, he went straight to the military training grounds while carrying his son. He was watching the soldiers train as he walk across the camp carrying John.

John made a mental note that by the time he finished the first stage of his soul manipulation he should have 1024 soul pieces and to promote himself to the next level he needs to merge this 1024 soul pieces again into one. Then he needed to repeat this process again and again until the 9th stage. He woke up from his meditation and saw men and women doing their routine military drills at the camp. John was impressed by their discipline, there were variety of age group within the camp starting from 5 years old to adults on both sexes. All have different training regimes based on their strengths.

As they saw the king walk near them, everyone immediately stood in fromation. There were 3 burly men who stood at the very front. When John saw them he was impressed by the discipline. The men and women training didnt even flinch.

"Hahahaha... son look at our soldiers, this is the pride of our empire" he spoke with pride as though his son could understand what he says.

He continued "in our empire young and old; men nad women are soldiers raised for the battle field!"

John was excited as he saw the fervent gazes of every soldier as they heard their king bragged to his newborn son their might.

'Once i grew up ill make my own special force here' he thought

Jonathan waved his hand and the soldiers resumed their training. As Jonathan went to the commanders tent the three generals followed.

Knowing that his father will be discussing boring military matters he proceeded with his sould cultivation.

"Sire!" Shouted the three generals

Jonathan was startled and looked at the meditating John,afraid that he would wake up. He glared at the three and threw three rapid fist wave hitting them at the same time.

Thud...thud...thud... the three fell at the same time

"Lower down your voice!" He reprimanded

'Your voice is louder than us' the three thought

They started the meeting, while John was concentrating he started splitting his soul. He readied himself as he knew how painful splitting his soul is.

At the tent, Jonathan, was now getting agitated as the generals were shouting at each other. He kept looking at them then John who was now furrowing his eyebrows, just as he was about to mediate the three release their auras.

With such a coincidence, John also successfully split his soul and the pain started. Just as the aura was released John also started crying, due to his soul force stregnthened his cry shook the four a bit.

Due to the sudden soul attack after he cried the four didnt react in time, as they were numbed for a second. Jonathan was the first to react, despite Johns crying, he was elated as he could feel the soul attacks of Johns cry. As an expert he knew that it was the soul that is the hardest to strengthen. Knowing that his son could release soul attacks while crying proves that his son was not normal and has a strong soul.

Which parent doesnt want their child to be strong and talented. Having a strong soul guarantees that hos son would be an immortal once he reached the peak of his mortal cultivation.

Both him and Diane are both peak earth immortal cultivators, a step away from heaven immortal. As they near their god hood ascension he fears for his son would not be talented enough and would fend for himself once they ascend. Thus Diane told Jonathan that when the time comes she would hold her cultivation and wait for John to be an earth immortal before she would ascend.

But now he knew that his worries too much. His ego went up as he thought 'how can our child be mediocre? With my and Diane as his parents, how could our child be mediocre'

As he was inflating his ego, the whole camp is in disorder.

All the weaker soldiers have fainted with foaming mouths, while others are kneeling while holding their heads due to the soul tearing pain, delivered by Johns soul attack.

While Jonathan was in his smiling silly, Diane came rushing inside the tent, she came as soon as her maid reported that the prince cried when the generals released their aura during their meeting.

'I knew those pig brains would cause trouble' though she was complaining she knew that these straight forward men are actually good natured. Its just that they are not good with words thus usually talk with their fists.

When she entered the camp she saw the ruckus. She knew that it was a soul attack that caused this, but when she felt that the soul attack came from her son; she was shocked and elated at rhe same time.

When John cried at the palace she didnt notice this because most of the people there are high level cultivators. Thus this week soul attack wont cause any ruckus. But since this is the army camp, its different, there are alot soldiers in training.

She knew that of this continued the weaker cultivators would die as this continues soul attack would shatter their fragile souls. Thus as she walks to the commander tent Diane released her soul aura to shield the soldiers, thus screams halted. When she entered the tent her good mood was shattered as he saw the giggling Jonathan while he day dreams.

'He must have gotten so excited when he felt the soul attack, he forgot that that there were alot of weak soldiers nearby. Haist'

She shook her head and hit the back of Jonathans head waking him up from his day dream.

"How dare you hit me! Do you now have bigger fist than me?" As he scolded the three generals

But the three just stood afar, they vigorously shook their heads. Then used their eyes as they looked at the queen.

When Diane tapped his shoulder he knew who it was, as he turned around he slowly gulped a mouthful of saliva.


"Honey" then she took the crying John from his arms and gave him a strong kick at the abdomen

"Hmf.. you got so excited you forgot your inside the military camp!"

"And you three, are you statues? You knew whats happening outside and you didnt even dare speak out? Your soldiers might die and you didnt wake this oaf? Grrrr"

Diane was so mad of Jonathans negligence. Before she was crowned the queen, Diane was one of the 4 legion generals of the gold empire.