There is nothing wrong with the prince

When Diane saw the soldiers fainting she felt a heart stabbing pain. Thus she couldnt control hitting Jonathan when she saw him spacing out.

As she was dancing John, Jonathan went out of the tent when he saw the commotion, he sighed. He knew it was due to his negligence that this happened.

"All soldiers move to the mountain camp now! Carry the fainted" He ordered

As the three other generals were about to leave, Diane spoke "since you are the cause of this commotion accompany your king in calming the prince! Are we clear?" As she glared at the men

"Yes maam!" The four replied in unison

She gave the crying John to Jonathan as she left the tent and went back to the castle.

The four poor men were looking at each other as they knew nothing of taking care of children. Even though the other 3 had children, they never took care of a child before it was all done by their wives.

As soon as Diane got back to the castle Albert was there, he asked "where is John?"

He knew what happened at the camp, thus when he didnt see John he was wondering what got into his daughters mind. Since she gave birth to John this was the very first time the child left her side, for this long.

"I left it to the 4 of them to calm him down" she non chalantly replied

Alfred smacked his fore head upon hearing her reply, he knew how hard it is to calm his grandson. The last time he cried this hard, Diane didnt sleep for almost 3days no matter what everyone did to entertain John he just wont stop.

"Aunt Linda, please prepare my tent we will be staying at the military camp" she ordered

"Yes your majesty, the old woman replied"

"Autumn, go to the mountain camp, ask for 10000 sky realm soldiers to guard the 2km periphery of the main camp, no one shall enter 2km from the maincamp area! Then summon my numbered soldiers!"

"Yes my queen!" Then autumn vanished from her spot

"Father, any news from our spies?" She asked Alfred

"According to pur men, wind nation has started an empire wide recruitment." He looked at his daughter then continued

"They also started builing training camps on their 4 major cities, from our sources they plan to recruit 20 million soldiers."

"Fromt this we can deduct that they have not stopped their ambition to conquer the whole continent!" Then he tightly clenched his fist

Diane was silently listening as she was looking blankly at the window. Then as Alfred finished his report, she spoke

"Indeed they are ambitious!"

"After experiencing our might they immediately started planning to completely swallow us!"

"After the last planar war, we lost most of our soldiers perished and given that most of our citizens are cultivators, we lack the man power needed to increase our army"

"Tell our spies to keep watching their movements, we should also prepare our forces"

Then she walked out of the castle and went to the training camp.

When she arrived the tent was already set up, she watch the four men at the commander tent. Jonathan was swaying side to side as the other three were showing of their martial arts.

No matter what they do John wouldnt stop, after a while three gorgeous women came as the greeted Diane.

"Your highness"

As she turned, Diane smile was so wide as she faced the three, they were Macy, Tina and Myles. They were her best friends as they grew up together. The four of them were known as the red roses of gold empire, as they are usually covered in blood on the battle field.

They were the wive af the other generals Tom Dickson and Harry. When then looked at the four men trying to calm John. The four ladies giggled as they watched their husbands doing their antics.

"Diane congratulations!" They all congratulated their friend, the ladies knew that Diane and Jonathan were trying so hard this last century to have a child but as cultivators they knew how hard it was to bear a child.

"Thank you everyone" Diane sincerely replied

Then they went inside the tent and started discussing business.

"From our spies, weve learned that wind empire started a massive recruitment. It was nated that they are planning to recruit 20 million new soldiers and is preparing their training camps on their 4 main cities"

Diane started

"based on our deductions, they plan to outbunber us on their next invasion which might happen once the 20 year truce ends, or it might come earlier." She added

"If my conjecture is correct, they will do guerilla tactics and nasty mean such as assassination of out top warriors during this time to lessen our dwindling number of soldiers, thus when they launch thier full scale attack it would be an overwhelming victory" then she looked at the other three

The three ladies did not comment but stayed silent as they digest the information.

"We could start training the kids, based on our current count in the accademy the total number of 5-10 years old is around 300,000; while those 11- 15 years old is about 200,000." Macy added

"Lets change the training regime and include real life training! What do you think?" Tina suggested

"But its too risky they are too young to start them on real life training" Myles said

As the four women were discussing the four men were trying their best to calm John.

"Hey Tom, youve got the most kids here, any suggestions on how we could calm down John?" Said Harry

"Will you shut up Harry, im thinking!" Replied Tom as he shouted at Harry

"This only proves that it was Macy who took care of your kids!" Said Dickson as he laughed at Tom

"Look whose talking, Tinas also the one taking care of your kids!" Reprimanded Tom

Then the three started fighting and the earth shook with every punch and kicks they released

Just as Jonathan held Tom a kick landed on the back of his head from Harry. Jonathans fuse broke, he slowly walked by the side and called Linda. Then he gave John to her and rush to the three guys and joind the fight.

As linda saw what happened, she carried the crying baby to Diane to report. Before she reach the tent the four women were now standing outside glaring at the four men fighting amongst them selves, when they saw Linda coming their way holding John. The four ladies got more irritated.

"They cant even take care of a child and started fighting!" Said Diane

Then suddenly the four women rushed to the men and each giving out their fiercest blow to their husbands then each held their husbands ear as they twisted it so hard that the four were limping as the followed their wives.

Now four men were kneeling infront of their wives, like children who did wrong.

"What in the hell are you doing?" Diane said

'Iwas just rying to stop them' Jonathan was thinking as he tried to defend himself, but never dared to voice it out. The other 3 were also thinking the same thing, and so they thought.


A loud grumbling sound is heard, as Diane saw her crying son she knew it was him, thus, she left the group and went inside the tent carrying John. When she reached out her breast to John, he gobbled it up and stopped crying, looking at her son. All her displeasure dispersed, after 2 hours he stopped drinking her milk and again started crying.

Shes having a head ache, 'what is wrong with John?'

As she went out Diane told Linda to call for the doctors and check on John, but gave a strict of only saint expert doctors and above are to check up on him. Its not that she looks down on the weaker cultivation doctors, but with the spiritual attacks given out by Johns cry those weaker doctors might suffer from the soul attack.

When the doctors came, they all turned wide eye, as the king and 3 generals were kneeling infront of the 4 ladies. They knew that this four were the men with the highest authority in the gold empire. They were smart enough not to make a comment.

"Doctors, please look at the prince. The child wont stop crying and after he feeds he would continuously cry, as you know this would go on for days. Last time it too him 2 days before he calmed down."

As the doctors nodded. Each one xame to check the prince. Before they were invited some of the imperial physicians were not satisfied when they knew that she only invited saint level cultivation doctors. But when they came near the prince, the barrage of soul attacks from each cry, they knew that thos below saint level mught have their souls shattered. When they came, they knew there was something abnormal as the camp was empty and there were saint level soldiers blocking the 2 km perimeter of the camp. Experiencing the abnomarl soul attacks of the prince they knew the reason behind.

The doctors were racking their brains out, as they brain storm on the prince condition. For two whole days they cant come up with a diagnosis, the prince was simply normal, its was like hes having a normal tantrum a child would have but every 2 hours he would feel hungry, would pee and poop like normal.

On the third day john finally calmed down, 'splitting my soul is just too painful' when he woke up he saw the haggard look of everyone.

As he heard them discuss, John learned that they misunderstood him. They associated his crying with tantrums and his break through in body tampering arts as constipation.

John find it funny as, this is a perfect misunderstanding. He now has a perfect cover for gis cultivation. Who would ever think that a baby could cultivate. Having these thoughts John wouldn't mind thinking up of ways to cover up his abnormal behaviour; all he has to do is time his break through perfectly to keep the misunderstanding.

As he checked his soul, he noticed that each soul pieces are now more substantial. Before he didnt think about it too much. As he recalled before splitting his soul the first time, his sould was blurry.

As he listened to the convesation around him, John was impressed about his comprehension. He noticed how fast he learned the language, just by correlating and observing the people around him speak. Its not that he is stupid or anything.

On his previous life, he knew 30 different languages and he was fluent in all of them as if it was his own native tongue. However it took him atleast a month, to be proficient in each of it.

This gave him a fright. What John doesnt know, as he increase in his soul power and his body evolves, his brain would further develop.

John read the journal once more, he could read it least 10x faster than before. His comprehension improved and his analytical thinking was faster.

Subconsciously he tried doing two different things at the same time. His right index finger would write a page on a book he once read on earth, while his left hand would write a favourite song he once loved on earth, "love of a life time." As he was doing this experiment he felt elated as he could really do it! He tried to add reciting a poem while doing the other two. And to his surprise he is not even distracted doing 3 things at the same time.

Meanwhile, when Diane saw him, she never thought what he was doing was abnormal. She thought John was playing by himself, as she baby talked her son.

"Your highness, based on our observation." Then there was a long pause, the head physician looked at his collegues as if waiting for their approval. The others gave a nod then he proceeded.

"The prince is relatively normal!" He said it slowly while he observe their reactions.

Diane lifted her eyebrows when she heard him. Thinking 'i never heard of a child that cries this long, and even constipate like John, who stops breathing for 10 minutes before passing out his poop. Not to mention when he is constipated his skin would turn red and he is also scalding hot' even if she was unsatisfied with their findings she didnt voice it out.

'Other than when he is crying and constipated, John is perfectly normal. Anyway lets just observe it for now.' She thought

The doctor was not standing stiffly as cold sweat pours down body, he never dared to say a word or move. The queens gesture made him very nervous. He knew how fiery her temper is, even the king would succumb to her if shes mad.

"Thank you doctors, its been hard on you all. Ill just summon you when there is a problem." As she signalled them to leave , the doctors sighed in relief. They were really on their wits end looking for the princes problem. But as they checked the child, aside from his abnormal soul force, there was nothing wrong with him.

"You four, follow us inside the tent!" As he ordered Jonathan and the others.

She went inside carrying John, followed by the ladies then the men. John just finish his experiment and he quietly listened to their discussion.