I need power urgently

As the meeting continued, John learned of the current plight of the Gold Empire. He now got a clearer picture of the empires overall status.

He thankful that he was reincarnated with numerous advantages. I now believe that doing good give you good karma.

The four men were each holding on their knees as they were hitting each other with their elbows.

"The four of you, based on what we have discussed, we will be including real life training to all the students of the academy. We will inform all the parents of the students of the changes in pur curriculum." The she looked at the four men

"As for the four of you, make sure there is no danger to the younger students while the are in real life training, just tell those incharge to help if they experience life and death troubles." Understood

"Arent you too harsh dear?" Jonathan interjected

Indeed it was a harsh decision, in the Gold empire the kids enter the academy at the age of 5 and graduate by 15. Usually the 11-15 years old student are the only ones who do real life training, while the younger ones would do their trainings on the military camp. After 5 years of strict military training are thay permitted to explore and train outside.

"No! We need to take drastic measures. As you know compared with the wind empire our gold empire has smaller population." Then she continued as she waited for the others to digest he point

"We may have stronger military might, but we would be overwhelmed by their numbers. Right now they are having a massive recruitment, after 20 years they would have numerical advatage over us." Then she paused

The others were silent as the contemplated

"Granted that 1 of our men is equivalent to 10-100 of them, its not a guarantee that we would win. Why? Because though the wind empire seem weak during the last war, what we fought were basically cannon fodders."

"The elite members of their army didnt participate during the war, if their elite soldiers and ours meet, granted that we overwhelm them 1:2, just by their numerical advantage we would suffer a huge loss!"

"But we could just train our regulars soldiers more, to increase their prowess!" Defended Jonathan

As the king he doesnt want to use the young ones during the war, as long as there are younger generation, the kingdom wont perish.

"I know where your getting at, even im hesitant with this decision of ours. But, have you every thought that the wind empire wont use any unscrupulous means while waiting for tge truce to end?" Diane replied

"This plan of ours is to strengthen the younger generation to replace the old! We need them to grow early, just incase any mishaps happen our kingdom could still survive." Smaid Diane

Growing up in this empire, she knew the passion of every people of her empire to protect their empire. She knew that when worse comes to worse, all citizens would hold their spears and fight the enemy. When this happens, many of the older generation would die, and their empire would only be left for the young. Thinking of this possibility, Diane wanted to prepare for the worst possible outcome.

With a sigh, Jonathan knew that his wife was correct. If they ever perish they must leave the empire to competent youth to make the empire survive and flourish.

100 years ago, after the planar war most of the older generation died during the battles against alien invaders from the other realm. They were caught unprepared, luckily at that time the generation of youth (Jonathan and Dianes generation) were competent and very talented, thus despite the empires massive loss, they did not regress and continued to flourish.

This time they had time to prepare. Thay wanted to train the you ger generations earlier to make them conpetent in case the older generation perish.

Then she looked at the young John who was quietly looking around. As much as possible they didnt want to give the throne away to non royals, as it would break the tradition. But as monarchs they should be the ones leading the empires soldiers in their rally. Thus they needed to make a decision. John was too young, as parents they have strong belief on their childs capability, but he was still a new born. It will take time before he becomes an adult. It would be best if the wind empire completes the 20 years truce, but what if they attack earlier, once they reached their goals. This they didnt know, what else could they do? But prepare for the unknown.

"Its decided! We proceed with this plan! Recall the army from the mountain camp" Jonathan ordered

As they dismissed, the royal family went to the castle followed by their guards. As they reached the castle, The couple left John to Linda as they went inside the bed chambers for another session of love making.

"My parents are so cute." He thought to himself

The Linda went to Johns bed chamber just next to the couples and place him on his crib. As he was laid down, John analyzed everything he heard. By what he could deduce, the kingdom is in peril. They are in danger of destruction, as they enemy has overwhelming numbers. As he contemplated, they never talked about assassinating the other countries top brass, or sabotaging their training camps.

Based on his current observation, almost everyone in the empire are honest and straight forward people. They hated using underhanded means to solve their problems. This he was glad, but, during this time they should atleast try it. John contemplated, he could now feel his blood boiling. He couldnt wait to legitimately start cultivating, whats on his mind right now is to increase his strength to get an upper hand in his cultivation. The stronger he is, the more he could help his parents.

Once Linda left, John actively cultivated his body tampering arts, he is now a first level low human. He felt the urgency to improve his power, thus, he is doing three thing at the same time. Actively cultivating his body tampering arts, comprehanding his soul cultivation and reading the journal.

Days went by and both his parents are busy with their preparation. As usual Diane would never leave John behind, except during their lovey dovey moments. John now has a clear grasp of the uses of his soul, he could send out his soul sense, it was like a 360 degrees radar. As he tried it John was elated, everything in his surrounding 10 meters is visible to him. Even the insects and dust around him, couldnt escape his detection.

Diane was initially shocked when she noticed John spreading his soul sense, but was so excited as well. One her child is special, two his soul is so powerful that once he started training it, he could have means to protect himself against stronger cultivators.

One day both Jonathan and Diane were doing their routine, work out on their chambers when John accidentally spread his soul sense. John didnt retract it at it would seem stranger for a baby to act like a guilt person peeping. The couple were stunned for a bit as they didnt know how to react, Diane was flustered. They both lost their composure, as they were still connected. Diane was still in shock while on all her fours, her face was so red as if blood was dripping. Jonathan was first to react, he said as if the baby could understand him. 'Well John could' anyway... Jonathan said, "son this is how adults play." He straightened his body with a gusto, and released his soul power to block Johns.

John was stunned by his fathers reaction. "Dad how thick skinned can you be?" he maintained the soul sense and waited for his soul power to drain. He needed to act, "how long will i have to wait before i could start training." After 2 hours he was completely wasted as he drained every drop of soul power, thus he fainted afterwards.

When Jonathan noticed Johns soul sense retracted, the couple rush to his bedroom as they saw John who fainted due to exhaustion.

Diane lifted him gently, her cheeks were still red. Then the couple discussed about Johns condition.

"Honey, we need to cover up Johns talent. The more special he is, the more danger he would attract from our enemies!" As Diane emphasized her point, she wont negotiate. As she knew that 'the tallest tree attracts the wind'. John needed time to grow, for him to protect himself. As his parents they needed to shelter him while his wings are still weak.

Jonathan summoned Alfred. The old man came as soon as he was called,

"Your majesty" as he bowed

"Father, we want to discuss with you about John."

After gearing about rhe agenda, Alfred took it very seriously especially that his only grandson was involved.

The couple continued "father as you know John is a very special child..." Jonathan paused

Then as Alfred nodded in response, he continued

"Since he was born he has been quite, hmnn... special compared to other kids" "ugh.." as Claire hit his rib cage with he elbow.

"What! Are you about to say that my son is abnormal!" Shouted Diane as she reprimanded Jonathan for his wrong choice of words

"He is special... anyway, as you might have noticed and heard from the physicians he has a very strong soul force. Last time when he cried he released soul attacks at the military camp, disabling many new recruits..."

Alfred knew about this and he was drinking till morning after havibg heard of this news. Then he nodded.

"I would like you to form a team, and cover up Johns special talent. Make it seem from the outside world that the prince is just like any other kids, but with strong tantrums. Send out a martial order to all the soldiers and doctors who came in contact with John, to keep this to their graves!" As thick killing intent was released by Jonathan.

Alfred knew how important this was. Thus even before he recieved this order he already started covering up for his grandson. As a grandfather he wanted to boast how special his grandson is. However as the only prince of the empire and son of the monarch, he kept everything to himself and celebrated alone.

"Yes my lord!" He replied, looking tenderly at his grandson. As Diane noticed her fathers gaze, she stood up and gave John to Alfred.

He was so excited, this was the first time he was able to hold the child. 'Diane never let anyone hold her son' he was very happy as John acted and tried pulling his beard.

After a few minutes playing with his grandson, he gave him to Diane and asked leave.

The couple looked at Alfreds disappearing back and smiled together as the looked at their son.

That night John could feel that he is about to have another break through in his body tampering arts. He planned to hold his passing of stool for two days before he would proceed with his break through. Using the perfect misunderstanding of constipation He waited two more days.

On the third day, his overly saturated cells, started its evolution and he again stopped breathing, while his skin turned red. When Diane noticed Johns abnormality she knew that he might have been constipated again. So she called the doctors, which came the instant they were summoned. They tried to give him medicine but Johns mounth was tightly shut. They kept observing him, after 20 munites, Johns linen swaddle flew as the filth burst from his behind. Unlike last time, everyone was prepared thus they avoided being showered by his holy bread.

Now John was known to have strong tantrums and bad constipation. As he woke up, John checked his progress, first level mid human, he also noticed that he could better control his body. His motor development is like that of a two year old from earth.

What he didnt know was the child development on this world is the same as that on earth, its just that the childern here are much stronger physically that that on earth. But they develop almost the same.

When he was alone in his room, John tried standing up. He was excited, he's just abit before a month old and he could now stand, he didnt try walking as his parents would notice. He waited for his parents would resume their workout, as it was the only time their soul sense was retracted, before he would try walking and running. As the soul sense was retracted he stood up from his crib and started walking, jumping and jog in place. It didnt took long as he laid down when he felt that someone is about to enter the room. When Linda opened the door and saw the sleeping John, she closed the door and left.