Childhood promise

John continued his training, he knew that he would attract unnecessary troubles due to his special status.

The bloody immortal journal in his soul seal was read by him several times. He maximized the use of his multitasking skill to upgrade his power faster.

Today there was a visitor in the palace, it was his moms childhood friends and also bestfriends. Macy, Tina and Myles; they also brought their daughters Jane, Claire and Claudia. Jane is the eldest being twelve years old, Claire and Claudia are both 5 years old.

"Diane, do you remember our agreement?" It was Macy who first started the conversation.

Diane was perplexed but she nodded in response. Macy smiled as she pushed Jane near Diane

"Jane say hello to your mother-in-law" as she instructed her daughter, Jane was dumbstruck as she suddenly felt shy upon hearing her mothers words. People from this world mature early as they are constantly having wars and threats from monsters and other races. Some would marry as early as 13 years old, they would start training by the age of 5, thus they were taught of the worlds common sense as soon as they learn how to speak.

It was no wonder Jane had such reactions. Calling the queen mother-in-law was the same as giving her hand in marraige.

She shyly said, "Mo~ mother-in-law" the she bowed her head so low trying to hide her embarassment.

When the other two heard Macy, they were regretful that they didnt speak up first. Then they also asked Diane of their promise and told their daughters to call her mother-in-law. When Jonathan and the men heard their wifes conversation the three men glared at Jonathan. He could feel the cold piercing stares coming from his friends, as if they were looking at their most hated enemy.

"Jonathan, you may be the king, but if ever John makes my only princess cry. I would cripple him and make him a eunuch." Harry was the first to speak his mind. The other two just nodded vigorously as they were thinking the same.

Irritated by the reaction of the three, Jonathan charged at them and they brawled at the hallway. Waves and waves of powerful shock waves from the kicks and punches were released as they hit each other. None of the guards dare intervene, 'who would? Unless they are not afraid to die.' These are earth immortals brawling , even if they dont hit to kill, their punches were so strong that even the shock wave could turn a gold level cultivator into powder.

As the three continued with their fight, the women were happily talking, the kids knew each other as they grew up together and were good friends. Diane placed John on his crib and asked the girls to play with him. The girls looked at the cute baby boy, he has light skin color, brown hair, straight well defined nose and rosy lips and golden pupils. the girls were attracted by his gaze, it was so mesmerizing that felt like being drawn to him. When the mothers noticed the girls abnormal behavior they instantly wrapped them with their soul force.

The girls were still in daze, as the kept looking at John.

"Im sorry Macy, Tina, Myles" Diane bowed in apology, she knew her sons powerful soul force, but she was negligent to consider that the girls had very weak cultivation that the would be easily affected by John.

In truth John could control his soul power, but to make his act more believable he needed to put it on a babys stand point, thus he acted as if he was doing thing unconsciously. Thus when the girls came near him, he tried using his soul power to practice his charm arts. This is the new discovery of John, which he learned from the journal. For the journal it says that he could start it after he is soul arts is level two, however due to his abnormally strong soul force he could use it against weaker cultivators.

The other woman, didnt get mad, but was instead proud. Yes, the felt proud that they made the decision to marry their daughters to John. What happened now only proves that John has strong potential. No not just potential, he is special, after he starts training he might be overpowered due to his abnormal soul force.

"Its ok Diane" they replied together

"Diane, i think we need to keep Johns talent a topsecret with the highest level of security!" Myles stressed out. They knew how dangerous it would be if this came to be known by others.

"I know" Diane sighed, then she continued

"Thats why we taked with father about it and made rumors and lies to cover it up..."

The ladies all agreed, if this is known by their enemies Johns life would be in danger. As their enemies wont wait a strong threat to grow.

"Why not we isolate John into the back mountain of the castle, then we find a double for him in the castle. When he could control his powers thats when he would return." Suggested Macy

Diane is contemplating, 'indeed when he could understand instructions, we could start teaching him how to control his powers' she thought

She needed Jonathan to approve, as this is a very important decision.

She stood up carrying John and the ladies followed with their daughters. As soon as she opend the door, a shock wave flew to ther direction, but it dissipated in an instant.

The ladies eyes widened as they knew what it was, Diane called Linda and gave her John and the girls to take xare of. The 4 ladies flew to the courtyard and hit their husbands at the same time.


Four successive banging was heard as four men plastered on the courtyard wall. As the dust settled the four men stood up and saw 4 tigress coming their way. As they came Diane spoke

"What have you been doing?" The four have swollen faces, they looked so funny but the ladies held their laughter

Jonathan was first to speak up, "you see i was just defending my sons honor!" He declared proudly

Diane raised her eyebrows as she guessed the cause of all the ruckus, the other three might have said something to John as they heard them talk about marrying their only daughters to her son.

As she listened to their stories, she was indeed right with her guess. She couldnt blame them, Jonathan might say the samethings to them if it were their daughter. Thus she didnt talk anymore.

"Okay now, im here to discuss with you" then looked at Jonathan, the other three were now leaving as they might be talking about something personal. But they were signalled by Diane to stay.

Then the ladies released their soul force creating a shield preventing others from listening to their conversation.

"You see honey, the ladies and i agreed that we should keep John hidden until he could control his powers." Then she paused

Jonathan knew this is the best plan but if he kept his son, it has stepped on his pride as the kingdoms emperor and top cultivator. To him its like slapping his face, 'lets hide our son you cant protect him from out enemies', this was in his mind right now.

His fists were clenched and his skin was changing color, he is mad right now. The others knew that, Jonathan is usually playfull and easy to talk to, he is not to stiff and would always joke around. However is is very proud and would never allow anyone to trample on his pride. Thus when they saw Jonathan they knew he was triggered y what Diane said.

Diane kept her composure, "its not that im saying you are weak to protect our son!" Then she added

"What i mean is, even if we are confident that we could protect him, we need to keep his talents a topsecret with the highest level of security."

Then she continued "if i were our enemies, once ive learned that John has this strong potential to be a threat, i would do all means to eliminate him." Then Jonathan started to calm down as he listened

'Indeed if they knew my son is this talented once he started venturing, they will not let him grow. They might send powerful assassins and we might be too late to come and save him' he knew this thus he was considering the plan. If they were successful in keeping this secret, John would have enough time to grow. Thus he nodded and gestured Diane to continue

"Thus lets hide John at the back mountain of the castle, and we would find a child as his double to stay at the castle."

"In case a spy infiltrated, they would have wrong information. Once we are successful it would give our son ample amount of time to grow. When ge start training. The academy and military he would venture out during training, what if they send immortal assassins? We can protect him but we also should not shelter him to much, he needed to grow" listening to gus wifes reason he fully agree to it as he was also thinking the same

"Thus once he could understand us we could start teaching him to control his powers, and once he is capable of controlling it, he could return to the castle, what do you think?" She ended

Jonathan is silent, he knew that this is the best choice they have at this moment. He knew that Johns power is abnormal. Even he himself felt a bit jealous of his sons talent. 'Who wouldnt? The soul is the most difficult to cultivate, to reach his level it took him 100years to cultivate. He was a genius martial artist and bacame an immortal when he was 20years of age, he is currently 120years old and hos soul forse just started to come closer to his cultivation level.' This was how difficult it is to train the soul. Thus when John showed talent in this aspect he was ecstatic, as his jealousy was just in passing.

He nodded, indicating that he is agreeing with the plan. But they waited for him to give the order.

"Jonathan, Diane, we will send our daughter with John to train with him" said Macy

Toms mouth was so wide that he forgot how to close it, he wanted to tell her that she didnt consult him first but thinking of Johns potential, he was thinking that its best to start building the relationship while they are young. Love that develop from freindship is always the best. He gave his wife a thumbs up in his mind for thinking fast.

"We will also let pur daughters accompany John in his retreat" said Tina and Myles

They were again late! Macy got ahead of them. They were thinking of the advantage of their daughters; but couldnt count much. Jane may be older, however she is the strongest in her generation, A first level earth step cultivator. She is well educated and is proficient in music, art and dance. They knew she would be the first wife, thus they were trying to get a better position for their child. 'This mothers, tsktsktsk'

Dickson and Harry are the same, but they knew that John is the best choice for their daughters. They also knew of their wifes agreement, this was made since they were kids. Even if they were not happy giving off their baby girl to be Johns future wives, it was just a normal selfishness of an overly protective father.