
Learning from his mother, he is very interested and curious about cultivation. To John a man from the west, he believes in facts and scientific evidences, thus for him, everything is magical and alien to him. All things that happened to him is under the metaphysical category.

The following day his mother Diane brought an old book bound in gold skin leather.

When John saw the book, there was this inexplicable feeling he had. His blood is agitated, he could feel his blood getting excited; heart beating faster and there is a resonating feeling that attract him to this book.

As Diane got nearer, this feeling intensifies.he could put it into words, but he knew that there is a connection between him and the book.

When Diane arrived infront of him, she handed the book over to John. She was giving him an introduction, about the book. However, John didnt hear her, he was lost in thought. with the he browsed through the book, he was lost in his own world, forgetting that his mother is still around.

Barbarian God Transformation, this was the title of the book. There are multiple copies of this book being circulated through the kingdom. Once a citizen awakens their bloodline they are given a copy of this book to start cultivation. This is also the reason why the gold empire has a rule, to let all its citizen enter the army at the age of 5. Once at the army, they are to enter battles to awaken the sleeping bloodline.

Diane was flabbergasted when she saw Johns skin is glowing while pulsating at the same time. He is slowly browsing the book, completely isolated from the outside world.

After he finished browsing the book, the golden leather skin flew off the book and went straight to his glabella. In his soul sea the golden page floated, he curiously went near the golden page. What surpised him is that there was a lifelike image of a half naked man dressed in leather pants and boots, with a red bear fur cape on his back. John touched the golden page then suddenly it glowed so bright blinding him in an instant. When his vision returned to normal, there was a man standing infront of him, 't was rhe man on the picture'. The man didnt speak a word, he was carefully scrutinizing John.

A few moments later, the man spoke.

"Descendant, what is your name?"

John was speechless, there is an invisible pressure being emitted by the man that made him feel constricted. He was able to compose himself, and slowly replied, "John Gold."

The man raised his eye brows. He purposely released his aura, trying to intimidate the boy. Anyother person would feel weak and scared by his presence. Thus he had good impression of John.

He nodded his head then said "how long has it been since the age of gods?"

Being asked the question, he didnt know how to respond, John was quentioningly looked at the man.

Then he sincerely answered "im sorry sir but i dont know how long it has been since the age of gods."

As he thought to himself 'how would i know, ive just lived for 2 years, ive never heard or learned about the worlds history.

As if he could read Johns mind, the man shook his head as he laughed loudly.

'What an interesting child, to be able to reach this stage in just two years, even during our time, he is a genius blessed by the heavens.' He was happy to know that his tribe had a genius of Johns calibre.

He acted as if he didnt know what was on Johns mind. Then he said, "how old are you today?"

John wondered 'what could this man be thinking asking for my age?' But he still answered, "2"

The mans eye grew wide, but it was just a split second, John wasnt able to notice it.

"Too young, but promising." The man murmured

Then he sent his soul force to John, he felt like he is being wrapped by a thick blanket. But he also had a feeling of being pried open. He felt that he couldnt hide any secrets fron the man. He decided to be honest with the man, its not that he wanted to lie, but its useless to lie infront of an expert.

The mans eyebrows furrowed as he was checking on John. 'What a genius! Very talented, very talented indeed' he kept murmuring to himself.

From his assessment, he could only describe it in two words... "perfect genius"

He rarely gives anyone a very high evaluation, but as he checked on John, he couldnt find flaws from this boy. To be able to ascend into perfect godhood, one must be able to balance his body, mana and soul cultivation. If one trains one aspect to the utmost limit, that person can also ascend to godhood but compared to someone who ascends with all three aspects in cultivation perfectly balanced, that person is at a great disadvantage.

He is also one of those geniuses who was able to ascend with all three aspects balanced. But comparing himself to John, its like comparing heaven and earth. They are worlds apart.

John has a perfect unblemished body, he has very few imuprities. His mana channels are wide, flexible and sturdy, able to hold massive amounts of mana. From the look of his empty mana channels he knew that John has not started his cultivation.

Lastly his soul is incredibly strong. Judging from his soul sea Johns was like a sea, and considering his actual age, he has a very huge potential. The way John compose himself in his presence speaks alot of his wits and determination. Thus he gave such high evaluation.

After some thought, the man spoke "my name is Regur Gold, you can call me ancestor." Then he paused

John was surpised but remained calm and composed, then he nodded as he replied with a salute "ancestor"

Regur smiled and nodded in approval. He is greatly satisfied of John.

Then he started retelling the story of the beginning of the clan. "From the beggining of the worlds there are 3 races, man, beast and elementals. We the golden barbarian race is one of the very first humans." Then he paused

"We are blessed with strong bodies ,godly reflexes and natural affinity to the metal element. We also have a very long life span. However, we have a very poor fertility. Thus we are always the minority." Then he continued

"We dont need to actively cultivate, as our bodies constantly absorb the mana in the surroundings making it naturally strong. With our natural affinity to the metal element, the color of our skin changes to gold, you may have noticed this." Then he looked at John asking for his confirmation

John nodded in agreement. Then Regur continued, "im going to ask for an apology in advance as ive looked through your memory" john is perplexed as he didnt even notice that all his secrets were exposed just like that. He took note of this and he made a mental note of keeping up his vigilance against unknown cultivators.

Regur is very satisfied with Johns reaction, he knew that the barbarian race are innately honest, they are straight forward and vocal with their emotions. Thus their enemies often use it against them. With Johns wits and vigilance he knew that he could lead his people perfectly and avoid being taken advantage by others.

"Dont worry your secret is safe with me, im just a wisp of soul, my real body is in the god realm" as he smilingly replied.

Another wave of alien information was exposed to him, 'god realm, so gods do exsist' he thought

From your memories i could see that the clan has been training the wrong way, and a look of sadness can be seen in his face. He now knew the reason why there are only 5 tribesmen who are able to ascend in the last 1000 years. This was due to the planar wars and the incorrect cultivation of the clan. From the last tribes men that ascended, he knew the reason for this incorrect cultivation. It is due to a planar war that happened 10,000 years ago. During the war it destroyed the ancestral land, all records and cultivation manuals are destroyed. In order to preserve the clans cultivation, the clan members who managed to survive tried to collate what they could remember from the manuals, however since they were just middle level cultivators and nit peak cultivators who was able to completely read through the manuals, their efforts lead to this.

He never blamed these clan members instead he thanked them, due to their efforts he knew that the clan was able to survive till this day. He was able to show himself today only proves they were able to save the most precious of the treasure he left the clan. It was this golden page, before he ascended he shaved a piece of his skin and attached a part of his soul to it.

He even got a big gift, he met this very talented junior that is one in a million genius even among the other races.

He narrated to John the events that transpired. He told him that the clan has not even touched the true essence of cultivating the barbarian god transformation art.

'The truth was a real eye opener to John.' He quietly listened as Regur narrated his story, a new world was being opened to him. As he ended his narration of the cause of the clans decline due to the events that transpired, he said to John

When the light entered his soul image glabella he was tranferred into a body, it was Regur in his youth. He was like reliving his life as regur, the whole life of his ancestor was full of killing and wars. 'We are indeed war fanatics' he thought, he live Regurs life, until he ascended. He learned all ancient text and languages, this includes even the beast language. He was exposed to a whole different world. He knew that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity thus he focused all his soul force to completely synchronize with Regurs. Through this, he lived the life of Regur not as an audience but live his life from the first person point of view. Thus he could learn what he learned, touch, feel, taste and smell what Regur experienced. This includes the feelings fear, anxiety, heartache, anger and sadness. It is not all the time you would relive the life if a god.

When John used his soul force to synchronize with regurs self in his memory, Regur is not just happy, he was on cloudnine. He never told John what to do and left it on his own to discover how to maximize this gift. He expected John to just be a third person in this, but John took it to the next level, which gave him too much surprise. He used his soul force to fully immerse in regurs memory making it the first person point if view. This method was like he is undergoing samsara. Living a completely new life. This saved him alot of time teaching John; with a very limited amount of time and soul force left on his clone, he was thinking of ways on how to teach the cultivation methodsof the clan.

'Truly a gifted child, he will bring the clan into new era' he was smiling as if imagining what the clan would be like under Johns leadership.

'This boy, he had accumulated good karma from his past life, then now he is reliving my life, he is now a person who lived 2 lives' he knew the advantages of this as he once upon a time chanced upon a samsara trial before he ascended.

Looking at John who is completely immersed in his life story, he again pointed his finger on his glabella, he inputed all the cultivation manuals of the barbarian race, including all the cultivation manuals of other races he knew of before he ascended.

John didnt know of it, he just felt like he had new understanding of the cultivation manuals it was imprinted on his soul. Thus his experience of regurs life was upped by a very large margin. But he didnt bother with it as he was completely synchronized with regur.

However Regur was very satisfied as he watched him, he knew that after this John would exponentially grow.

When he woke up, he saw that Regurs image it was now slightly transparent. He looked at Regur and afterwards he grovelled himself infront of Regur, he said "ancestor your gift, i can never repay in all my life, but i swear upon the heavens as long as i live, the clan would only flourish and never perish!" he declared

Regur smiled and just nodded, then he said "John my child, i will grant you this last gift before i leave." Then he paused

"I know the clan is in peril, and you are too young to be able to help, thus my last gift has something to do with it" then he looked at John

John was looking at him confused then the golden page disappeared, he heard Refurs last words "i will wait for you on the God realm, i hope to reunite with more clans men in the future" the. There was a long loud laughter as the voice completely disappeared.

John just stood silently and he bowed 90 degrees as he swore.

Diane who was worried of John was shocked when the golden page came out of his son.

The page floated, then Regurs image was seen. He looked at Diane and nodded "you have a good son, take good care of him, my descendant" then he sent a light that pierced Diane soul sea

Diane was shocked as she was given the complete cultivation technique of the barbarian race. She didnt know how to react as she was about to say her thanks, Regur lifted his hand while shaking his head then the golden page turned to liquid, then it slowly fused with the meditating John. Then she noticed that her son is now enveloped in a gold liquid bubble, he is now in a fetal position naked inside it.

"Descendant i am Regur Gold, from Little Johns memory i am the barbarian god. Child thank you for giving birth to John, the cultivation i gave you is the real cultivation method of our barbarian race, you may ask the details from John. I dont have much time dont disturb him, once its over you will be in for a surprise!"

Then John was shouting in pain inside the bubble, Diane is worried a she looked at Regur, however he just smiled back at her and said "Dont worry he is safe, i wont harm him, he is now undergoing a transformation. See you in the god realm descendant!"