
Regurs soul clone disappeared and Diane is still flabbergasted on what happened. She just waited by Johns side then she sat on meditation as she reviewed the cultivation manual Regur gave her.

As she read through the manual she knew that what they all have been training until now, was wrong, so wrong. Now she knew why they couldnt control any elements, the were doing everything wrongly.

She looked at John lovingly, he is their lucky star. Then she sent a soul message to linda and told her not to let anyone enter 10km around the cave. She gave strict order to capture violators. She sent a message to Jonathan, informing him that his son is having an epiphany and needed peace and quiet and told him of what she ordered. Jonathan knew that his son is safe with Diane, after the message he sent another order to imcrease the amount of saint level soldiers guarding the back mountain.

After 1 month of heart tearing pain, the bubble cracked and John slowly floated to the ground. Diane was surprised with her sons transformation. He grew to 4 feet tall, like a 10year old gold clan boy. His baby fat is now gone, and his muscles are now defined showing signs of maturity. His handsome face covered by his long brown hair. Diane sighed, she was happy at the same time disappointed, he missed her cute and chubby baby.

Then after a minute John woke up and slowly he opened his eyes. He was still in daze as he was looking at his body, his limbs are now longer and his little John grew longer and bigger. He touched his head and combed his long brown hair, then he sat and crossed his leg then he started to meditate. His body tampering arts is now 6th stage mid heaven, while his soul manipulation arts made successive breakthroughs reaching the sixth stage, he has six soul clones.

He was speechless, yes, speechless and thankful to Regur for all the gifts he gave him. Little did he know that, it was also due to his efforts that Regur was able to gift him so much. If he wasnt able to fully synchronize with the memory, it would have taken almost all of Regurs soul clones soul force to teach him all those techniques. This is because will need massive amount of soul force to maintain his soul clone, and implanting the techniques will take alot of toll on his soul force. Thus by fully synchronizing with the memory, regur saved 90% of the soul force he would need if he is to teach him.

He had a new understanding of the body tampering arts. Then he thought 'this technique should be called body transformation arts, its more appropriate than its former name.'This technique also enables him to have 100 percent control of his body, he could change his face and body depending on how he wanted it to be. Aside from that even the color of his skin, eyes and hair could be manipulated. This is the perfect disguise. He could manipulate it however he wanted it the only limitation is he could never get himself to grow in height, however it didnt matter to john. As the top spy in his previous life he has many ways to make use of this so called disadvatages to his own advatage. Thus, he was never bothered about it.

Regur gave him the culivation techniques unique to the barbarian race, he check them thoroughly. Barbarian god body transformation arts; metal element manipulation arts; and barbarian god soul art.

He started with the soul arts, John tried different methods to combine both his soul arts. The essence of the barbarian god soul arts is to mold the soul into a complete replica of the body, then strengthening it through gathering of soul force. When the soul has reach the maximum limit he need to compress it and merge the body and soul into one.

His soul manipulation arts has the same principle, instead of increasing a soul size and compressing, he would split it once concentrated. Once the limit of soul splitting is reached merging the soul into one served the same purpose as shrinking a single soul by compression.

After every level breakthrough in his cultivation his original soul would be divided the hsame amount as his level. The best example is when he was on the second stage; his soul could make an identical clone with The same amount of soul force. If he is to merge the souls the single souls soul force is not the same as one plus one, but raising it to the power of two giving him 4x the amount of soul force.

The biggest difference is that a single soul clone of John is equivalent to althe main soul of a cultivator who practice the barbarian god soul art, how ever he has multiple souls with the same amount of soul force instead of one.

In order to merge the technique, John incorporated the expansion and compression of the soul prior to splitting. Through this modified method, the quality and quantity of his clones soul force is denser. Having several souls with the same amount of power, he has several times the amount of soul power compared to any cultivator with the same cultivation base. Through his experience as Regur, his soul force is equivalent to that of a 9th level saint from the ancient cultivators standards.

He could now do 6 things at the same time with normal level of comprehension. The lesser tasks he does altogether, the faster his cultivation. He experimented this time and he learned that having two souls as one when cultivating increases his speed and comprehension 4time his normal. With 3 to 8 times faster and so on. John made up his mind to limit his multitasking to three, instead of one task at a time. His reason is simple, he needed to increase his strength on all three areas faster. If he were to focus on just one it would consume alot of time.

What he forgot is that he is only two years old by age. After a week of training his soul, john focused on barbarian god transformation arts. This cultivation method has the same principle as his bloody immortal body transformation art. It condenses the cells in his body making it denser and heavier. During cultivation he needed to expand each cell to the limit then condense; along the process he needs to incorporate the gold element into every cell of his body. Each cultivation level is identified based on the color change of the warriors skin namely: Lead, Copper, Bronze, Iron, Steel, Silver, Platinum and Gold. Each level is divided into nine sub levels, this was so much different from what is being practiced by the empires citizen.

He started his barbarian god transformation arts training. John felt the elements in his surroundings, and slowly incorporated it on his bodies cells at the same time he gathered mana in his body filling up his cells. However he noticed his cells is like a bottomless pit. He tried combining 3 souls to one, his comprehension and cultivation speed is now 8 times faster but the result is the same. He knew that training with all souls combined into one would increase speed by 64times, after trying it once and he was satisfied with his cultivation speed. In less than a minute he is able to have a breakthrough in his cultivation.

Diane who was beside him woke up from her cultivation, she felt that the mana within the cave suddenly went dry. When she opened her eyes she saw a vortex like image of the mana rushing to Johns body and his skin is changing its color from light skin tone to lead.

She didnt care about the mana being monopolized by her son, to her everything is for John to use, she felt very proud of her son. What is a genius? This is a real genius, and its her own son. She was over the moons with the overwhelming happiness shes experiencing. She waited for her son to wake up but John kept his stance and his skin is now changing from lead to copper, due to the insufficient amount of mana on the cave after his breakthrough there wasnt enough mana to propel another breakthrough to copper stage.

'I need to change my plan, for the first 3 years i need to make my barbarian god transformation arts reach silver stage to fully combine it with the bloody immortal transformation arts. The same applies with my soul arts, i should complete the transformation all six of my souls, before i break through the next level. Regarding the metal element manipulation arts, i think i should leave it to one of my souls.' Thus he made the final plan of using 5 clones to train his body tampering arts and soul manipulation arts alternatingly, until both areas fully synchronize to his level to sucessfully merge the training methods. While one soul clone would be responsible for training his metal element manipulation.

John slowly opened his eyes, the first thing he did is to look for Diane. When he saw his mothers eyes were red and tears flowing on her cheeks, he felt like his heart is being stabbed.

His eyes grew red as his bloodlust and killing intent was so thick that its almost substantial. His body transformed as his muscles grew bigger and his skin turned gold, his hair flew up as he continuously released his aura.

His rage took over as his mother suddenly cried so loud. He blasted his aura, and the protective array shook due to the aura wave.

All the guards outside were alarmed, Jonathan and Alfred who happens to come for a visit, felt the heavy killing intent coming from the cave. The two readied to rush inside the cave, when strong domineering voice reverberated from the cave.

"WHICH BASTARD DARED TO BULLY MY MOTHER!" He cursed, his words were filled with too much rage and killing intent shaking the souls of those who heard

It was a childs voice they heard, there was no other child aside from John, who else would it be. The guards who heard the voice, their souls trembled. They felt fear as their grips loosened for a while due to an indiscribable fear.

Jonathan and Alfred looked at each other, they suddenly had a bad feeling that something might have happened to Diane.

They knew how John cared for his mother. Something might have happened to her that triggered Johns reverse scale. Since he was a baby, they knew about his uncontrolable tantrums. By the power they felt, they knew how powerful his soul force is right now. If he ever went out of control very few people within the back mountains would survive.

The two sped up to the cave, the pressure suddenly disappeared, thus they moved even faster. When they arrived at the cultivation hall, they saw a giggling Diane while hugging a boy.

'Who is this boy?' They asked, trying to findout the identity of the boy. The two were alert, but they silently observed and didnt make any rash moves.

When they heard the boy spoke, they relaxed their vigilance and walk closer to the mother and child.

Diane teased them "you dare proudly claim to be my sons father and grandfather? when you could not even recognise him?" Then she harumphed

"Shameless!" She added

Diane kept on hugging her son, then she blurted out "its always been my baby who loves me the most"

The two men looked at each other as they heard What Diane said.

She asked the maids to prepare for a feast and did not continue teasing them. She narrated the events that transpired as they ate. Both Jonathan and Alfred lost their composure, its the best news they heard since the war started. They now understood the events that transpired and the sudden change in johns appearance. Even though he looked like a ten year old boy, his voice is that of a 2 year old child.

John knew of this flaw but he deliberately did it to avoid too much complications when he felt them approaching the room.

Jonathan and Alfred went silent, what they are being troubled right now is on how they would cover up Johns change. John had an idea of what they were thinking thus he said while grabbing her mothers hands "mom... mom... mom... im gonna show you a wonderful trick ancestor thought me." Then he transformed back to his original image prior to his transformation.

"Its so awesome right?" Then he kept smiling and chuckling as he kept changing his image making his mother bend in laughter.

As the mother and son were talking, Jonathan and Alfred were both shocked their eyes grew wide and their mouths wide open. Then suddenly Diane said "my good boy, can you tell mom how you did the trick?" Coaxing her son to teach her.

She knew how overpowered this disguising technique is. Jonathan and Alfred recovered from their previous shock, they were listening intently, waiting for John to explain the technique.

"Okay, ancestor told me to imagine any image i would like to transform and control my body to transform." He said

"Thats it?" Diane asked

"Yes!" He said, from all the techniques given by Regur, there was a disguise art that was made by a clan member. The clan member didnt create the technique as it was an application of the BGBTA (barbarian god body transformation arts), however since the beginning of the barbarian clan it has been a tradition of naming this applications as techniques.

Thus the barbarian clan was able to flourish in its golden age, through the efforts of numerous clans men trying to discover new uses of the transformation arts.

It allowed them to master the techniques innately compatible with their barbarian clan; unlike other clans and races, who practiced multiple techniques there are issues of incompatability.

"Really just like that?" Diane confirmed

"Yes mother" he innocently replied

He knew that he could trust his parents and grandparents thus he never hide anything from them.

He made use of Regur to avoid too much questions.

"According to ancestor, the barbarian god body transformation arts had many applications. But the limitation lies within the purity of our bloodline. He told me that since my bloodline is pure i could do it and the only limit is my imagination." Then he showed her a simple trick using his hands

He stretched out his right hand, then said "ill imagine my hands forming scales" then slowly scales emerge

from the back of his hands, he added "next ill make it look like claws" he again focused and his fingers changed its shape forming claws.