Joining the army

This is what he was waiting for, he acted for 2 years, building up his image as a genius, for him to ligitimately start his cultivation.

After saying his piece, Diane instantly grabbed hold of John, like a tigress protecting her cub, she released her killing intent against her husband and father. "Have you ever consulted me if i agree with your decisions?" She cried, not letting go of John

John didnt resist, he let Diane held him tightly as she vents out her anger and frustrations. "Answer me? Did i agree?!"

She heaved and her chest is rising and falling rapidly, questioning her husband and father.

"Leave! Now! Both of you, we dont welcome you here!" She released her aura at them, this is the first time Diane targetted them with her killing intent. The two knew that they went overboard, deciding without consulting Diane.

They left the mother and son inside the cave, as they walked out. Jonathan and Alfred knew that Diane has always been a person who looks at the bigger picture; but as a mother they knew her concerns. As a previous successor to the throne, Jonathan knew the difficulty of being one. He could have waited for John to reach the right age of 5 before he joins the army, but after observing his son, he knew that he is more than qualified to start his training. If he were to assess his sons capability using the soldiers standard his strength is enough to be on the same level of the captains. Both Alfred and him, shared the same sentiment, they wanted to hone this pure and unblemished gem into a sparkling jewel.

"Dont worry baby, they would be stepping on moms dead body before they could bring you to the military camp!" She knew why they came up with the decision, John is a monstrous genius! He excels in everything, be it language, arts, history, music, strategy or martial arts. He would ace everything, depite his tender age of two, he could even match heaven level experts in hand to hand combat.

As he is right now she knew that he could best heaven realm experts in hand to hand combat.

She knew that as the prince and only heir to the throne of the empire, he needed to set an example. On other empires, like the wind empire, the king have numerous sons; thus the king would set up tests in order for him to choose the best candidate as crown prince. However this is different with Johns case, he has no rivals, from the day he was born he is destined to be the only candidate to replace his father the king.

However, John is just 2 years old, despite the ancestors gift of transforming his body enabling him to practice earlier; not to mention his mostrous talent in martial arts and cultivation, he is her baby.

What she didnt know is, John has long been itching to start his training. Since the day he knew of the perilous state of the empire, he has already decided to do his best to help. This is the family he had always longed for in his last life. Thus, he treasures it more than anyone.

After giving birth to John, Diane showered her with love and affection. She dedicated all her time to her son. As the Queen, she knew that since her child is very talented and is able to start training its best to start nurturing him as the next ruler. However, as a mother she still felt it was too early for him to leave her mantle of protection. Thus, she is very reluctant to agree.


Ever since the beginning the barbarian race respects the strong. The very first patriarch of the race Regurs father made a rule of changing the system of leadership, only the direct descendants of the patriarch are eligible to lead the race. No one dared to object and everyone willingly followed, it was due to the fact that all of the succeeding leaders of his linage were the best in the race.

However a few million years later, there had been cases where in the successors from the main linage of the first patriarch were weak. This lead to dissatisfaction from the other clans, leading to civil wars. The barbarian race couldnt afford these civil wars, due to the dwindling amount of people in their race.

Thus the creation of a system and tradition where in all successors must join the army as soldiers of the lowest rank. The goal is to reach the position of a general in 10 years (10 years is the time frame of the mandatory military training for all citizens of the empire, they start at the age of 5 and conpletes their training on their 15th birthday. In this world 15 years old are considered adults) The successors must use their own efforts and hardwork to prove their worth.

Through this method the successor garnered respect and obedience of his people irregardless of his strength. This method prevented civil wars and established a more cohesive barbarian race.

John silently accompanied Diane who is silently sitting beside him. Then she sighed heavily "son, sorry for being so immature. It pains me to let you join the army, but with your aptitude, its best to start your training earlier than usual. If only we are not in war against the wind empire, i would have never allow this even if i have to fight with your father."

John silently listened then he hugged his mother, "mom, i know you loved me the most, but as your son, i need to fulfill my role as the only successor of father. When i met the Ancestor he used a technique to read my memories, so he knew all the recent events in the world" then he paused

"He told me to lead our race to a new era and make it flourish, thus he gave me the techniques of our race that was lost through time. He told me that a person with great strength holds great responsibility, and said that i should use it wisely for the prosperity of our race. You could always shelter me, but a caged eagle can never learn how to hunt on its own."

He told Diane about his conversation with Regur so as to let her regain her rationality. He knew his mother is a rational and level headed person who looks at the bigger picture; thus, letting her know of the ancestors high appraisal of him, he is sure that she would agree with his father.

Diane kept quiet, she is carefully analyzing the pros and cons. No matter how she thinks of it, it was all advantages and very few disadvatages to her son. She composed herself and sent a soul transmission to Linda, asking her to invite Jonathan and her father Alfred back.

Linda immediately ask audience from the two and relayed the message. They came back with her. As the two of them entered the cave, what. Ame in to view was John who is quietly sleeping using his mothers lap as a pillow. She is gently caressing his brown hair while she smiles from time to time. It is a very picturesque image that the would never forget.

"Ok, i agree with your plan!" She said

The two were shocked by her sudden change of mind. Something might have happened that opted the sudden change of wind. They were curious but didnt ask.

"But, i want two of my best numbered warriors to stand guard in the dark. I wont accept any compromise with this!" She added, this numbered warriors are Dianes personally trained warriors when she was still a general.

The two knew how stubborn she is, if they dont compromise, she would never agree with their plans. Alfred spoke, "i agree to that, but they are only to save him in if he is in danger of death!"

Diane contemplated, she knew that a caged lion can never match those from the wild, thus, she agreed reluctantly.

Jonathan felt relieved, he did not insist when Diane refused to let John enter the army. But left without saying a word, because he knew she would still agree looking at the bigger picture.

What puzzles him is it only took her 30 minute before she changed her mind.

"What could have made her flip sides so fast?" He said to Alfred through soul transmission.

"I dont know, but its a good thing." Alfred replied, 'i cant wait to see the shocked faces of those old men, when they see what kind of monstrous genius my grandson is' he giggled as he thought, it was his own selfish desire to brag about John to his friends in the army. He couldnt let the world know just yet, but inside the army he could do as much as he want infront of his old friends.

After the planar war, many immortal level cultivators of the Empire sacrificed their lives. Some did survive, however they got multitudes of severe injuries that forced them to sacrifice their cultivation bases to recover. They retired from the army and worked as academy instructors and ministers.

The gold empires academy is basically synonymous with the military. Children from 5-15 years old are required to undergo mandatory military training. The main goal is to awaken their bloodlines through battles. Before they would real life battles are only for those 10-15 years old. As they have sufficient training and battle experience, however due to the unknown dangers coming from the wind empire, they modified the curriculum. In order to awaken the bloodline earlier, real life battles would be included in the curriculum. This is also the reason why Diane is reluctant, because knowing her fathers way of training, John would certainly suffer. Just recalling her experiences send chills to her spine.


John is sleeping soundly, his sleeping face is so peaceful. This has been the first time the mother and child had some quality time together.

"I know you're wondering why i changed my mind so fast? Right..." she blurted out

The two just nodded in response. Diane just looked at the sleeping John.

"Its John who convinced me to agree."

Both men quietly listened

"He told me that as your only successor he needs to fulfill his role, and that a caged eagle can never learn how to hunt on its own. I felt so embarased of my immaturity." As she mocked herself

Jonathan and Alfred felt warm inside, to think that the two year old boy is willing to shoulder the heavy burden of being a prince. They felt proud of Johns maturity and sense of responsibility.

They talked about the changes they made on training the new recruits.

Initially Alfred became the head of the newly organized special training camp, however Jonathan decided to put the academy under his leadership. Macy the former principal of the academy is now his assistant.

Under his leadership almost all of the 5 years old have their bloodlines activated. His spartan like training pushed the students to their limits. Student would shiver just by the sight of Alfred, this gentle looking old man.

Alfred also reported that he instructed Myles to increase the borders of the back mountains array formation to a hundred thousand miles south, until the borders of beast mountain. This served as defense against possible attacks from beasts. With the threat from the wind empire, they cant afford to split their forces if a beast tide suddenly occured. The amount of beasts the soldiers captures from the beast forest also doubled, there are now many high level beasts with the cage (its the array that was initially erected for the back mountains border).

Jonathans goal for doing this is mainly for the real life battle experience of the new recruits. If these new recuits are brought to the beast mountains for training, there is too much variables that may lead to many casualties. However if its within the empire, casualties can be limited.

Then Diane shared to them the correct cultivation given by Regur. Jonathan instantly made an order to call all immortal level cultivators within the empire. This is good news to them, as the younger generation would start training the proper way, they would have many stronger warriors. While Jonathan and Alfred are now itching to start cultivating, this is an opportunity for them to get stronger.