
When John woke up he was lying on the bed, he saw his mother, father and grandfather sitting cross legged on the floor cultivating.

He also started cultivating, his soul manipulation arts using all his soul force combined into one, he is cultivating 64 times faster than before, after 6 hours he had fully merged the barbarian god soul art with the soul manipulation art. However his level decreased to the 5th level, as he used the 6th soul as the fuel to transform his 5 other souls during the integration of the barbarian god soul art. He named his new technique barbarian god soul manipulation arts.

Despite the decrease in his soul arts level, the actual strength of his soul force is the same as when he was on the sixth level or even more. It also has the same domineering feeling as that of Regurs.

He woke up due to hunger, and when he opened his eyes there was food on the table, and the three stopped their conversation as the noticed John waking up.

"Son hurry up and join us for a meal" said Jonathan

The family shared a sumptuous meal, John asked if he could go to the imperial library. Jonathan immediately agreed and told him that he could read all books available including access to the restricted areas. John never asked for anything and this was the very first time he did.

John blurted all of a sudden "father as i watch you cultivate the barbarian god body transformation arts, i noticed that you focus on metal element integration. Though it is correct, but it would take alot of time before you could fully integrate with the cultivation method as you are skipping the basics!" Jonathan turned wide eye by Johns sudden advise

He asked "then how do you think i should cultivate it" then observed John carefully

John looked at his mother, she said "its ok son, dont mind us and explain it the way it should be done" there is so much love and pride from her words 'this is my son, he he he he.'

"The problem with the current cultivation we have is that we focused more on the color change of our bodies, in other words the integration of metal elements, though it is correct but its not the essence of this cultivation. This has skipped the basics and jumped to the final outcome." He waited for them to digest what he said before he continued

"You are wondering why i said its the final outcome." He inquired

The three nodded like they were kids eager to learn.

"Its because during the process of cultivating the BGBTA, the metal elements are naturally attracted to us innately, thus even without actively absorbing it, the metal elements is passively absorbed by our bodies as we cultivate. Even without cultivating, our bodies are passively absorbing natures mana specifically, the metal element, strengthening our bodies. This is the natural advantage of our race, a gift only us barbarian race have."

"The best way to properly merge your current cultivation with the BGBTA, is to start with the basics, the essence of the technique."

"First focus on gathering huge amounts of mana on every cell in your body, when it reach the point where you feel like its about to burst, compressing this power. The higher compression and concentration of mana the stronger the foundation will become."

"This method not only strengthens your body it will correct and improve the foundation. Since the method we previously used skipped the basics, there are accumulated impurities on the body. This is beneficial to grandfather and the others who got injured during the war."

"as the impurities expelled from your bodies the injuries will gradually recover, because the essence of this cultivation method is like the evolution of cells the old cells are destroy and is replaced by brand new cells."

As he is teaching them, he excludes an aura that commands respect, obedience and reverence. 'A natural born ruler' they thought

This was good news for Alfred, it has been a decade but there is little to no improvement on his recovery.

"However there is a huge problem that we would be facing"

Diane slowly said "resources!" Jonathan and Alfred knew this as well, if all citizens of the empire are to simultaneously cultivate, there would be lack of resources.

"Yes mother, resources."

Then Diane remembered the time when John completed his first breakthrough with the BGBTA. The amount of mana he needed was enormous, and that was just the very first stage, considering the amount of cultivators their empire has, it is indeed a huge problem.

The couple and Alfred are racking their brains for possible solutions. They couldnt think of any other way to gather enough resources aside from theft, banditry and plundering resources from enemies through war. These are the most hated by their empire. On their current plight they have very little choice.

What they didnt know is that John is slowly priming them, as he is planning to suggest making blood transformation pills (making pills out of his enemies blood).

After the meal all three started doing as John instructed, indeed after absorbing and concentrating the cells, they felt that their foundations slowly change, making it sturdier than before. Though it would take alot of time and resources to complete it, they are not worried at all. In no time they could feel that their cultivations would have a breakthrough.

The following day John went to the library with Diane, when the door opened he saw rows of shelves arranged neatly. He excitedly ran to one of the shelves he took and browsed one book after the other. He didnt have any problems reading as he knew almost every language that existed in this world. Including those ancient text and language of many races he learned while living in Regurs memory.

He only needed to look at the pages once, he had more than just a photographic memory since he could also comprehend it at the sametime. While he is reading he accidentally used his soul sense to check on the book he is reading. To his surprise, he could read the book faster, he didnt need to flip it, all he needed to do is browse every page of the book with his soul sense. It was like doing a photo copy, with how strong his memory and comprehension he has no difficulty remembering everything.

This time Diane is wondering why John is walking across the shelves, she didnt bother him and just observed. She plans to ask him after he is done.

What is on the libarary are books on historical records, war logs, journals, books on different jobs (architecture, engineering, agriculture, etc.), and on the restricted area, compilations of spy reports from all the areas within the continent. The reports is very detailed it includes all the names of important persona and their loved ones; close contact person and confidants; and relationship status.

He is very impressed when he saw how detailed the reports were, even the personality, mood, habits, mannerisms and daily routine of the target is included. As a top spy and assassin, he has nothing but praise for this kind of records.

If he is to assassinate anyone of these targets there would be very little variables affecting the completion of the mission, having such detailed reports to the target. If he is to infiltrate and impersonate one he could do it in a breeze, with all the data available.

When he returned to Dianes side, he told her that he is done reading all the books and asked if there is more.

Diane is shocked by what she heard, 'done reading all the books? How could it be possible to read eveything in less than a day. She had doubts in her mind'

Diane used her soul force and randomly took a book from the shelf, her plan is to ask a random question. To her surprise John started reciting the exact same words written on the book. She took few more books and the result is the same.

His mother is looking at him with wide eyes, Diane couldnt count the number of times she is given a shock by John. The number of times she has lost composure infront of her son; is more than the total amount she could remember in the past century. She shook her head in amusement.

Diane is happy with her sons thirst for knowledge and eagerness to learn. She asked John to return to the cave on the back mountain. Jonathan, Alfred and hundreds of immortals were present; then they saw Diane carrying John happily while conversing, approaching the hall. As the entered the hall they saluted, Diane gesture for them to sir back, she sat next to Jonathan while carrying John.

"What you are to hear today is classified as top secret of the highest level. I need all of you to swear a heavenly tribulation oath before we proceed." Jonathan started

All the immortals knew how important this information is, rarely did the king make such orders.

One by one the immortals swore their oaths, John is surprised by the continuous rumbling if thunder with every complered oath. The heavenly tribulation oat is the highest level of oath, if any of them breaks it the heavens will unleash the heavenly tribulation, there have been no record of survival of any one who violates this oath.

Diane stood up carrying John in her arms as she spoke "more than a month ago my son the prince activated his bloodline." Then she paused

All were shocked by this news, as the all knew that the prince age is a little more than 2 years old.

Uncontrollable pride and satisfaction is written all ove Jonathan, Diane and Alfreds face. As Diane continued

"We decided to let him practice the barbarian god arts, by some lucky chance The prince activated a hidden relic left by the ancestor on the original copy of the manual."

Then she retold the events that transpired, "what we were practicing right now is an incomplete and simplified version of the true cultivation manual of our race."

"What you are about to learn is the complete version of our race cultivation method" then Diane, Jonathan and Alfred use their soul force to transmit the cultivation method to all those who are present.

Everyone is silent as they digest the information given to them. One by one the cultivators woke up and their expressions is a mixture of gratitude, surprise and disappointment.

The disappointment is mainly because they learned these methods too late, if they started training with this method from the beginning who knows how high their cultivation would be right now. But mostly they felt gratitude, by learning and correcting their cultivation in time they would have breakthroughs and possibly ascend to Godhood. Most of these immortals are struck to their current levels for a very ling time, continuosly looking for opportunities to breakthrough. Thus this was a timely rain after the drought for most of them.

Jonathan is satisfied with their reactions then he said

"You might have disagreements with my next order." As he looked at them

"I want all of you to clean the empire of all the spies, we need to start spearding the correct cultivation method to the citizens. Thus we cant afford any mishaps, and leakage. Do things with utmost secrecy, this includes spreading and teaching the cultivation arts, to avoid suspicion fron our enemies! Personally supervise their cultivation, we need to properly make use of this temporary peace to impove our empires strength!" He ordered

All immortals present heavily nodded in agreement. Then looked at Afred as he spoke "the childrens cultivation training..." then he pause and coughed with a slight embarasement and pride written all over his face "this include all of us, will be under the supervision of the prince!"

Alfred dropped the bomb, there was clamour among the cultivators. 'The prince will be supervising our cultivation?' There was shock, agitation and disagreement on the reactions the crowd.

They were all thinking the same 'what could a two year old teach us about cultivation.' They are all respected cultivators with their names spread through out the land, how could their pride allow them to ask guidance from a two year old.

This time it was Johns turn to be surprised by the sudden announcement of his grandfather.

Then Alfred asked Diane to put John down. He walked next to Alfred "i know most of you are not convinced, believe it or not the prince is the most qualified teacher in this regard!" He said

Initially he is excited thinking of shocking these people when John joins the army, but after John instructed them BGBTA he knew that he is also a very talented teacher. He simplified and analyzed the method making it easier for them to understand.