We are willing to teach the recruits

John walked near Alfred, he didnt feal nor nervousness even with hundreds of immortals closely looking at him. He walked slowly and confidently, with elegance and poise.

The immortals are impressed, at such a young age he has a natural bearing of a king. The most excited were his fiance's parents, they made the right decision.

Then Alfred gestured him to stand infront of the crowd. His face silly smiling face showed how happy and proud he is with this grandson of his. He walked slowly with head held high maintaining eye contact with his audience.

His parents were the most happy, they were nervous that John might feel intimidated by the crowd. What shocked them is the confidence he showed. He has a natural bearing of a king, his confidence, elegance, poise, his every movement is refined. He excluded an aura that pulls peoples attention to him.

The proud parents unknowingly hugged each other as they looked at their son. 'Im so bless to have such a son' they both thought

He stopped, the immortals were not able to regain their composure as they were reverently watching him. Then John smiled "everyone, please forgive this boys disrespect. I would embarass myself by giving you instruction" then he bowed

The tense atmosphere is now relaxed. Laughters and giggles can be heard from the group. After the crowd quiet down he spoke

"What im about to share to you is a story shared to me by our ancestor the Barbarian God." He could see the surprised and interested look on their faces

"From the beggining of the worlds there are 3 races, man, beast and elementals. We the golden barbarian race is one of the very first humans. We are blessed with strong bodies ,godly reflexes and natural affinity to the metal element. We also have a very long life span. However, we have a very poor fertility. Thus we are always the minority." Then after the introduction he summarized all that he learned from Regur's memory and what had transpired from the planar war millions of years ago, that lead to the incomplete and summarized cultivation method. It took him 5 whole hours before he is done with his narration.

He was a very interesting speaker, all the immortals including his parents and grandfather are engrossed by his story.

"Barbarian god body transformation arts, metal element manipulation arts and barbarian god soul art. These three cultivation methods are especially tailored for our race, that even a clans men with the poorest comprehension would be able to reach the peak of cultivation in time." Then he paused

"Since all of you here are honored immortals of our empire, proves you are the cream of the crop of your own generations." He praised

The immortals felt satisfied hearing him praise them.

"Like my parents and grandfather, i know you would be able to grasp the method."

Looking at John who is making his speech while walking on the stage like a professor teaching students. Diane giggled looking at the cute child acting like an adult.

"May i now request all of you to please start with the BGBTA." The immortals were impressed with his peice thus they willingly followed his command.

They all sat crosslegged and started cultivating, John observed them and walked in between the cultivators, then he explains the essence of the cultivation arts.

As an effective mentor he knew that feeding too much information would not beneficial, and would make him sound arrogant.

Unlike his parents and grandfather, who would willingly accept his suggestions; these cultivators have their own pride. If he kept correting them, and give suggestions, they might not appreciate him. It would back fire against him, as the might think he is arrogant.

By only sharing his understanding of the essence of the cultivation arts, he didnt sound like a smart ass.

His parents and grandfather, applauded him on their minds as they noticed the approach he used.

Most of the cultivators aprreciated this approach, thus they had a new found respect for this prince, who has a very meticulous mind.

This immortal cultivators, had a new understanding of this prince, thus they all had plans to secretly ask for guidance, as to not shatter their pride. For old and powerful cultivators they valued their face and reputation more than anything. They are thinking of ways to have a nice one on one talk with this prince.

After half a day of cultivation, they knew that the reaped huge harvest from this session. They all knew that it was due to Johns sharing them his insights that made it easier for them to digest the essence of the technique. They now looked at him with respect and gratitude.

When his parents and Alfred noticed the change in attitude of the cultivators. They knew that their plan worked. Initially they were nervous that John might fail, but to their surprise he managed to impress these immortals and made them look at him in a new light.

After the cultivation session the first to approach John was his soon to be in laws. Unlike the other cultivators, they had long known of Johns monstrous talents, both Jonathan and Diane kept on bragging of their son. Thus they went to observe John as he practiced with Jonathan, Diane and Alfred, in this two years; they are the living proof of his talents, they personally saw him cultivate and practice.

They also did spar with their kids; thus, they knew what they are capable of, compared to John, they are worlds apart. If their kids are to fight with John in hand ro hand combat, without the use of cultivation, he wouldnt need too much effort to defeat them.

Tom, Dickson and Harry knew more than the girls; one time Jonathan got drunk after he won a sparring agains the three,with a slip of his tongue he confessed to them on how John was able to activate his cultivation. It was when Jonathan and Alfred asked one of the heaven stage cultivator fight John in pure hand to hand combat. He also told them that the martial arts he used against them was Johns creation. Thus, since that day, they willingly accepted him as their son in law.

The six approached John and asked for advice in their cultivation. Aside form asking guidance they also wanted to help John, by letting the cultivator know what he is capable of.

Jonathan and Diane are thankful of them. John welcomed them and started analyzing the way they cultivated, and gave his inputs and suggested a personalized method for them to culitvate efficiently. Through his method, combining the old cultivation with the BGBTA is alot easier.

They were surprised, not just them but all the other immortals. They were all thinking, 'just how does his brain work.' These immortals too could do what John did, however, to anaylze and modify a personalized cultivation for six people, and in just a short while, even they are not capable of doing that.

The six immediately sat in cultivation, not wasting time to cultivate. The others saw this and are jealous of them, they too wanted to consult John and start cultivating, but their pride held them back from doing so.

Almost 2 years ago, when Jonathan decided to hide John and used a double on the palace. Most of these immortals were no satisfied with his decision. Most of them believed that the king is showing weakness, saying to the world that he is not capable of protecting his own son.

Some thought that he is over estimating his sons potential, overthinking that the other nation would do all their power to eliminate him.

Now they knew that Jonathan made the right decision, the prince is indeed a monstrous talent. Even the old immortals never heard of anyone with the same level of their prince talent. If their enemies did know this, it would be calamitous to both the prince and the empire. The highest tree would indeed catch the wind.

This strengthened the immortals resolve to protect their prince, with John on the lead, he would carry their empire to new heights. The unknown future is getting brighter, the had a very wise and brave king and his son the primce is more excellent than bis fathaer. Just thinking about it makes their blood boil in excitement.

The older immortals came to Alfred asking for his help to ask for his grandsons guidance. Alfred knew that its their pride thats holding them back from directly asking for Johns guidance. He agreed with them, if he were in their shoes he would do the same.

He cant control his face from smiling from ear to ear as he recieved their praises for his grandson, it was as if it was him they were praising. Then he shared Johns news about being able to heal their injuries. Most of these old immortals were his friends who fought during the planar wars, thus he felt that he should share this good news to them.

The old men were all ecstatic, this gave them hope to recaover and reach higher levels of cultivation. Their long lost dream to ascend into godhood.

While the younger immortals approached Jonathan and Diane, which the couple willingly offered to help. Having the support of this group would make their sons succession easier, since this group is the most difficult to please.

John felt tired after the session, he is now sleeping while being carried by Diane. As the cultivators looked at the sleeping prince, they felt touched, they appreciated his efforts guiding them. This is a two year old boy, but he tried to keep himself awake for almost a day. What dedication and magnanimity, pushing himself to the limit. Their level of respect increased even more, they believed that he would be a better ruler than his father.

Jonathan declared through voice transmission that they would make proper arrangements for the personal cultivation guidance. The cultivators appreciated his approach as they would have felt embarassed if he ever said it out loud. He explained that it is due to John entering the army. Having heard of his reason, they werent dissatisfied in the least.

However most of the cultivators disagreed, their concern is due to the possible danger of exposing Johns talent to their enemies. This is indeed a valid reason to think of, but Jonathan disagreed as he told them that it was his sons decision.

Then the real life training, now there is overflowing amount of immortals willingly offered to help. This lessened his troubles, thus, Jonathan is thankful to his son. What more can he ask for, he is lucky to have Diane as his wife and a very talented son.