
John immediately went to Marios place, his parents were there along with Alfred. They were informed if Johns discovery thus they were supportive of this experiment. However John agreed to do it after his blacksmith training thus after a quick meal he started refining the iron. It only took him an hour befor he was done with one raw iron ore. He is now able to do 100 strikes at once.

After which he took a a bath and started the experiment, indeed his findings were right, by activating his stomach and intestines using the BGBTA he could digest the energy from the meat and convert it to his own. After finishing six sample he rested a bit.

"Father based from this experiment i can conclude that it is possible to use the meat of magical beast as supplement to the training of BGBTA." He slowly said

Jonathan, Diane, Alfred and Mario were all ecstatic, if its possible the amount of resources needed once the BGBTA is released to the public will be greatly reduced. To them its also helpful, as it would also lessen the amount of mana stone needed to breakthrough.

"The meat eaten raw and cooked doesnt have any difference in the amount of mana it provides, however i asked the granma Linda to preserve the meat according to different preserving methods, salting and drying, smoking and freezing, i will keep it and test it daily. And make recordings of the conclusion based on the test." He added

The four were glad knowing this, "how about the energy it provides?" They asked

"With regards to the energy, i need to polish the technique, before i could make a valid conclusion." The four were slightly disappointed

"However, based on my unpolished skill, i could say i could absorb 70% of the magical beast meat energy"

The four were again feeling elated, 70% that is more than enough if you ask them. However Jonathan, Diane and Alfred knew of Johns obsesive compulsive attitude thus they knew that he is not satisfied with just this 70%.

"None the less document the technique as it is and continue improving it, we could atleast start the BGBTA training for the new recruits and the younger generation who had awaken their bloodlines!" Jonathan ordered

John just nodded in response, he asked Linda to record the method as he instructed the 4 on how the process works.

"The body has its own system, and the one responsible for the food absorption is the digestive system, it covers the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines and lastly the anus." He used his soul force to direct point out the organs to them. The four carefully listened and let John freely sent his soul force without obstruction.

"This is responsible for the whole process of digestion, now focus all your soul force on the organs that i pointed out" then they did as they were told

"Now please take a bite of the saint stage magical beast meat. As you take a bite and chew the meat, control the cells in your mouth to slowly absorb the energy on the meat, as you swallow do the same with the esophagus, then the stomach, small and large intestines" the process took two hors before they completed it.

"This process is almost the same as absorbing mana from the spirit stones but slower." John added

"Compared to using pills this is much better as it doesnt have any toxin residues after consumption, however the disadvantages are also very visible, just a single bite will need 2hours to complete, its not efficient enough."

The four noded their heads in agreement.

"I feel that ive misses something in the process, if only i could find it im sure i could improve the absorption to 100% and make it faster." He mumbled to himself

When the four heard him, they just shook their heads, 'to be able to absorb 70% of the meats energy is more than enough'

Diane giggled and hugged her son, his baby is just so cute. "What do you call this technique of yours?" She asked

"Barbarian devouring art" he said

"Very well from now on this technique will be the barbarian devouring art, we will distribute this to the immortals for now, you need to improve this technique, the revised version would be anounced once its done." Jonathan ordered

Linda, made copies of the technique and ordered the shadow warriors to distribute the technique to the immortals.

"Father can you please send me back to the palace? I still have a training session with the guards." He requested Jonathan

"Are you sure you can still do it?" He asked

"You always taught me to be true to my words, a real man never back down from his promises!" He resolutely replied

Jonathan gave up and brought John to the palace training grounds

Diane is about to follow them when the two old men, stopped her and inquired about the father and son conversation.

"Follow me and you'll know." She smiled then left

They looked at each other and followed Diane. When they arrived at the training field, they saw John greeting the guards happily conversing with them.

"Good morning everyone! Lets start our training!" He said

John led the team as they jogged around the training field, his weapons held on each hand. They followed Johns pace, and it is fast. After 100laps they proceeded with weapons training, John is brandishing his axe and hammer at the same time, doing the moves 10000 times perfecting his stance and control. After completing 10000 repetitions of each of the six moves, he shadow boxed using his hand to hand combat, then they started the sparring session. 1 vs 100, John is holding his hammer and axe, he charged the guards as they attacked him in teams, he is being surrounded and attacks came from all directions. The guards went all out, they didnt hold back their strengths as the attacked John.

John is getting excited, he knew that the guards trained hard and were steadily improving with a very fast pace.

His control over his natal weapons is slowly being refined. There are less and less openings and excess movements, he didnt notice the time he is focused on the fight, when Jonathan noticed the abnormality of John, he immediately jumped and joined the fight, he faced John as he ordered the guards to sneak attack.

Diane, Alfred and Mario noticed this as well and knew that John is having an enlightenment during the fight. Slowly Johns movements is being perfected and his coordination improved, his axe and hammer moved as if its an extension of his arms.

"One with the weapon!" They all exclaimed

John is on a state of being one with the weapon, warrior and weapon as one, his coordination and attacks doubles.

Lesser and lesser attack came in contact with his body, the fight continued until noon, and the enlightenment disnt stop. His hand to hand combat brokethrough one with the world. Every attack now has nature energy incorporated with it. He is now moving faster, his attacks are swifter and more lethal. The 100 guards fell one by one only Jonathan is left fighting John. Jonathan increased his speed and power adding more pressure to John.

However his face is still smiling enjoying the fight with his father, suddenly his weapons attacks became faster and more lethal, with nature energy incorporated in each move.

"One with the world?!" They four were shocked, this is too much to handle, is this still a child, what a monster!

Jonathan got even more excited, and up his speed and power by a notch. Four straight hours and Johns movements became perfect, flawless. Then he suddenly lost all his strength and fainted. He has been drained with all his strength. Jonathan carried John who has fainted due to over exhaustion.

Diane took John from Jonathan and gently caressing his face. 'My child grew up so fast, mom is always proud of you' then she kissed his forehead

"Hahahahaha… what monster my son is!" Jonathan proudly said

"A monster, is not enough to describe his talents, he is off the charts!" He added

"Father-in-law how would he explain his absence from training, he wont accept you giving him back doors you know?" Jonathan asked Alfred

With how principled and stubborn his son is, he would certainly not agree to be givem special treatment.

"That is not going to be a problem, i have prepared the best punishment for him!" He smiled devilishly along with mario

As John had his enlightenment, the old men talked about their next plan for training. They now knew how principled and stubborn John is, thus they were thinking of many ways to give out their punishment.

If it were not for his stubborness, the two old man could never bare to punish this boy. However, once he decides on something, he would stick to it and no one could ever change his mind.

When John woke up, his stomach is grumbling he jumped off his bed and went straight to the dinning area, diane prepared meat of level six beast, when arrived he swallowed all the food he could see, the chefs worked double time, the food came one after the other but John doesnt seem to satisfy his hunger. His parents and the old men saw this, they were shocked, where did john put all the food he ate? It was all level six magical beast meat.

After an hour, he burped and a burst of energy wave came from his body, his body is turning platinum then to red he is burning as steam is released from his body, after a few minutes he returned to normal and his BGBTA is now platinum level.

He rubbed his stomach and smiled satisfied of his meal.

"What happened?" Diane asked worriedly

"I woke up due to hunger and just wanted to eat and replenish my strength, i gobbled up all the food i could see, when i checked my stomach, i noticed that our stomachs are unique, it has huge capacity for food, so i just ate all the food that is being served. After i reached the limit of my stomach capacity, i activated the BGBTA i focused 100% on my stomach and digested the food all at once, then after its digested i shifted to the intestines to absorb the energy. After absorption i activated the BGBTA to expand my cells to the limit and compressed, and the result…" he paused and his skin turned platinum then he smiled in joy

The four had their eyes and mouths opened as they listened to Johns explanation.

"Now the barbarian devouring arts is complete, hehehehe…" John happily said

His parents eyes twitched as they heard what he said, thinking 'is this how to be a parent of a monstrous genius like our son? to be shocked and feel stupid everytime? He he he' the thought

The old men, had the same feeling as the couple, especially mario, he experienced more shock today than he ever had.

They composed them selves. "Whew… my heart cant take too much shock in a day" mario joked

"Since you failed to attend one day of the training camp, remove your shackles" then he took out four black shackles from his space ring and used his soul force to put it on John

These are spirit level shackles weighing 1000 tons each. John fell on the ground and struggled to stand up, he geitted his teeth and saluted "im sorry sir, punishment accepted"

Alfred laughed out loud hearing his grandson, he knew that he would willingly accept the punishment for his absence. Then Mario ask John to take out his weapons, he took out a chisel and engraved rune marks using soul force, john knew it means "weight," then his weapons now felt twice as heavy as it was.

"Try recalling your weapons to your body" mario advised

When he recalled it, he thought he would have been lighter, however he didnt feel any different, he could still feet the weight of his weapons.

Then he took out a black rope with a golden metal lock engraved with "gravity".

What he gave john is a divine grade accessory that can be used to adjust the gravity attraction of the world to the user. Unlike the lower grade accessory, this divine grade accessory doesnt need the user to adjust the weight actively, since it has a spirit, it automatically adjust the gravity pull to allow the user to move around normally carrying massive weights.

And while training the user can increase the amount of gravity attraction to himself, he could increase it upto 100 times, this is the divine level accessories limit.

"This is your punishment for your absence and also your new training, with your breakthrough, the old shackles wont anymore help in your training."

John knew of this method as he saw it in Regurs memory, the barbarian race would use this shackles to suppress their strengths and improve their bodies, helping their training and breakthrough. The belt is a common item among the barbarians in regurs memory since they needed an item to prevent their weights from affecting their surrondings. They are like training 24/7, this is a training method used since time immemorial.

His parents have this shackles and belt. Their shackles are divine level accessories weighing 1 million tons and 1 million tons of attraction force; and both of them are wearing several of those shackles. That is how terrible the strength of the barbarians.

John felt very restricted, but he slowly got used to it. It was like the first time he wear this shackles.

Mario sent his soul force on the belts lock, when it activated, his body felt like the gravity has increased twice, without affecting his surrounding.
