Barbarian devouring arts

John is slowly getting used to his new shackles, and handicap. After an hour he is more or less acclimatized to it.

"Is the completed devouring arts safe to use?" Jonathan asked

"For starters its safe, if the user knows his limits… but if he bits more than he could chew, this is a very dangerous technique!" He gravely said

"The user might explode due to too much energy!" He added

The four nodded in agreement.

"We should do a double sided experiment and start experimenting on weaker level beasts and weaker cultivators! Then on the other end higher level beasts on high level cultivators! We do this until we meet in the middle, thus saving more time." John suggested

The others agreed with the plan, its the best they could do for now.

"Ill first do the experiments and help guide you in its practice." He said

Then he asked the chefs to start preparing level five beasts, he ate a total of 5 tons of meat, it was a whole level five cow magical beast, that he consumed, then he digested it, his skin is platinum colored and it turned red and stream again came out of his body. When he opened his eyes he said.

"The amount of energy depends on how concentrated and compressed the cells are, as we know that the more compressed the cells are the more refinement it would undergo, shedding off the old as it replacing it with new cells."

"The more refinement the body undergoes, the more refined the cells are, the more is its capacity to store energy."

"Its very hard to predict the amount of energy one can contain and the amount of energy one can absorb. Any small mishap, the person might explode" he finished

The four digested Johns analysis and simulated the process, they couldnt think of a way to determine the sufficiency of the energy the needed as they devoured.

They left the problems for now and tried to focus on learning the refined technique.

"Lets start learning the refined barbarian devouring art!" Jonathan proudly anounced, its his sons work and master piece how could he not be proud

John nodded and the chefs started working

The four devoured the meat slowly as John sent his soul force to check their bodies capacity, he instructed them to remember the feeling of being saturated, as it is the que to stop devouring and they should start to absorb the energy.

When John felt that their cells are on its limit he gestured the maids to stop sending food.

Jonathan and Diane ate almost the same amount of level six meat, 8 tons each, while Alfred needed 2 tons and mario 1 ton.

The couple are now silver level, with very high level of concentration, Alfred bronze level with high level of concentration as well, and Mario copper level with mid level concentration. After they absorbed the energy, Diane and Jonathan upgraded to platinum level, Alfred to iron and Mario underwent two refinements.

John ordered to send meat to mario, he ate 3 tons and broke through bronze level.

Many impurities were excreted from their bodies, thus Diane rushed to take a bath, while Mario and Alfred are laughing non-stop, they were so excited that they jumped from their position. After the refinement and breakthrough the injuries that has been bothering them, is slowly being healed. The estimated that after a few more breakthroughs they would rid of it totally.

They looked at John with so much affection. Jonathan stood in silence, "i could feel my heaven tribulation coming anytime soon" he slowly said

John, and the old men, where surprised as the heard him. John is very excited when he heard of the tribulation, others may be scared of it but John is excited. Everytime he underwent heaven tribulation, his body is refined; his body gets more atuned with the lightning element almost getting closer to the metal element and his lightning storage increase as well.

When diane came, jonathan shared the news and she felt nervous, heavenly tribulations is both a blessing and a curse. Those who survive becomes stronger and failure only means death. To jonathan its been 5 decades since his last breakthrough and tribulation as an earth immortal, he has long reached the peak of earth immortal and is waiting for his heavenly tribulation to break through heavenly immortal.

The two old men left the room and the three solemnly had a talk. "Diane, i dont know how i would fair this tribulation, but if ever i fail, take good care of the empire and our child" he said

His eyes are resolute as he psyched himself for his tribulation.

"We now move to the seclusion area, we should keep this hidden." Diane said hurriedly

This seclusion area is an island far west of the capital accidentally discovered by their ancestors, its has a huge land area of one hundred million square kilometers (more than twice the size of asia). Its the main source of the empires mana stones, beast meat and herbs. The island is very fertile being the best place to grow herbs.

The island is protected by 100 immortals and 100 thousands of saint level warriors; this is the empires secret garrison, where the elite warriors train, they faught against beast tide from the ocean 5-10 times a year. Natural formations encircled the island making it difficult to find and after thousands of years, layers and layers of defensive and killing formations are added to its protection.

The only way to go there is through one teleportation formation located on the underground of the castle.

The family went to the teleportation formation and left the castles protection to Alfred and Mario.

This is Johns first experience travelling through a teleportation formation, he felt dizzy and felt like his body is being ripped apart. I was only a few seconds and they arrived on the island. They were greeted by the 100 immortals and 100 thousand saint warriors.

"Surround the area, and keep alert 24/7, the king is to undergo his heavenly tribulation!" Diane commanded and all saluted as they went into their own respective positions. Diane is carrying John, worried and afraid for her husband.

"Mother can i talk to you in private?" John asked Diane

She looked at John in confusion, 'why the need to be so secretive?' She thought

Diane brought John to the royal family's resting mansion, she ordered everyone to leave and surrounded the mansion with her soul force.

"Mother i have kept a secret from you and dad" he apologized

Diane raised her eye brows "what secret did you keep?"

"Ever since i underwent heavenly tribulation, i felt great affinity to the lightning element!" He said

"What?!" As she reacted in surprise

"Can you repeat what you said?!"

"I have great affinity to the lightning element, i felt it during my first tribulation, that is how i survived" he honestly said in reply

Then he released lightning charges covering his body.

Diane is shocked, she had alot of questions on how he was able to survive the tribulation but didnt bother to ask, now that she knew the truth she felt that something is not right.

"What do you plan to do, telling me about this?!" She knew that her son is planning something and she had an idea about it

"I want to absorb some of fathers heavenly tribulation!" He replied

Diane is speechless, others are afraid of tribulation lightning while her son is requesting to absorb his fathers tribulation

"Please mother, i could also save father in critical times" he insisted

Diane is thorn, she believed her son but she is afraid that she might be risking his life in this.

She took a deep breath, "lets talk to your father" then they appeared beside Jonathan

"We will undergo the tribulation with you! We live and die as one family!" She disnt explain and just sit crosslegged while carrying John

The immortals wanted to stop them but the lightning is already approaching.

The lightning is about to fall, when it noticed the arrival of Diane and john, the strength of the lightning got several time stronger than the initial strike. Without a warning it struck the three of them

Jonathan tried to cover his wife and son, thus, he flew above them, but the lightning split and made way to the two.


As the lightning hit Diane and John, John used all his soul force to absorb the lightning tribulation, this includes Jonathans tribulation. The couple is taken by surprise, the only felt around 20% of the tribulation lightnings power, as the rest is siphoned by John.

John felts the changes in his cells, the mitochondria kept enlarging and concentrating, when it reached its maximum it would shed off the old and useless parts, two thousand of this mitochondria on each cell of his body underwent refinement, they now contain more lightning power and produce stronger electricity.

He sent soul transmission to his parents, "mom, dad, let the lightning pass through your body, it can help you refine your bodies and cleanse the impurities" he urgently said, he is gritting his teeth as he struggles to contain the pain. Though he has high affinity to lightning, the refinement process is very painful.

The couple did as John told and impurities are removed from their bodies.

Initially the thought that is a normal lightning tribulation, however, after the ninety ninth lightning the clouds didnt dissipate, as multicolored lightning fell from the clouds.


Nine multicolored tribulation lightning fell one after the other with strength equivalen to 10 regular tribulation lightning that they had just went through.

John is shocked but knew that it is due to his father breaking through the yellow gold level of body tampering. Unlike the mana and soul cultivation, the body tampering is more difficult to breakthrough. For the barbarian race, the moment they broke through the from high gold level, every succeeding breakthroughs, they would suffer heavenly tribulation.

The tribulation continued, the couple refined their bodies, more and more impurities is being cleansed from their bodies.

John, absorbed 80% of the lightnings power, this is his maximum limit, he felt his body turning numb and painfull due to the sheer amount of power being absorbed and incorporated into his body.

After the last lightning strike, the mana within millions of kilometers is being absorbed by Jonathan. Diane and John benefitted from the mana that is being attracted by Jonathan. It helped them improve there body tampering cultivation.

Jonathan continued to meditate, his BGBTA improved and skin color changed to yellow gold skipping two levels. Then he used his soul force to check on Diane and John, he noticed that both of them are now high gold level. Then he meditated to further understand his strength.

The one who benefitted the most is John, his mitochondria got refined several times. After 99 and nine strikes of an immortal level tribulation lightning, his body is refined ninety nine times removing all impurities, shrinking back his body to 3 feet.

When he tried to transform back to his 5 foot six inch height, nothing changed. He checked his cells and look for the soul mark to keep this size, but there isnt any soul mark. He shrank back to his old form.

Thinking 'thats too much impurities'. He might have shrink back to 3 foot tall, but his body is more compact than before. Now his body has no more impurities, it has totally no impurities!

He kept mediatating, studying the changes of his body, starting from the cellular level.

The mitochondria underwent fission doubling its amount. Now he has 4000 power plants generating electricity, and this 4000 powerplants also acts as a batterry storing excess lightning energy.

The lysosomes would eat the old and refined parts and transforms the waste into energy. While the other organelles would release enzymes and proteins responsible for the transformation of his body. So this what happens on the cellular level, during the transformation.

He checked the center of his cell the nucleus, it now has two colors gold and blue, representing the gold and lightning element.

'During this evolution his body could now passively absorb both elements!' John is very excited, thinking about controlling two elements.

Metal element provided strong defence the lightning element, excites his nerves and brain, providing quick reflex and a very alert brain. If previously he could process 1 thousand problems in 1 second he could now process 20000 quadrillion problems per second. He has a processing capability of 100 super computers, "sick!".

The previous problems in cultivation, and training become much easier to understand and solve. Previously he thought that he could multitask because of his soul clone. He is completely wrong, the soul clones are like virtual pc on earth, opening several operating system on a single physical host which is him self. If the physical host has low processing capability, he could support 6 virtual pc but the processing slows down. That is the reason why he has faster comprehension the lesser the amount of soul clones he use for cultivation. Now, with his processing capability, he could fully support six soul clones doing different tasks at once. If he doesnt multitask and focus on only one task, his comprehension is beyond fast. Thats how "SICK!" He is.