Gramps got depressed

John recalled a technique fron Regurs memory that is being practiced by elves known as element manipulation arts, like the metal element manipulation arts it directly manipulates the element within the body and surroundings in order to cast attack and defensive spells. The only limit to this manipulation arts is ones imagination and amount of mana. As creatures loved by nature they have very high affinity to the elements, thus the more talented one is the more elements he could control. They could cast techniques without canting spells as they have natural affinity to the elements. Unlike normal magicians who needs to recite spells inorder to cast magic.

He made a new training plan; now that all soul clones can be supported by his brain processing. One would train in the BGBTA; element manipulation arts; barbarian god soul manipulation arts; weapon training; hand to hand combat; and smithing.

He opened his eyes and saw his father and mother still meditating. So, he again closed his eyes and continued his meditation.

After 6 hours the three opened their eyes simultaneously. Diane felt so dirty, she took John as they took a bath, while sending voice transmission to Jonathan telling him to wash himself first. After they cleansed their bodies they went to the islands plaza, Jonathan stood on the stage like a war god, strong and domineering.

He didnt ask for Dianes reason joining him in his tribulation, but he knew she had a very good one. He felt that it has something to do with John. He would just ask later.

"Congratulations sire!" They simultaneously cheered

Jonathan nodded his head and lifted his right hand signaling them to be silent "i thank all of you for protecting me in my breakthrough!"

"Not all of you might have been informed, this is my only son…" he took John from his mothers embrace

"John Gold, luckily we survived, or we would have met the next time, in the after life." He joked

Then the crowd laughed

"The immortals knew of the prince, i dont know if they shared it with you?" He inquired as he looked at the crowd

They all just made a single nod, indicating that they were informed. They are also anticipating this day, thus, they felt rather excited.

"Very well, that saves me alot of trouble explaining."

"He will explain to you the details, we meet tomorrow 5 am sharp! Do i make myself clear?!" He asked

"Yes your majesty!" The replied in unison

The crowd got very excited knowing that the prince will be discussing somethin to them. When the immortals returned from the kings summon, all they heard was praises for the prince. They knew that he is very capable in such a young age, but to see for themselves is another.

"Merl!" Jonathan called

Merl came and saluted

"Return to the castle and ask the minister and grampa Mario to come" he ordered

Merl disappeared from their sights

He went to the mansion and asked all maids to leave, then released a barrier with his soul force.

"Can you explain the reason, you joined my tribulation? I dont fully believe that you did it just to die and live together" He slowly asked Diane

Diane is silent for a moment thinking how she would open up to Jonathan

"Father, it was i who asked mother to join your tribulation!" John said

"And why so?"

He jumped from his mothers embrace and released a lightning burst.

Jonathan is flabbergasted, 'his son could control lightning!'

He looked at the two of them with questioning eyes.

"When i brokethrough my soul cultivation, i had my very first lightning tribulation, it was sudden, but due to luck i discovered that i have affinity not just with the metal element but to lightning as well" the he paused

"Father, you might not ask me what happened during the tribulation and how i was able to survive, but i know you were as curious as mother"

Jonathan just nodded

"When the first lightning struck me, i felt my body absorbing the lightning tribulation. As the lightning tribulation struck me, i felt my body being refined in the process, and i feel stronger connection with it like that for the metal element. After my tribulation i found out that i have affinity to both elements. That is how i survived."

"Thus, when you said you are to have your lightning tribulation, i was afraid that you might suffer and loose you, hence i told mother about this secret and told her that i might be able to help you survive the tribulation. Dying and living together may have just been her reason to cover up my plan, but if i ever failed we would die together with no regrets" he honestly said his inner thoughts

Jonathan heaved a sigh of relief "if ever the both of you had an accident, i dont know if i could ever forgive myself."

"Im very sorry father, i was selfish, i never considered your plight" as he cried

"No dont apologize, i dont have the confidence in besting my tribulation this time, i may not die but i would have been on the sick bed for a very long time to recover. Thanks to you, i brokethrough heavenly immortal, not only that, me and your mom, were able to refine our bodies with the tribulation lightning, further solidifying our foundation and improving our strength." He honestly said to John. He did not reprimand him for his selfish desire, because he knew that deep inside he only wanted to help him; but instead thankful, for the opportunity to get stronger. If it wasnt for John absorbing 80% of the lightning tribulations strength, and told them to use it to refine their bodies, they might have missed a very good opportunity to solidify their foundation refine their bodies.

After the refinement of ninty nine times and nine tribulation lightning, the couple now has a flawless foundation, for the BGBTA and their meridians expanded and became even stronger, 10 time more than before.

Mana cultivation is the fastest to upgrade, the body second and lastly the soul. If the original cultivation manual has not been luckily discovered by John, he might not have a chance to break through Godhood. However now he has a chance to be one, once his two other cultivation systems reach immortal realm, he is more confident to ascend to the God realm.

Before they thought that those seniors who ascended were successful, but thanks to Regur the disappointment and fear struck them. No one was able to successfully ascend to the God realm. All of thos seniors died.

"John this secret, no one else must know" he reminded him then hugged his son and wife

"Yes father!" John replied, as he hugged him back. He knew the consequence of being too high profile,

"Congratulations husband!" Said Diane, she felt incredibly happy.

"Congratulations father!" John also congratulated him, he knew his father waited 50 years for this breakthrough.

Alfred and Mario came together, they looked at Jonathan and knew that he broke through heavenly immortal realm.

As they cone closer they could feel, an inviscible pressure comming from Jonathan, a kind of suffocating feeling they couldnt explain. The feeling is like when they face an enemy far much stronger than they are.

As they looked closely Jonathan looked younger and his body has gone thinner, however they could feel the explosive power hidden in his body.

They were excited because if they continued this process of cultivating the BGBTA, all the injuries would heal and the impurities will be cleansed. They would also look younger. As they day dreamed of that day.

They congratulated him, then mario gave him divine grade shackles, but it didnt restrict him at all, it took 5 sets of shackles to restrict him. Adding his previous 5 shackles, thats a total of 10 million tons of weight and attraction force.

The advantage of body tampering warriors is, that there is no way to determine the warriors cultivation level, unless they fought, since the skin color would usually change based on their level.

Initially the immortals of the empire thought that the gold level is the final form, they were totally wrong it was just the beginning. The incomplete manual didnt allow them to touch a little bit of their potential. The decreasing amount of ascending Gods only shows that there is something wrong with the race cultivation. That is why Regur felt sad and disappointed.

Of the three systems, body tampering warriors have higher chance of ascension since their bodies could handle the tribulation. Though the soul is as important as the body, the soul could be strengthened through time. The race is long lived thus they have all the time to strenghten their souls. That is why the last ascended barbarian 1000 years numbered only to 5, and they are all mana cultivators and most of them are ten thousand years oldmen. This is due to the incorrect way of cultivating.

What the warriors of the empire did is use metal element manipulation to strengthen their outer shell, by increasing the metal element density, but the fundamental structure didnt change. Though the body cultivation increased it was mostly due to the natural affinity of the race to metal element that helped absorb the metal elements into the cell, making it fundamentally stronger. Mmm In short the body cultivation of the race before halted at the gold level.

The old men noticed, that it is not only Jonathan who broke through, but Diane and John had breakthrough as well.

"Father, uncle, thank you for taking care of the empire." Jonathan bowed to them.

He owed this two old man alot, thus he is always more respectful to them.

"You might as well add shackles to Diane" he said, as he looked lovingly at his wife.

The old men were shocked as they observed her. Barbarian women, unlike men dont have bulky bodies, instead they have slim, tall with long sexy legs and sexy bodies, well endowed with huge breasts, wide hips and big butts. Diane is already a beauty, but now, after the tampering, she is beyond beautiful. Her skin grew more tender, her body became even more perfect after tampering and removing the impurities. Dont, look at this beauties as weak women, hidden behind that slim body is a destructive power rivalling barbarian men.

The old men looked at each other and mario handed over 1 set of shackles, when she put it on she didnt feel restricted at all. Mario gave another set, but still no change, only after adding the third set did she feel the restriction. Adding her previous shackles, she has a total of 6, the old men, even on their prime prior to having severely injured, six sets of divine shackles is the maximum they could handle.

Then Jonathan pointed at John, the two old men look at him simultaneously, as John smiled back at them. Mario asked him to take off his spirit level shackles and took out 4 new black shackles that are ascended level weighing 10000 tons, then John put them on, he didnt feel any restriction, Mario noticed this and gave him a legendary set weighing 100000 tons but the result is the same. He took out a divine grade shackle and put it on John, that is when he is finally restricted. The old men felt cold sweats coming from their foreheads. Just what kind of monster this grandson/ apprentice is?

A two year old, with a strength of 4 million tons? Yes 4 million tons! The injustice, this is the difference between commoners and genius.

"Gramps dont feel disappointed, once you breakthrough the BGBTA your strengths will also sky rocket" he consoled them, the only reason why this is so, is because of the incorrect cultivation method, if they also started like John, training the correct method since the beginning, their strengths would have been enormous, counting all the years they spent training.