Primitive Gun

Jonathan gathered all the immortals and soldiers of the island, he invited them for the feast of his breakthrough. Everyone is busy attending to their business as they waited for the other immortals of the empire to arrive.

Linda came with the maids and chefs of the palace, the maids prepared the hall for the feast while the chef are busy preparing the meals from the beast meat the soldiers brought.

Diane is with John, discussing about cultivation, she showed him her understanding of the metal manipulation arts. John is amazed by his mothers imagination and creativity, unlike his father, and two grampa's, his mother invented many ingenious ways to manipulate the metal element for both attack and defense. Thus, John is able to learn alot of things. She is the only immortal he knew who trained the metal manipulation arts, the proper way, without the manual. She discovered this on her own, 'my mother is indeed a genius, a genius in metal element manipulation' he thought to himself.

When Regur gave her the cultivation methods, she first noticed the metal element manipulation arts. Diane took instant notice of this because its exactly the same method she practiced. She always thought that their bodies should be strengthened using the metal elements. However, as her strength grew and her comprehension of the technique improved, she wondered if what they were doing is right.

All the cultivators she knew within the empire followed the same method, no one tried to experiment on new things.

As she wondered if she could use this metal elements other than, strengthening the body. She tried different methods of metal manipulation and control. When she discovered that her conjencture is correct, she started perfecting her control and spells. If she is to be categorized into what type of warrior she is, Diane can be called a battle mage, both a melee and a ranged warrior. On the three methods that Regur gave her, she had mastered the metal element manipulation arts to the immortal level.

His eyes are looking at her full of reverence and awe. She enjoyed this feeling of teaching and guiding her son.

Diane brought John to the training grounds, showing him the metal manipulation arts. She took out her natal weapon, which is a glaive and manipulated it using the metal element manipulation arts, changing its shape and form. She also controlled the weapon to disperse into tiny metal particles the size of arain drop, then manipulated its shape into shurikens.

After that, Diane focused all her mana and the whole training ground trembled, all the small metal particles in the area were attracted to her, as if she is a magnet. It formed a mist around her, she controlled this particles and made many shapes.

Then John, suddenly blurted out, "mother can you use your metal element manipulation to control humans and beasts?" He asked in curiousity

Diane is lost in her thought, trying to analyze Johns question. Indeed it is possible but she havent tried it yet.

"I havent tried, but theoretically, it is possible"

She honestly replied

John had an idea and whispered it to her ears. Johns idea took Diane by surprise, it was an ingenious and devious idea.

'Mother i think maybe you could try sending very minute metal particles to a human or creature and use your metal element manipulation arts to control it' he playfully said

Diane got interested and wanted to try Johns suggestion, she called Linda and ordered her to get her a level one magical beast.

Linda is wondering what she would do to it but still followed her command. After a while the beast was brought by Linda. Then she left.

"Mother… mother… hurry up and try it" john persuaded his mother

Linda controlled the metal dust particles and manipulated it to be small and unnoticable as possible, then she scratched the beasts skin and sent the particles into the wound. Then she tried controlling the beast. She was successful on her first try. "John it is really possible!" She excitedly hugged her son and spinned him around.

The she removed the metal particles from the beast and used her natal weapon instead. If she used her natal weapon, she could remotely control the beast. Unlike the dust particles which have no soul connection with her, she is only able to control it within a short range.

After the short experiment, she showed john her projectile, attacks.

John felt that there is alot of potential to this projectile attack. Then an image of a gun came to his mind, if he could make a gun and incorporate this projectile attack with the gun, the speed, attack range and destructive power can be doubled.

Diane told him that they would usually use a bow to increase the range and attack speed of the projectile attacks.

He knew of this, that is why he thought of making use of guns inorder to let those who are unskilled with the bow have long distance attack capabilities.

Well that is for later, he could always make his own gun after he masters his smithing skills. Due to his excitemet, he asked his mother if she could help him with his invention.

Alfred and Mario is nearby thus they got interested when they heard John asked Diane to help him with his invention.

He drew the design, and all the parts and dimension, then after a short while when he finished, he showed it to Diane.

When she saw the design of the spring loaded metal launcher, she praised him for his skillful drawing. 'She didnt know anything about crafting thus she didnt know its use'

The two old men is silently listening and watch the mother and son,

"mother make a spring like this and like this, then a barrel with grooves inside like this, another barrel to hold the spring just like that, then connect this to this and add a this little sping to the trigger here, and a cocking mechanism here at the side, the handle should perfectly fit your hand, perfect." John is so excited that he jumped in joy as he looked at this new toy

"Mother please make a concentrated projectile with this shape," 'it was like a m16 riffle bullet,'

"Mothe make the projectile fit the barrel but not too tight that it might get stuck"

"Thats it!" He jumped in excitement

"What do i do next son?" She asked

"Mother pull the cocking mechanism at the side," she held the cocking mechanism

"Thats it mother, pull it back until it reach the locking area" as the cocking mechanism is pulled by Diane a clicking sound was heard, the trigger locked the spring in place

"Alright, mother place the projectile on the barrel" as the bullet reached the end of the barrel


"Aim using the sight, its the small protrusion at the top located at the tip of the barrel and the one at the back" he pointed

"The front sight should be at the center of the back sight" he instructed Diane

"Yes mother, just like that!" He excitedly instructed

Whew! He took a deep breath, 'this is the first ever gun in this world!'

The two old men are also excited as well as they watch what is about to happen

"After you aim mother, pull the trigger!" He said

Diane pulled the trigger and


The bullet flew so fast, diane is equally shocked "the projectile flew faster than an arrow but alot less straining to the arms and fingers, and the weapon is also very light"

The bullet pierced the wall that is 1 meter thick and fall on the ground after it moved afew more meters

Diane got excited and made another bullet and shot again and again, 'this is a very fun' she thought

The old men were shocked by the sheer attack speed and fire power of the weapon, and this is just a very quick design and prototype. But the power is very amazing.

He rushed to the mother and son and instantly grabbing Johns design, then like a child he studied it and repeatedly saying, "genius! What intricate design! Perfect, hahahaha! Old pal look at my apprentice invention, truly amazing!", "hahaha…"

"Your apprentice invention?! stupid old man, he is also my grandson!" Alfred as he retorted his friend

But his proud looks screems, this is my grandson!

"Johnny boy, how did you come up with this amazing creation?" He asked

"I saw mother made her projectile attacks , then she told if used with a bow the range range and power increases." Then he paused

"Not everyone is proficient with the bow, however if its this device, though its slower and less powerful than a bow, its easier to control and aim." He added

"Hahahaha… ingenius, amazing! Really amazing!"

Diane did not stop firing, she seems to be enjoying her new toy, she is using her soul force to pull the cocking mechanism and used metal manipulation to create bullets, she enjoyed it so much that she now started firing 100 bullets per second, johns eyes grew wide, it could be used this way?!

However this is only possible for Diane as she has amazing control of the metal element, and massive amount of mana in store. If it were any other person, it would have been difficult. Her attack is also powerful much more powerful than the guns but using these weapon she spends lesser mana, and strength, at this rate she could keep this going for years, thats how amazing this is.

The attack range is 5 kilometers and the piercing power is also amazing, it could penetrate a 1 meter thick wall from 5 kilometers.

If this weapon is used by soldiers. It would turn the tide of the war.

Alfred borrowed the gun from Diane and he too enjoyed firing the weapon, the same goes with Mario.

The three were like kids playing with their new toy.

John picked up rocks from the ground and threw it to the sky and asked his mother to aim at it. The first try was a miss, then John threw another one and it was another miss. After 5 tries she is able to hit the target and she barely even miss.

The old men got jealous, as it looked more excitibg than firing it without a target, thus they also tried hitting the target as John threw the stones.

'He has become a human target thrower machine' but he didnt bother, he needed to let them see the potential of this weapon.

The oldmen asked Diane to make two more of this weapon, and they started to compete, Number 1, One of Dianes numbered warriors became the scorer while zero replaced John as the human target thrower.

John joined the game and they forgot that there was a party.

The immortals have now arrived at the hall, but Diane, Alfred, Mario and John is no where to be found.

Jonathan asked Linda to look for them, as the party is about to start.

Linda came back and whispered to Jonathan, "your highness all of them are at the training grounds playing with a weapon."

Jonathan got a little irritated, but held his anger and personally went to the training grounds. The immortals and soldiers followed behind him.

Before they reached the training grounds, loud cheering and laughter can be heard.

"Gramps you should aim better, hahaha… you lost 3 games in a row!" John laughed as he joked with Mario

"My bullet was slightly skewed thats why i missed the target!" Mario defended, but he was enjoying this game more, and he is finding this invention made by John more and more interesting.

"Stop making excuses old man, hahahaha…" Alfred mocked Mario, this invention of John could revolutionize the barbarians warfare and tactics. Since they have very low numbers of mages, they are always on a disadvantage during wars. Using this weapon, they could now cover up the lack of ranged attacks.

Diane is at the side, holding her stomach as she couldnt control her laughter.

Jonathan came with the rest of the immortals and soldiers. He saw the four holding a metal object that releases metal projectiles. They are currently competing when they arrived.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the projectiles hit the target. One projectile at a time, then two, until it was ten at a time. Number one kept the tally, while zero threw the targets. The four competitors were focused as they competed agianst each other forgetting about the surroundings.

Jonathan forgot his anger as he too itched to try this weapon. The other immortals and soldier also felt the same, as they watched to match.

When the match ended Mario lost by a point against Alfred as he misseed two targets while John and Diane tied hitting all their targets.