Change of plans 2

When he looked at the audience reaction, he burst in to laughter, "im sorry im just joking with you!" He said

"Thats when i come to play." He said

The audience shook their head as they knew that this prince is still a child. But they enjoyed this kind of relaxed convesation type of lecture.

"There is truth to my previous joke, as each and every individual has different soul force capacity, how ever, since our race has no method to train in to. Thus the only method each of you did is to saturate the soul sea with soul force and let it burst to make a breakthrough." He said as he looked at the crowd

He saw the audience nodding, confirming his hypothesis, ' this is indeed what they did, after learning from other race and cultivators from other lands'

"This is not wrong per se, how ever this method is not applicable to our race! Compared with the other race the barbarian clan has strong bodies and innate affinity to the metal element. However, we are not that blessed i the area of the soul. Very few of us have strong souls and big soul capacity."

"Thus if you follow the technique of other races, you will notice that though the soul force increase the quality of the soul did not improve at all, its just like a balloon, it just keeps on enlarging everytime you blow air to it. Its more of quantity than quality."

"However, dont be discouraged! Since you already have a very huge amount of soul force, we only need to focus on the quality for now, you could all jump several levels depending on the amount you were able to gather."

"Be well aware, the soul force capacity and soul quality differs from one person to another, thus both may have the same level of soul cultivation but your strength differs"

"Well this also applies to the other areas of training; the body and mana. You are all familiar with this, right?" He confirmed

All the audience nodded, then he ordered them to start their soul compression.

John is walking while explaining datails about soul cultivation, "once the compression saturates you soul, the soul will breakthrough and improve its quality. Dont worry about over compression as your souls with automatically breakthrough once the limit is reached."

"I said awhile ago that, since you have the quantity we focus on quality; and you might break through several levels. The reason is simple, lets make an analogy, example your soul force full capacity is that of a 1000 liter tank, the amount of soul force you gathered all your life is that of the size of a lake with lets say 100000 litera of water. After compressing your tank it would breakthrough and again increase its amount, lets say 2000 liters, despite its increased capacity, you have a storage lake containing 100000, imagine how many times could you improve your soul cultivation level with that amount of reserves."

He spread out his soul sense to check everyones progress. Then every now and then he would ask a participant to stop compressing their souls, he grouped those he stopped and gave them different tasks, they are all saint warriors.

"I stopped you from compressing yous souls because your soul force has not reached the limit of its capacity."

"Once you compress it now, it wont benefit you in the least, as you would surely regret in the future as you have ruined your potential." John honestly advised as he saw their disapproving looks

"Once you compressed you souls now, this will be your limit in the future, if you continued your capacity will be fixed depending on the initial amount of soul force it contains prior to compression." The saints had thankful expression on their faces as well as relief, if they ever pushed thru, they have no one to blame but them selves for ruining their potential

"Sir" he pointed out one saint warrio

"In your case you have not even reached 1/4 of your soul capacity, and you sir," as he pointed out another "your souls capacity is big, congratulations, you still have a long way to go, you have not yet even reached 1/8 of your soul capacity."

John continued telling them how much more they needed before they could compress their souls. After advising the group, they started gathering soul force. After four hours the group stopped meditating and felt realy good. John made learning the soul technique much easier.

They saw John coming near a group of immortals, then he bowed so deep, "immortal jura, this prince humbly ask for yoyr help and guidance!"

Everyone turned to look at John as he requested something from immortal jura.

"My prince dont be like rhis, if its something i could help out i would be very willi g to help." He said

Everyone is admiring Johns humble character. This is enough merita to his parents teaching him proper manners.

"Immortal jura can you please teach me the soul controlling arts?!" He asked

"What is the reason why you needed to learn this technique?!" He added, everyone knows Jihns reason for learning the technique.

"I want to study it and see if i could modify the Barbarian god Soul art, i could try and incorporate the soul force gathering part of your technique, into our BGSA. This would help those who are just new to learning the technique, this would also generally improve the speed of the soul cultivation." He honestly replied

Immortal Jura and everyone present were surprised with Johns explanation. But his parents and gramps and his in laws knew that he is capable of doing this. The hand to hand combat John made is the best example.

Immortal Jura nodded and sent the complete manual to John and imprinted it to his soul.

"Thank you for accepting my selfish request, i wont disappoint you and everyone!" He again bowed and went directly to the training grounds, he needed to spar with his father and the guards as part of his training.

Some of the immortals went to their dwelling and started cultivating, the saint level soldiers and 100 immortals guading the island went to the sea and hunted out level 5 & 6 monsters for the meals. The immortals who are left with nothing to do, went to the trainig grounds and watch the prince sparring with the king.

Diane and the two old man are already seated on the tent drinking tea that the queen personally served, as they waited for the sparring to start.

John changed his clothes to a red t-shirt and shorts made by Diane, he looked so cute in his outfit.

Everyone who came to watch noticed the four black shackes on john. They knew what it was, as they were also wearing the same kind of shakles, this shocked them as they knew that these divine shackles weighed 1 million tons each.

"What incredible strength, he is too young but very talented." Immortal jura commented

John took out his weapons and they noticed the weight runes on the weapons. They knew that it increases the weight of the weapons, the weight has been adjusted by mario to be 2 million tons each. With the belt that is activated into twice the gravity, his total weight is 16 million tons.

John is struggling to stand up, he couldnt barely move but he gritted his teeth, jonathan lowered his level to high gold, and sent a barage pf punches and kicks to john. He is struggling to defend. He is fighting with twice the weight he is used to.

He threw destroyer his hammer in the air, then manipulated its shape turning it into a whole body armor. Then he manipulated mayhem his axe to split into ten smaller miniature axes. He used his metal element manipulation and soul force to control it, attacking and defending at the same time

Everyone almost applauded with his ingenius plan. 'Since his body is so heavy from all the shackles and gravitational pull. No one would expect him to move as usual'

John however did not complain, and took on the challenge, by covering his whole body he could care less about the direct and sneak attacks. 'With this weight, who could ever defend against this kind of attack barrage from the king.'

He multitasked using a soul clone to control the axes for attack and defense. While another soul clone is doing its best to comprehend the element manipulation arts, and the other soul clone on his soul arts, he tries to gain more benefit in actual combat. While he tries to move his body trying his best to defend.

John has been on a passive defense for and hour now, his movements are too slow, he felt multiple waves of cool sensation. His body is being refined repeatedly, his movements are getting faster. Suddenly five saint level warriors joined the fray, and send sneak attack to John. Every refinement his body and mind continuously improved, with his amazing comprehension, his element manipulation is slowly being refined, while he gains mastery of his soul control and soul sense. Though he is mostly defending, all attacks have been sensed and predicted using his soul sense, while his control over mayhem improved by a notch as he refined his soul control.

The immortals were gobsmacked by tgis kind of sparring. They knew to themselves if it were them, with the same age as John, they could not last a single move against the kings attacks.

The sparring continued and Johns movements and speed is slowly catching up. Jonathan increased his speed by a notch and five more saint level warriors jumped in. He is like a general in the middle of the battle field. But John didnt give up, he took his time and cleared his mind of any distracting thoughts. His use of mayhem smoother and faster, he would send one or two attacks to Jonathans vital everytime he noticed an opening.

The audience noticed this, though he barely attacks, once the opportunity arrives, his attacks are swift and lethal, it he didnt hold back his strength.

'The prince is level headed, not impatient, meticulous, and scheming. He does faints and his attacks are all planned to lead the king into his trap so that he would unknowingly show openings. And use this chance to send a killing blow.'

Everyone is surprised, to most of them, this is the first time they watched the father and son spar. 'Is this really a sparring?' They all thought

Mario saw their expressions and knew how they felt, he was the same as them when he first came to watch the two.

After another hour Jonathan stopped, but John is still in battle mode, his stance is still on high alert observing the battlefield, not letting his guard down. 'He treats the sparring like the battle field' everyone noticed and were impressed.

Jonathan clapped his hands and he woke up from his high alert state. "That is it for now!" He said, john released the weight rune effect on his weapons and recalled it back to his body, then he deactivated the gravity rune of his belt, he felt much more relaxed. He noticed that after the refinement that occured, there was no more filth being released from his body. So he does not need to bath, then he said to Jonathan, "father lets compete using the guns!" He is smiling widely, enjoying the moment.

Each carried a gun, John did not use the prepared bullets, he wanted to train his element manipulation, "on our fight we will only use our guns to attack!" He said

Jonathan got interested, with their BGBMA the weapons wont even scratch them. They stood infront of each other carrying two guns each. When the match begins, multiple projectiles flew. Jonathan also didnt use a premade bullet, he knew Johns purpose for this sparring. They are devising a training method to incorporate the element manipulation and soul arts. The two fought for an hour now and Johns movements where smooth and graceful, he was like dancing when he fires the weapon, his attacks is like a combo, move leaving Jonathan no areas to dodge, if it were not for his speed advantage, he would have been trapped by John.

John was hit many times, main reason is due to his lower mana cultivation level, and weak control of the element. John could only produce 1 bullet per second while Jonathan is capable of creating 10000, there was a huge difference, his only advantage is his soul force but its not enough to balance the difference.

After another hour the two ended their spar, John jumped to his fathers embrace.

"Father, you were amazing! Lets do this on every sparring session, its so fun!" He excitedly said

Jonathan also felt that sparring using the guns is exciting, he also felt improvement on his element and soul control during the spar.

If it were done this way then every one in the empire would improve their element manipulation and soul control, while learning the way to handle the weapon. Its like hitting 3 birds with one stone.

The father and son, moved to the tent and saw that there are more people who came to watch them.

"Everyone, its good that you came, lets wait for the rest i have something to discuss" then he ordered the maids and soldiers to arrange a stage and a podium.

In just a minute all the immortals are now present, they took their seats as Jonathan started his speech.

"As you all know, the newly invented weapon," he lifted the gun and showed it to everyone

"The gun, will be mass produced! After this 3 months of our training this will be distributed to all our citizens. You all know the benefits to training the element manipulation and soul art of this new weapon, thus it will benefit everyone. We will be hitting 3 birda with one stone, familiarizing with the use of the weapon and improving the later advantages ive mentioned. Starting tomorrow the cultivation lectures will have to shorten to 3 hours, and the last 3 hours will be on training of gun handling." Then he paused, everyone agreed to this, they also knew the purpose of the kings plan, he wanted them to be proficient with the weapon as they would be the one training the rest of the empire.

"Thus our schedule on the gun training will be; aiming and control; moving target shooting; face to face sparring, just like what the prince and i did; and lastly war games, we will all be arranged into groups and simulate a battle field, the team with the last man standing is the victor." He explained

"Due to the lack of time and materials all guns for training will be like this prototype, this will also be the same model we will be distributing to the public. Alright everyone thats it for today, thank you." As the meeting ended everyone went to eat their dinner.