Change of plans 3

After the meeting Mario and John are in for another round of training, john is now able to do one thousand strikes at once on both arms, and mario called it a day.

The master and disciple discussed about guns, John explained to him the principles and Mario listened carefully as he studied how it works.

John redesigned the weapon it now looked like an extra large desert eagle, its the size of a rocket launcher and 2 feet long.

The cocking mechanism is modified, it has the same mechanism as the guns on earth, you need to pull the slide. Mario fixed the mechanism thus it now has a longer and stronger spring, runes were added accelerate, explode and recoil; increasing the penetrative power and range. Adding recoil the user doesnt need to pull the slide to expose the bolt and cock the gun for the next attack. The disadvantage of this design is that the user must be very proficient in metal element manipulation, to be able to catch up with the very fast recoil speed. Thus John designed the handle to carry a magazine, this would be helpful in emergency situations, Mario helped him design it and the final design is a six inch long magazine that is able to house 2 premade bullets.

The two argued if they are to make it a semi auto or not, marios stand is that it should be a weapon that is easy to use thus the semi auto feature is not needed. But John said that this is not a weapon that not just for everyone to use. They kept arguing and both have their own valid reason, thus Jonathan stepped in "is it possible to put a switch, so that the user can choose between the two modes at will?" He suggested, the two didnot reply, they just applied Jonathans suggestion, they were again on the drawing board modifying the design. After an hour of modifying and simplifying the design the gun is now a full fledge semi automatic gun and a locking mechanism is added letting the user choose the mode he wants.

The barrels riffling has runes added to it as well, accelerate and spin, this increases the bullets speed and penetrative power. John suggested if they could put a charging feature to it, where a user with elements other than metal elements could further increase its attacks by incorporating the elements.

Mario is thinking hard, it is indeed possible, adding rune marks charge and contain, its possible its a very intricate job and require precision and control to create this feature, the materials are also very demanding as it requires special metals that is able to channel elemental powers, same type of materials used to make natal weapons.

Their discussion continued till 12 mid night, the last topic they discussed, Mario asked Diane, Jonathan and Alfred who stood on the side listening to the master and disciple, to leave the workshop.

"Why are they so secretive?" Diane asked, feeling irritated that her son is now being secretive to her 'my baby is now a man, he is now hiding things from me! Humf…'

"Lets just wait it must be something very important"

Jonathan consoled Diane

"It must be something very amazing, hahahaha… i just cant wait to know what they are planning!" Alfred said excitedly

Mario and John discussed the designs for the new improved training/ standard gun for distribution.

John also asked mario if he could help in the design of the fire arms training grounds.

After 30 minutes several mages, formation masters and blacksmiths came to marios workshop. The three who were waiting outside the workshop asked some of the men who were summoned, the purpose of their visit. But only to be disappointed because no one knew the purpose, they were just told to come.

The three were now getting more curious of the secretive meeting. They cant wait to question John and mario.

Mario asked them to make an oath to the heavens not to reveal any information they would learn from the meeting, after completing the oath, he started to explained the purpose of the summon.

The three who were waiting outside after seeing the heavenly tribulation clouds, they knew that an oath of secrecy is being performed, they were now much curious than before.

The blacksmiths were assigned to do different parts of the gun, and mario is responsible for the assembly. With several divine black smiths responsible for the production of the guns the target of 100500 guns for the following days training is not a difficult task to accomplish.

While mario is assigning tasks to the black smiths, John is discussing his plans for the training grounds, he took out a big blank sheet of paper and drew the plan, the mages and formation masters studied the designs carefully and is wondering what the prince plan was. They only followed his plans and made suggestions here and there to polish the design.

When the discussion ended mario told john his training schedule for the following days, he also gave him a space ring containing massive amounts of raw iron ore. He is excited and wanted to create this newly improved gun, and decided to start working on it.

When john came out of the hut, his parents and grandfather, kept asking him the contents of their meeting, but he didnt reply and giggling he replied, "please believe me, you will be given a great surprise." Then they went back to the mansion slightly disappointed but very expectant.

The day ended, John did not go to sleep, he sat on meditation, studying immortal Juras, soul controlling art. The princple for controlling the soul is simple he just needs to insert a whisp of his soul to the target and he is able to enslave the target. Rhe more powerful his soul is the stronger the control.

The cultivation method is simple but also difficult. It follows the principle of all things have a soul and souls are everywhere. Once he got familiar with the feeling of the souls in his surrounding, the soul controlling art is activated pulling all the wisp of souls to him, making the soul force gathering faster.

He tried a simple method to skip the sensing part, by imprinting the feeling to his soul, he didnt need to actively sense it, it has now become a passive skill, even without the soul controlling art, even using ordinary ways of absorbing soul force works, and the difference is negligible.

After a whole night of comprehending the technique he is now able to incorporate it with his technique. Upon merging the soul controlling art with his barbarian god soul manipulation arts, the passive attraction of soul force has become faster.

The following day, his parents found out that John seems to be different, there is a unexplainable attraction to him. John noticed this and is surprised, he felt good about it, his charm increased.

John has 6 hours of free time thus he trained the ten thousand hammering technique. With all his focus into training his smithing skill, he knew it wont take too long for him to finish mastering this skill, he is striking rapidly, with regular intervals and equal strength, after 6 hours he is able to do 2000 stikes in one. In his estimate it would take around a week worth of training before he fully master the technique.

It is now time for his lecture, he greeted everyone.

"Guess everyone has made great improvements overnight!"

"Before we start, i would like everyone to stand and offer your thanks to immortal jura!" He ordered

Everyone is perplexed by Johns sudden order, immortal Jura didnt know how to react, 'is the prince joking with me, why involve everyone' he thought.

"Thank you immortal Jura!" everyone said in unison

Immortal Jura thickened his skin as he regained his composure, then saluted in response.

After the commotion is over John stood straight.

"Today before we start i want everyone to focus on feeling the soul in the environment. Close your eyes and meditate, concentrate on feeling the souls in the surrounding."

"Everything has a soul and soul particles are everywhere…" he added

After 3 hours everyone felt had could arleast feel the souls in their surroundings. They have many questions but did not ask, Johns action would always have a reason. Thus, everyone followed his instructions.

"Thats all for today, and the following days. Only those who have mastered feeling the souls would be able to proceed with the next level of training." Everyone has questioning looks at john

"Dont look at me like that, hehehe… you would be surprised when you start the next few levels of training." He giggled as he replied

As everyone is talking with each other through their soul sense, immortal Jura stood like a rock not moving a bit. He is in shock, total shock. The immortals near him wondered why so, but he wont react even when called. Everyone including the king and queen noticed immortal Juras abnormality. They came close to him, Jonathan tapped his shoulder

"Immortal jura, are you alright?" He asked

Immortal jura, regained his senses and hurriedly replied "im sorry your highness, i spaced out!"

"Is there something wrong with the training?" He asked, he too is wondering whats the purpose of todays training.

Jura took a deep breath "there is nothing wrong woth the training, infact its perfectly normal, however i was so shocked that i lost my composture."

All had confused looks. "The prince is the abnormal one," he murmured

Diane raised her eye brows as she heard juras comments

"No my queen, its a compliment, he is abnormal because if im not mistaken, he has already mastered my soul controlling art and has already found a way to merge it with th BGSA!"

Boom! The bomb has been dropped.

"What it has just been one day! And he has already mastered the technique, it reallt is abnormal" they all thought

"What the prince asked us to do is the essence of the soul cultivation of my soul arts. But its totally different from what i know, thus, i could tell that he has mastered the technique and found a way to merge the two."

"He has already devised a training regime to incorporate the two, it only advantages, if its really as i thought it was, the absorption speed of soul force would increase, combined with our race soul arts, we could strengthen our souls faster and more efficiently!" He concludes

The most surpised are his parents and Alfred, they knew that John spent less than half a day to master Immortal Juras technique. But didnt say, if they knew they might be depressed.

Everyone is now getting more excited, it is their race blessing for having this genius prince. They felt very grateful to the king and queen for giving birth to John. Now no one would ever think of doubting the prince.

John directly went to the shooting range, thus he has no idea about the commotion he made. He went and checked the site, he devised different targets with varrying sizes and shapes, obstacle courses and a 100 square kilometers jungle terrain. It was all completed with the help of the mages and formation masters.

In his plans he did not make any drills too improve the bodies mobility, balance, coordination and stability since they are all cultivators and warriors, these wont be a problem. Using his vast knowledge on firearms training he designed the drills to focus mainly on weapon handling, aim, control and speed.

Considering the urgent need to improve the BGBTA, metal element manipulation arts (MEMA) and BGSA, he also designed restrictions and obstacles to increase the speed, rate of mastery and control over the the new techniques. With the help of his master Mario, they were able to formulate a perfect training style to boost this aspects all at once.

The Barbarian race is innately talented in weapon handling and are genius fighters with good fighting instincts. Thus earths standards for firearms training is like childsplay to them. He can personally testify to that. Thus, the difficulty of his training is also insanely abnormal. He first tried it and is satisfied with the level of difficulty, he has seen more areas that could be improved but that could wait after the first training session. He might be able to improve it better.

He called the numbered warriors, these are the personal guards of his mother. Early in the morning, John summoned his secret guards and asked them to call all the numbered guards, he told his mother that he has a request from them thus Diane allowed it. He discussed it with his mother and told her that he wanted to make a pioneer elite group of gunners, and asked her permission if she is willing to borrow her personal guards to be his subjects.

Diane did not refuse, she immediately agreed, she herself became very interested in this new weapon, she fell in love with it at first sight. Having her guards pioneer Johns plans, shows howmuch she trust her sons decisions.

He brought the guards at the new training field and gave out 200 new standard guns to them, explained the features and made a short lecture on the proper handling and use. He ordered them to practice their aim and speed loading and firing. He made them make an oath not to disclose his plans to anyone.

"Aunt zero, hows did the training go?" He asked the leader of the guards

The usually beautiful and cold lady, softened her expression as she replied to john "My prince, of the total 200 numbered guards everyone is able to reach the minimum standards that you required."

John nodded his head, "good! starting tomorrow, everyone is to train here early in the morning until the training sessions of everyone! Dont worry about not being able to attend the lectures, after the firearms training ill personally conduct the lectures and you can ask questions with your difficulties in cultivation."

"Thank you aunts!" Then he bowed "you will all be the very first elite gunners of the empire after this program!" He declared

No one complained instead they were all excited, they knew that this prince is more than qualified to teach them, not to mention he is very good at it. Thus they all agreed to his arangements.

The king and queen led the empires elite to the new training field.

When the group arrived, the training area looks new to them, its the first time they saw a shooting range and obstacle course with moving targets, what is noticable are the numerous watch towers within the obstacle course; and the 100 square kilometer forest for the war games.

John stood at the entrance and greeted them "Welcome, this will be the setup of the firearms training course, please follow me and listen closely"

Jonathan and diane stood next to him, listening carefully to John, followed by Alfred and the other ministers, immortals and saint soldiers. They were rather excited as John did not want them to know his plans, he only told them to wait and see. Thus, the couple is expectant, their son never fails to surprise them.

"What you all are to hear is an absolute state secret so i apologize as i need you all to swear to the heavens, even you mother and father"

Everyone nodded and made an oath… then he continued

They arrived at the shooting range. "The first area is the shooting range, there are 10 levels of difficulty for now, its difficulty is callibrated and designed to maximize our race innate gifts."

"The level of difficulty is callibrated based on our pioneer teams performance, the data gathered from their trial, became the base standard for this." Then he called the numbered guards

"Due to tight schedule this training field is not tet perfect, I hope you would participate in this training sessions so that we could collect sufficient data and further improve the training program." they kept silent, they have long learned not to underestimate this prince.

"This training field master piece is the credit of all the empires mages and formation masters, can i please honor your presence to be recognized?" Then the mages and formation masters proudly stood up front, it may have been the prince ingenius masterpiece design, but it was thru their efforts that made this happened. They felt grateful that they have been recognized, if it were any other royalty, he might have gobbled up all the credit.