Change of plans 4

"This is a training program designed by the empires elites, for the elites of the empire!" He declared

The audience were all twitching their eyes, "wasnt this supposed to be a basic training? Ho come it suddenly became a training for elites?" Bit none of them dared to complain, afraid they would be mocked by others.

The mages and formation master, could not disclose what is prepared for them during the training since they swore an oath. But imagining all the formations, restrictions and traps laid across the training field, they knew that even the first level is like hell. There is without a doubt those who were stuck on their cultivations bottlenecks could have a great chance to breakthrough.

"If you all may, ill demonstrate each level for everyone to know the rules, aunt zero! He waved his hand signaling the start, the runes and formation lit up, ten round white flat targets with one inch red round center target, flew to 10, 20, 30, 40 & 50 km from his spot."

The whole training ground lit up, and they all felt twice as heavy as before. 'Its a gravity formation. It increases the gavity by one fold'

"This is the first level of training, the aim is to hit the ten targets; ten, twenty, thirty, forty and fifty kilometers from my position. On the first level the targets will stay in place, each one will only have 50 projectiles each, no more but less is better."

He took out the new standard gun, and carefully explained its parts and functions. "The training weapons we will be using, is also going to be the standard weapons we will distribute." He lifted the gun and fired ten consecutive bullets without looking at the tagets, hitting all 50 targets at the center, using only 10 shots.

Everyones eye grew wide, they are very impressed by the new weapon, its more powerful and accurate. Compared with the prototype it looks very elegant in its silver and black color combination. They were shocked of how skilled John is using the gun, 10 bullets hitting 50 targets? and not aiming when he fired! 'Whew the prince is so amazing!' They thought.

But the numbered guards had different reactions, when they saw John hit all the targets without looking and with 10 bullets only. Not only were they impressed, they are looking at John with worshipping gazes. Since they knew that the gun is on training mode, they knew the difficulty of johns trick.

This reaction wasnt missed by the audience, for this numbered guards to show this kind of exaggerated shocked expression, only proves that the difficulty of the move.

Everyone is expectant and excited, they all wanted to start the training, and have a try with the weapons.

The John continued, "Thanks to gramps mario, and the empires black smiths, we are able to complete the weapons."

"To all our blacksmiths peas, will you do the honor of being recognized?" All the balck smiths walked to the front of the group, with their heads held high.

Then he excitedly showed the new weapon and explained each parts and functions, its a pistol gripped rifle, 36 inches long.

It has a 30 inches long barrel with front and rear sights and a smaller barrel inside. The inner barrels bore is 120 mm in diameter, with very intricate rifling method. While the middle of the two barrels hold an extension spring.

The gun is spring loaded, it has a double spring propulsion mechanism. A dual rate spring for compression is at the bottom of the barrel and extension spring at the tip of the barrel, the springs are attached to a boltspring handle is for the cocking function.

The rifles bolt is 76 mm long (around 3 inches) that holds the bullet in place, and a 3 bullet magazine container below the barrel. The trigger is 26 mm (1 inch) long with guard and a pistol gripped handle.

"This standard gun has a maximum effective range of 50 km, and by our barbarian race standards, any normal attack as it is can kill anyone below the saint level, later i will discuss its other feature that will certainly blow your minds."

"The goal of this training is to: first have a good grasp and mastery of the gun; second be proficient in using it in actual combat, us barbarians of the gold empire is known only for our prowess in close combat, thru the gun, we would have solved our empires long weakness. The advantage of this is, we will have more than a million warriors who are both proficient in shart and long ranged attacks. We would have greater maneuverability on the battle field."

"Third, we tampered with the weapon, in order to also help improve the three cultivation manuals we are currently training. Thru this changes on the weapon, we are hitting 4 to 5 birds in one stone, making it more efficient. I know alot of you are not satisfied with this arrangement, but we dont have the luxury of time, we need to consider the bigger picture, so please understand."

"All if the weapons have disruption runes on the bolt, making it more difficult to form metal projectiles, this will train the control and help improve the element concentrating capability. The cocking mechanism has soul weights attached, this is to improve the power and control of BGSA. Lastly it has weight and gravity runes that is constantly fluctuating engraved in it, this is to improve the weapon control mastery and aim." As he finished explaining the audience felt cold sweat falling on their bodies, including his parents they are looking at John as if looking at a monster 'didnt you say you only wanted everyone to learn how to properly handle and aim the weapon? Isnt this over kill? Are you training elite gunsmen here?' They thought

"Son isnt it a bit too much just to learn how to handle the weapon?" Jonathan asked

"Initially i thought of not tampering the weapons and only tamper my gun, but when i tried it, i found that i gained alot of benefits, my training speed of the three areas body, mana and soul all improved by leaps and bounds, not to mention it was fun and challenging. Mother also thought so, right mother?" He said then hugged Dianes leg

Diane could only giggle as her son hugged her.

Jonathan could only open his mouth but no words came out, he looked at his wife, who could only shrugg her soulders and shake her head.

"No one should ever make design to our empire and its people! Everyone in this empire is my John Golds family! Anyone who ever does has to die!" He said as his eyes flashed with killing intent, everyone felt a sudden chill.

They looked at the boy standing infront of them, releasing a very strong killing intent. This is not a bearing a child could ever have, even adult cant release this kind of overbearing pressure. His resolute face, bearing and inexplicable charisma gained respect and awe from everyone.

His parents were so proud of their son, Diane held her mouth with both hands as tears of joy fell from her cheeks. 'My baby is now a man' she thought

'Look this is my Jonathans son! A dragon like his old man! Resolute and overbearing! Hahahaha…' he proudly thought

"George!" Alfred hit george the finance minister with his elbow, smiling from ear to ear he said "what do you think, of my grandson? Isnt he overbearing enough, hahahaha…"

George is still in shock as he absentmindedly nodded his head in response.

"Sorry for loosing my composure!" Then bowed in apology

Then John continued…

"By applying the restrictions, we are training with the weapon, BGBTA, metal element manipulation arts (MEMA), and BGSA all at once. We dont have the luxury of time, thus we needed to take drastic measures to efficiently complete our plans in the least amount of time. After this predicament, we can atleast breath alot more easier."

'The prince is just like the king, but much better since he is still too young!'

'Its not an embarassment to ever follow our prince, though he is young he is very capable of leading us and the empire as a whole'

The immortals and soldiers all have the same thoughts, before they swore to follow John and be loyal to him since they recognized him. How ever after knowing the prince more, their respect and loyalty to John had turn them to fanatics. They feel like grovelling on his feet and worship him.

Then John added "not anyone can use this weapon! if ever a soldier dies and the enemy ever chance upon it. We also applied bloodline sensors, once the enemy touched it the weapon would self destruct and the power has a 5 meter destructive radius." He threw the gun high up to the center of the shooting range, then zero threw a level three magical beast mouse.


The mouse turned into a bloody mist. The audience had goose bumps as they saw the scene, how devious. What strong destructive power soldiers below saint realm would die a very horrible death.

"Hehehehe… thats not all, if they ever think that touching is dangerous and use soul force or mana manipulation, it would trigger the soul and mana sensor runes, and would explode as well! Since these sensors are tuned to my flesh, blood and soul, non babrarian race would never succeed if they ever try to study it. Last and not the least the finale…" then he smirked as he rubbed his hands

"The sensor would explode after if the weapons are not supplied with a drop of barbarian blood, and it should be a barbarian not controlled in any form."

"This special sensor is the master piece of my master and i, and we will be improving it until its perfect to protect our secrets and trump cards"

"That is the training feature." He then blurted out

"There is also a battle mode feature!" He added

"If needed for battle, the user only needed to send a wisp of soul force to it, along with two drops of blood then all restrictions will be lifted, and a bayonet would appear at the bottom part of the tip of the barrel" he then demonstrated the battle mode of the weapon

Then a 2 feet long chopper knife appeared at the bottom tip of the barrel.

No one had any word to say, they were all shocked and excited when they saw the battle mode.

The weapon looks like very elegant, simple

"Very meticulous and cautious, but devious!" Jonathan, murmured

Pak! "What did you just say?" Diane hit the back of his head

'How could a two year old think of these things?'

John who experienced Regurs life and a top general from his previous life, he has more experience than any of them, he knew that his invention of guns would change the world thus he made such plans.

Alfred and the finance minister George, felt that Johns plans were just perfect. They didnt see any problems with it. The only thing they felt is out of place is, his overly cautious acts that is beyond his age.

George spoke "how much is one of these guns cost?"

John non chalantly answered, 5 "low grade mana stones, thats a total of 502500 low grade mana stones." Then he added

"Even if its a bit costly, the benefits to us is undoubtedly much more than the mana stones lost. If we ever lost the war, wouldnt our losses be more than just 502500 low grade mana stones?" He asked, indeed what John said is true.

"The last goal of all this is for my own selfishness" he honestly said

"I want to chose 5000 of the best trainee and soldiers, to be my very own personal army." His parents looked at him, wanting to ask the reason why they sere not consulted for this.

"Father, mother, rest assured that this 5000 men and women will be part of of most elite troops. Grandpa Alfred has already agreed to this and gave me his full support." He said, while Alfred, nodded his head vigorously indicating his approval.

Many months ago when John learned of the special troops of his parents, grandfather and generals, told Alfred that he also wanted to create his own troops. He told him of his dream to create a very special army that could rival the best soldiers of the empire. Alfred challenged him "i would support you in what ever endeavor you pursue, but i want to see the results before you your tenth birthday!" He said