Change of plans 5

His parent looked at him asking for a better explanation, but he proceeded with his introduction.

"The second level, all the targets will move twice the speed and would send attacks to the weapons user, the field would also trigger the anti flight restriction formation. There are no areas to hide, thus you must dodge using purely your physical strength. Every level upgrade will increase the speed and variability of the targets movements and attacks and ground attacks and explosion would also target the weapons user, this will push you to the very limits of our ability helping with the soul training, for prediction and perception."

Then he jumped to the center of the training field, and signalled zero to activate the second level, they had seen the level of difficulty and is very impressed with John level of miticulousness. Its not made just to make things difficult for them, but every training program aims to push one to breakthrough while on combat.

"The second part of the training is the obstacle course" they went to the next training area it is a 30 square kilometer open area with 200 watch towers

"Same with the first training, the second training field aims to improve your BGBTA, MEMA and BGSA. Thus there is an antiflight formation and gravity formation as well. Multiple earth walls will rise at different intervals. And multiple traps will trigger at random, to improve the souls perception and danger prediction. Some targets will have fixed positions, while several of the targets will appear at random, these targets have sensory and perception disruption formations, making it hard to detect, the trainees must push their senses to the limit in order to not miss the target." Then he paused and waited for them to digest his explanation

"What is the purpose of the watch towers?" Diane asked

"Mother this is where your number guards will be positioned, the numbered guards will be targeting the trainees as they enter the training couse." The two hundred numbered guards took their positions and John entered the training course, he closed his eyes as he psyched himself. When the bell rang ge opened his eyes and the fixed targets appeared, he sent out his soul sense to 5 meters around him as he moved forward, the gound changed and traps set off one after the other, the guards took aim and shot him, he dogded the bullets and aimed at the targets, some bullets were able to hit him, but the injuries are not that fatal and were able to heal after some time. He finished all the targets after 30 minutes and he looked very disappointed 'im still slow'.

To the audience his performance is already outstanding, his use of his soul technique is smooth, his senses are acute and he has very little wasted movements. What they are surprised with is the amount of times, John broke through his limits during the training.

Thus, now they believed that the benefits he mentioned is legit.

After catching his breath he continued his explanation " the difficulty setup is the same as the first trial, after the first level the targets will be attacking you, and the amount of attacks from the formations will also increase, their speed will also increase with the difficulty level."

They all gasp in surprise, not only this training fun, the benefits to their training is also substantial.

Then John brought them to the last training field, "this is the jungle especially tampered to increase the war games difficulty, this will train the adaptability, weapon control and master, attack precision, and tactical capabilities."

"Fighting against each other, it collates all that you learned from the previous trainings. Thru this method as generals, warriors, leaders and soldiers, you will have a clearer grasp of the weapons use in battle, this will help in devising strategies to incorporate the new weapon into our army." John said

After he is done with the briefing they all went back to the shooting range, the first group are the 500 immortals including Jonathan and Diane.

John ordered the maids to collect data of everyone, he needed to analyze the data and polish the training program.

They felt awkward at first since the weapons have been tampered, but as battle geniuses they were able to adapt very fast, finishing the first level in just 5 minutes, but when the difficulty level rose to the second level, they felt the pressure increasing, but were excited as they felt their bottle necks loosening. The training continued, most of the immortals exited the training grounds as they finished their 50 bullet limit after on their 4th level of difficulty. After the 5th level only Jonathan and Diane are left, they can see them smiling, having fun as they continued the training. After the 7th level only Diane is left, she is lost inher own world, then suddenly they noticed hmshe has formed a connection with the weapon.

All gasp in shock 'one with the weapon!' After she is fdone with the seventh level John immediately odered to increase to level 8, he ordered the 200 numbered warriors to remove the weapons limiter and enter battle mode. The attacks kept coming at Diane but she dodged it easily, John held the training grounds main control he increased the level to 9 and increased the gravity to 3 times. Dianes movement slowed down, but her senses became more acute her attack becomes faster, nature energy gathered around her as every bullet is now imbude with nature energy, 'one with the world!'

'Two consecutive breakthroughs! What incredible talent!' They all exclaimed

Jonathan murmured 'enlightenment!' Yes Diane is in the middle of her enlightenment!

'To think that mother is this compatible with the gun! This is the best weapon for her! I need to costomize a gun for her!' John excitedly thought

After an hour the targets numbered in thousands and the gravity increased to 5x but Diane held on, her body is being refined at an incredible speed, her element manipulation pushed to the limit, another gun appeared on her left hand, it was the prototype gun she made with John. Bullets hit the targets one after the other, she is like a dancing as she shot her guns. Every shot would hit the target, then suddenly the bullets disappeared from their sights as it suddenly appeared at the targets center. Boom!

'One with the universe! This is insane!' They all thought, Diane who is having her enlightenment didnt mind the commotion that she brought, she just continued firing her guns at the target while dodging the numerous attacks from the guards.

Jonathan ordered, "everyone remove the limiters to your weapons, attack the queen, in groups, one thousand at a time, we need to pressure her more, we need to help her breakthrough!" Indeed what Diane needed is pressure.

The training field is like the battle field right now explosions everywhere and bullets raining from all directions, some bullets would penetrate dianes defense and penetrate her body but her regeneration speed is also fast, her body is being refined again in again, as filth seeped through her skin. As a lady who love cleanliness Diane would usually wash her self after every refinement but she currently didnt mind as she has no sense of time and surroundings, all she see are targets waiting to be shot by her.

Ten thousand guns are now simultaneously aiming at her, bullets would hit her from time to time, then suddenly the sky grew dark, as lightning tribulation brewed above her, Jonathan and John saw this and were both excited. 'We can have another round of refinement!' They both thought

Boom! Multicolored lightning fell from the sky, both father and son already planned to jump into dianes tribulation lightning, they talked through soul transmission. "Father when the lightning stikes attack it with all your might as i will hug mom, so that the others will not find it fishy." Jonathan agreed, as the lightning strikes Diane Jonathan immediately attacked the tribulation lightning while John jumped at his mother, hugging her tightly.

Diane woke up fron her enlightenment after she felt the lightning. When she saw her husband and son, she knew their plan, and acted to pervent any suspicion. "What are you two doing? Stupid husband, are you planning to kill us all, hurry and leave with John!" She shouted while tears fell off her eyes.

"We will live and die together, you are not the only one who is willing to die for your family we both are also the same." Though Jonathan said it softly the immortals and soldiers who are still in shock heard what he said clearly.

Nine multicolored lightning struck the three, they thought it has already ended, but it still continued, the tribulation only ended after the 18th strike.

Everyone came to congratulate Diane, this is a joyous occassion, with Diane and Jonathan breakingthrough the empires strength has again improved. What they didnt notice is that John also brokethrough the yellow gold level of body transformation, but due to his incredible control of his body his skin didnt change its color. Only his parents knew since the 9 tribulation lightning came after Dianes.

Dianes bowed in response and asked to excuse the three of them, the people knew that she wanted to freshen up as the filth make one feel very uncomfortable.

The three left and the rest stayed on the training field, zero was left to officiate the training.

Daine took a bath with Jonathan, while John went to his bath and meditated after his shower. He noticed his body emitting electricity, his cells are very agitated, he looked into his cells and noticed that his motochondria had another wave of fission, sixteen thousand in total. Each of this looks like they are about to explode due to overflowing amount of electricity. John thought of an idea, merging all into one.

He tried to experiment and its indeed possible, after every fussion, the mitochondria would shed off old useless parts, and the new ones are much more compact.

He vontinued the process until there is only two left. He has used up alot of his stamina and soul force doing it. But these two is equivalent to two sixteen thousand mitochondria. He gathered all his remaining stamina and soul force, then started the final fussion. Huge amount of current clashing with each other, every wave of electricity a huge part of the mitochondria, shatters, and regrow. The process is very fast, the distruction is faster than the growth speed. But the newly formed organelle is very compact and saturated.

If Johns previous power is akin to 16000 nuclear power plant, his current power is akin to the sun, with inexhautible amount of electricity. This is only to one cell, but how many cells does the body contain? He is like lightning on human form. He could now create lightning even with out gathering it from nature.

Both his metal and lightning element absorption, is more than ten times than before. His light skin color now has yellow gold color.

He tried touching his skin, its smoother and tender, its more resilient and tougher than it was before.

He summoned mayhen his battle axe and tried to cut his forearm. To him it felt like, cutting rubber, there is resistance to the blade. Mayhem is a legendart weapon, it only lacks abit of nurturing feom him and it would upgrade into a divine weapon. It could cut metal like mud even weaker grade weapons would be cut in half, thats how sharp it is.

By his own estimate his skin is now akin to a legendary weapon in toughness. He used his BGBTA to hide yellow gold color of his skin and controlled his his body from releasing electric currents.

His reaction speed is like lightning and data processing is trice as much as before; his processing capability and memory capacity is comparable to 30 super computers.

From his previous knowledge from earth, that metals have magnetic properties, And by adding electricity to it he could produce an electro magnet. He has always been a fan of a comic book on earth, its about mutants. He idolized the character that turns his body into metal and the pther who can control metals thru magnetic powers. Like the child he is now, he tried transforming into metal. He activated his bloodline and he could feel an increase in sensitivity to the metal element.

His fingers, hands, then his arms slowly transformed into yellow gold metal. He tried to absorb more metal elements but since his MEMA is not even level one, his limit to transformation is upto the level of his arms. He wasnt discouraged, but is rather excited. He could really transform his whole body into metal!

He tried applying magnetic theory to his metal manipulation, he gathered metallic particles from the area and applied electricity into the metal, increasing its attractive force. Then he made another one without enhancement from lightning and mase them destroy each other. The metal formed without lightning enhancement shattered into pieces, while the other, doesnt have any damage at all. By applying lightning to his metal element his control of metal elements, is much beter than before, he could gather metal particles faster for his use, manipulate rhe shape faster and most importantly the product is sturdier. Then an idea came to his mind, if i use the BGBTA to selectively transform a part of my body into a weapon, it would add a surprise factor during battles. Imagine while in combat spikes suddenly appear on your body, catching his opponent off guard. He had thought of many practical applications of this new discovery.

'Maybe i should spar with father and the guards to put it into practice.' He thought, with his multitasking capability he could control the change of his body thru the use of his soul clone, while he focus on his battle. Even without his weapon, he could still battle using his body alone.

He also wanted to try controlling the enemy using his magnetic power, he theorized that even with a weaker control power on metal element unlike his mother Diane. Thru the use of the electromagnetic power conbined with his metal element control he could excite the iron on living beings, for him to control.