Change of plans 6

John have many things in mind that he wanted to try, like flying using the repulsive force of magnet and alot more. Its perfect in theory, but he wonders if its possible in actual practice.

'The only way for me to test this all put is thru battle!'

John took out his pistol gripped rifle, and tried using magnetic theory to increase the attack power of his bullets, he tried using repulsive and attactive forces to further enhance his attacks.

When John pulled the trigger, the bullet is ten times faster than using the explosion runes, he applied lightning to his bullet, and when the bullet hit his target, the target shattered. The distructive power of lightning destroyed the target the moment it penetrated it.

"I got to have another trump card, ill try to experiment some othere time." Then he kept the gun and walked out of his room.

"Its been almost an hour, my rabbit parents should be done with their quality time moments" then he chuckled

"Whos the rabbits your talking about?" A voice sounded from behind him, and he was shocked to see his father looking at him.

His mother Diane's face looked very red as she felt embarassed that her son knew what they were doing. Thus, she just twisted Jonathans waist and stomped on his foot.

Jonathan, is very thick skinned that he stood proudly looking at his wifes shy reaction.

He changed the topic and asked "whats with the explosion awhile ago?"

John just smiled and took out his pistol handled riffle and showed them his new found attack. When the couple saw the attack power of Johns bullet, they just stood shocked on the spot.

The power of the projectile could certainly kill saint warriors of the second and third level. However, they also knew that its only possible for John, since he has lightning element.

"This attack is powerful, if we could only use it on our weapons, our victory is almost certain." Jonathan murmured as he regained his composure.

"It certainly is possible father, but it would need more materials and skilled blacksmiths to produce such weapon." John honestly replied to him.

"By the way!" He juumped to his mothers embrace, "congratulations mother! You are now a body tampering martial artist of yellow gold level!" He excitedly said

Diane, ruffled his hair and kissed him on his cheeks as she hugged him tightly.

"It was all due to your help that i survived the tribulation!" She humbly replied

"Well, for most part, you could have survived it even without my help." This is actually the truth, with her solid body tampering foundation, she would survive the tribulation without any help

"It was us who should thank you mother, due to your tribulation, father and i gained alot of benefits as well" then he smiled widely and showed them his progress

"Hehehe… mother we are now both yellow gold level body tampering warriors" he chuckled

Jonathans eyes twotched when he saw John, 'this is how frustrating it is to be a father of a genius.' He thought disappointed at himself

Diane felt her husbands disappointment and just smiled and said "there is no need to be disappointed honey, it wont take long before you upgrade your body tampering."

"Once gramps mario finishes the new gun, i need to ask for at least 2 more sets of this shackles, this one set is not enough to restrict me anymore!" He slowly said

Diane and Jonathan just shook their heads, this son of theirs never disappointed them, they didnt even need to teach him. He is also very understanding and is responsible. As parents they are proud of having a genius son. But accompanying this is the frustration of seeing him breakthrough without any bottlenecks, having to cultivate for many years, you can just imagine the feeling they have right now. John made it seem like their efforts are worthless.

The family went back to the training grounds, the warriors are still training. When they saw the family fly to their direction, everyone dropped what they were doing and bowed in respect.

"How was the training going?" Jonathan asked his father in law

"This training method is amazing! Not only is it fun, and exciting. The benefits are just off the charts!" He excitedly replied forgetting to be respectful with his reply

Then he continued "if we incorporate this to our training regime, not only will we improve faster, the learning process and practical applications of the training manuals will also be mastered much faster than we predicted"

Everyone agreed to his conclusion, it was indeed a very efficient training method.

"I see!" Jonathan excitedly replied

"But this training method is not applicable to normal warriors!" He stated his concern, then he looked at his son, who was looking at the sky acting like he didnt hear what he said.

Looking at Johns reaction his eyes twitched, 'this son of mine is so mischievous' he thought

Diane wanted to laugh but held it in. She knew her sons personality thus she knew that he has a way to make it easier. He just wanted to try out his theories and used them as his guinee pigs.

"Well, i can try and lower my standards if you feel like your not upto my standards." John blurted out all of a sudden. When they heard him, everyone was not given a chance to retort. If they say that it was difficult for them, then its good as saying that they have poor talents and are below average. Everyone here is a genius and power house of the empire, their pride wont let them accept such outcome. Thus, no one complained.

"Baby, i know you have a method to train the basics of the weapons handling and mastery." Diane spoke up when she noticed that John wanted to tease the warriors.

Knowing that is mother wanted him to stop playing around, John held his chin and said "well for starters, i did jump to the most difficult part of the training." He honestly replied

Everyone has the same expression of 'i knew it the prince is just being mischievous!'

"But, i considered everyones talents and aptitude when i decided to skip the very basic." Then he paused

Everyone has disbelieving looks on their faces. Thus, he started explaining.

"First, everyone is considered to be the best warriors of the empire, it means your martial prowess in strength, agility, dexterity and coordination are already considered to be at the peak of the empire! Then let me ask you, do you still need those basic drills and training?" He asked

"Definitely not! Right? Or we would just be wasting our very precious time"He confirmed

Everyone nodded, its true indeed, they would feel like wasting their time if they would start with the very basic.

"Thus, i felt like it would be an insult to your level." He added

Everyone felt proud being praised by John, and they chuckled feeling elated and overwhelmed by his good words.

Jonathan and Diane looks where interesting, John knew how to read the psychology of this power houses, making them willingly bid to his will.

Alfred and George, the two old men shook their heads as they realized they felt good with Johns praises and felt funny being manipulated by a two year old boy.

"Second, with everyones perception, battle sense and affinity; learning how to use it is a breeze, what you need the most, is to be comfortable with the weapon and be proficient in it, as you will be the ones who will carry the responsibility of training our people."

"Lastly, our barbarians cultivation method is not that easy to learn, all of you must remember, that the difficulty of learning this depends on the persons comprehension. You might find it easier to comprehend, well, your cultivation level speaks volumes of your talents."

Everyone had proud looks on their faces, others were also nodding their heads vigorously stating their approval of Johns conjecture.

"But do remember! it would be 10 times or maybe a thousand times more difficult for our people to learn this methods."

"Thus, inorder for us to reach the level of mastery in this very limited amount of time that we have, this level of difficulty is a must!"

Everyone felt relieved as they listened to John explain, they were all thinking that he is pranking them.

Then he added "however, for our trainees, reserves and soldiers, there is a srandardized level of training regime that covers all the basics. So you dont have to worry about that."

"Is it possible for the prince to share the standardized training method you prepared for the rest of our men." Alferd inquired, everyone also wanted to listen to his plans, and learn of his methods. What they wanted to assess is the level of difficulty, as they felt that John might have very high standards based on the way he prepared the training program for them.

"Well in order to satisfy your curiousity… may i request our everyone to kindly cooperate with me. I want everyone to make another oath of secrecy"

Everyone followed, they knew that the prince is very cautious and secretive, it not because he is selfish, but they knew that anyleak of this plans, might trigger the immediate attack of their enemies while they are unprepared. Thus they appreciated this actions of John, especailly his parents, they are very supportive of his way of handling affairs.

He took out two bundles of paper, one with the geographic design and tools drawn on it, while the other contains the training regime for all levels of warriors. It's meticulously designed for barbarians, it putting in consideration their superior physical strength and athleticism.

When they saw the plans, everyone is shocked, who would have thought that such a plan already existed, they were all thinking that John has not yet prepared the plans.

All they could say is "Genius!", very meticulous plan, every aspect of a trainees physical attribute, mana capacity and soul capability is included in his calculation. The level of training depends on the level of each trainee, depending on the 3 aspects.

"That is the plans for the taining area, training tools and program."

Then he took out a bunch of papers and everyone reviewed the contents. It contains the tools and assessment methods of each trainee. Its very datailed that they felt in awe of Johns plans.

'How does the prince brain works?' They all thought

"This is a very precise and well calculated plan, very impressive, impressive indeed!" Jonathan praised

If this plan is made into completion they could level up the empire as a whole. Thru his estimate, in 5 years time the soldiers would improve their strengths significantly, enough to challenge regular elites of the opposing army. Even with the enemies overwhelming numbers, they would have enough advantages to topple them and be victorious in battle.

But they dont have enough man power to make several of this training fields.

"Where do you plan to establish this training field?" He asked John

"Father i plan to establish it here on this island!" He honestly replied.

"This island has one hundred million square kilometers of land area, with sea creatures lurking at the shores, if we are to establish the training camp here, this will also solve our practical training problems." He added

Jonathan scratched his chin as he listened to John. The problem is this place is a protected area, not known to the outside world, if it ever comes to public thru any method, it might attact the greedy eyes of their enemies.

"We could just check each and everyone, using the same method that John used on the weapons." Alfred suggested

Eveyone is racking their brains for plans, its very crucial to plan things out perfectly, one wrong move and it may cause the demise of the whole empire.

Jonathan spoke, "your plan is perfect considering that we lack man power and trainers, who has mastered the there arts of our race."

What Jonathan said is true, their problem lies with the three arts of their race. They have many experts but everyone of these experts trained the methods incorrectly. This was the reason for this training.

They looked at their king waiting for him to speak.

Then he continued, "we will make three camps on the mainland."

"The first one will be for all the basics, we need to strengthen the foundation of our people. In this camp, we will do the preliminary screening for the peoples loyalty to the empire, check the bloodline and to weed out the spies."

"We need to thoroughly check each and everyones backgrounds. For those warriors who do not reach the standards for training after 5 years will be drafted as reserves."

"The second one will be for the advanced warriors, the training for precision and control of the weapon and advanced training method for the three arts will be introduced."

"This we need to device a plan to divide the arts into three parts, only those who cleared the preliminary screening would be able to access the second part of the arts and proceed with the advanced training."

"The regular soldiers who had been screened and trained at the camps will then be able to skip the first camp and proceed directly to the second. Thru this, we can weed out the weak and those who reached the standards would then proceed to the elite training camp, which will be the third one. If a soldier doesn't improve in five years to reach the level of elites, they will be drafted as regular soldiers of the army."

Then he paused as he let them digest his plans.

"We need to have a more thorough screening of every elite background before we teach the third part of the barbarian arts. There will be an assessment of the warriors by the end of every year, to choose 10000 elites who will proceed to the elite camp."

"Lastly the third camp will be for the elites, only the best 10000 warriors from the second camp each year would be selected and be a member of the elite camp. They will be trained with the last part of the barbarian arts, they will be the top warriors of the empire. From this group 10 warriors will be chosen every year to be brought here and be part of our special troops."

Then Jonathan looked at everyone and waits for them to question his plans. Suddenly John spoke, "father, the 10 warriors will be be called a commando. We need to give them a distinct name."

Jonathan mused of his sons suggestion, naming the warriors who train in the island as commando.

"Why the name?" he asked curiously

"They will be our shock troops, a very special elite unit, responsible for hit and run raids, spying and espionage." he replied

"Ahahah... Interesting" he commented