Change of plans 7

"Your job now is to divide the training manual into three parts and to revise the plans for the training field." he looked at him while smiling

"Father! You've got to be kidding me? I'm just a two year old remember!" he contained, but Jonathan knew that his son is only joking with him thus he replied

"Well that is your problem! Who told you to be my son?!" he retorted

Everyone laughed out loud as they heard the father and son conversed.

"I can agree, but, I want my own team of warriors. This warriors will only respond to me, and no one else."

Jonathan, raised his eyebrows as he heard his son. He knew that John would definitely want to have his own men. This he was not too shocked with his request, but what intrigue him is that he doesn't want his men to report to them.

'He definitely has a plan.' but Jonathan didn't mention his thoughts, he wanted John to open up his plans himself.

"I agree to your conditions, but I want the revised plan and training methods of the barbarian arts as soon as possible" said Jonathan

"Ok father before this three months ends I will give you a completely revised training plan and divided training manuals." John happily replied


Inside his workshop, Mario continuously failed crafting the new gun he designed with John. He followed their plans but failed miserably. The sound of hammering can be heard without rest as he hammers the metal, the surrounding area is so hot that the soil around his workshop dried out.

Meanwhile a month passed outside, Johns element manipulation improved to mortal level. He noticed that he had great difficulty filling up his reserves. Ordinary barbarian warriors only needed to fill up their dantians and cells with metal element and mana, let it overflow to breakthrough.

The more elements he absorbs the stronger is the control over this elements. While the mana measures the amount of power one could produce using the elements. However, he on the other hand needed to fill his cells and dantian with both metal and lightning element and mana.

However, he on the other hand needed to gather two elements and fill his cells and dantian, not to mention he also needed to gather mana. A very big problem he faced is that after his cells and dantian reserves is like a bottomless pit, after his bodies continuous refinement, his body can hold tremendous amounts of elements and mana.

Even if he activates his multitasking skill and use two soul clones to focus each one of the metal, lightning and mana, with his ever enhanced absorption capability, it still took him 1 month to progress in his cultivation.

He wondered 'if this continues I would need at least 2 to 3 more months before I could breakthrough copper level.'

The other major problem he faced is that, he needed to completely blend his two elements on his dantian in the process, only after he had complete equilibrium of his two elements could he breakthrough. He noticed this abnormality while he was breaking through the mortal level. John felt that his mana and elements are sufficient but he can't seem to upgrade his mana cultivation. That was when he figured out the problem with his dantian.

After sorting out the problem, he made his breakthrough. He felt ecstatic, all this time he felt pressured if his element manipulation can't chase up, with his two other cultivation, he will take more time to level up to the next level of cultivation. John felt the pressure, he needs to get stronger fast.

Diane and Jonathan noticed that their son is giving himself too much pressure, and it struck them hard. Not just them, all of the immortals and saint who saw the little prince, they felt embarassed.

Seeing the boy trained so hard they dont want to be left behind thus they all trained like crazy. They all focused on their training and even requested John to upgrade their training level.

In this 1 month everyones improvement were enormous. Most of the immortals got their cultivation breakthrough in their BGBMA, while Jonathan and Diane broke through orange gold level.

The old immortals Alfred, George and the rest who got seriously injured during the last planar wars, had their injuries healed to almost 50%. They were all so glad that they even cried when they felt their injuries healed. They have been trying this past decade healing their injuries to no avail. This breakthrough gave them hope and ignited their dreams of ascension to godhood.

Everyones proficiency with the use of guns were atleast one with the weapon level. The war games let these warrior incorporate the guns in their strategy. Since everyone is an elite, most of them enjoyed close combat battle, but through constant battle using the guns, they learned to adapt, mixing their tactics of ranged and close quarter combat.

The pistol handled rifles had been modified several times as well. The blacksmiths were like kids excitedly making guns and brainstormed on ways to improve the weapon. With their collaborative efforts, as well as Johns expertise, they were able to upgrade the gun from it's basic to spirit level.

Saint warriors can only handle up to unique level, while the immortals are the only one's capable of using exotic and spirit-level guns. The reason is simple, the explosive power, weight and soul force needed of the gun is directly proportional to it's level.

The weight of the guns is the same as the shackles:

Basic 100 kg

Fine 500 kg

Rare 1 ton

Unique 10 tons

Exotic 100 tons

Spirit 1000 tons

Ascended 10000 tons

Legendary 100000 tons

Divine 1000000 tons

Not everyone can carry the weapon, especially when it's also rigged for training. The explosive power of the guns is also greatly improved thus the higher it's level, the higher is it's requirement for metal manipulation. Those with weaker metal element control would have their bullets shatter by the explosion. Lastly the soul force needed to cock the gun is massive.

Only Diane is capable of handling a rigged spirit-level gun. While Jonathan, John and the rest could use a rigged exotic gun with ease. This also solidified their foundation of the metal element manipulation arts and barbarian God soul arts, and their BGBTA is refined. Improving everyone's strength by leaps and bounds.

The training method has been modified, due to the improvement of the participants and weapon. The difficulty level is now divided into three categories: earth, heaven and hell. Each have ten levels each, the previous ten levels is now the earth level; while the heaven and hell levels well, you can imagine the difficulty of this two training regimes. Even the creator himself "john" could feel goosebumps, he can't even imagine how to complete a single level for heaven difficulty, and there are ten levels on it; what more is the hell difficulty.

Not only John even the immortals who helped construct the training field, are in awe of their creation. This was their masterpiece but they themselves can't imagine how they could clear even a single level of the heaven difficulty, what more for the hell mode.

To their surprise Diane, was the first-ever, who cleared 5 heaven levels of difficulty. It was at this time where she broken through orange gold level in her BGBTA. This helped John on his breakthrough to mortal level, as he was able to fill his cells with lightning element. Jonathan improved his BGBTA to orange gold level after refining his body with his wife tribulation lightning. He also cleared 5 levels of heaven difficulty after his breakthrough.

Everyone's goal is to complete the 10 levels of hell difficulty. Almost all the immortals are now on the level ten of the earth difficulty. While John and the rest of the saints are on the 5th level of earth difficulty. Not only is this a challenge for them, the amount of improvement in their cultivation is a solid proof of it's effectiveness.


Through the constant upgrading of the guns, John is able to learn from the other blacksmiths about smithing, he used this chance to polish his skills. He learned that in order to refine his hammering skills, the lighter the hammer he use during training, the more refined his skills could be. Well it's obvious that it's faster to refine using a heavier hammer as it needs lesser effort to hammer the metal, but, it's a different story using a light hammer.

Daily he would never miss refining the raw iron ores, he wanted to refine his skills, and master the art of smithing. This he pushed his training further, using a 1/2 kilogram hammer, he would refine the ores. It took him hours of hammering to refine just one ore initially.

After a month he could now refine 10 ores in a day. If Mario ever see his 10000 hammering technique now, he would feel so satisfied that he could die without regrets.

If you look and listen to John hammering, one might think that he is hitting the metal once when he smashed his hammer to the ore. But if you look closely he is hitting the ore ten thousand times. He is hammering it so fast that only a single sound of hammer hitting the metal could be heard. After a set of ten thousand hammer strike he would shift the hammer to his other hand and do the same routine.

His strength and precision while hitting the metal is on a godly level. He has tons of ores waiting to be refined, thus he looked for ways to improve his hammering technique even more. If he were to use his natal weapon, destroyer, his war hammer, a single 10000 hammer strike and the ore would be refined.

He felt that he is still far from his best, suddenly a thought came to Johns mind, 'why didn't I think of that!'

'I have been wasting my time shifting hammers between my hands every set of 10000 hammering. How stupid I am not to think that it's also possible to hammer using both my hands, the time spent changing hands for hammering, I can already do another set of ten thousand hammering with it.'

He tried it first and indeed, his refining speed improved, what's more amazing is that the newly refined ore seems to be purer than the rest of the ores he refined.

After his new discovery John now has a new goal, and that is to refine all his previously refined iron ores. He started melting everything and refined all the ores he had previously refined and hammered it again and again.


John guided them to practice the BGSA incorporating the new soul force absorption. This method made them ecstatic. Initially the area of the soul is the most vulnerable part of them as barbarians, however with the help of Johns new method of absorbing the soul force reinforced by the BGSA, the weakness has been covered and they are like tigers given wings.

John never wanted to overestimate their prowess and underestimate the enemy, he always believe that over preparation boost confidence. Thus, John worked even harder than before. Time is of the essence, he did not sleep, instead John meditated and gathered mana, metal and lightning elements to fill his cells and dantian. Since he has perfected his control, all he lack is the volume of elements and mana. He focus solely on his element manipulation arts, while he solidifies his foundation and mastery of BGBTA and BGSMA.

His multitasking is active 24/7, early in the morning he would start warming up at 3am, spar with Jonathan and the saints until 7am. During the day he would hammer the ores before his lectures on soul techniques and practice on the training field.

John has been very busy, his cultivation level may have not improve, however, his control and mastery of the techniques has been polished to perfection.