Change of plans 16

The three months of retreat has now come to an end. Jonathan gathered all of his men and discussed the plans for the upcoming mass training on the empire. The lasted for hours when suddenly immortal Jura spoke "my king I have a proposal, I hope you can agree to this old man's request?"

"Please immortal Jura, feel free to state your request" Jonathan politely replied

"I want to teach Prince John everything I know about alchemy and medicne, I may not be the best but I guarantee that I will pound every knowledge I know about my craft to the prince." he declared

The immortal Jura may not be the best alchemist and doctor but he is also ranked at the top.

The other immortals felt that they too coulf teach the prince

The rest of the immortals didn't want to be left behind and also spoke up

"My King I George want to be his finance and management teacher, " George said

Several old men who were known strategists spoke as well, "we along with minister Alfred would like to be his war strategy teachers"

Diane's friends Macy, Tina, and Myles spoke, "we would like to be his prince formation teachers!"

The rest of the immortals who are purely warriors also said "my king we may not be proficient in any auxiliary profession, but we could train the prince with the way of using the weapons and martial arts we are experts at!"

The Saints and tribulation immortals also join the fray "we are willing to be the prince sparing partners!"

Jonathan and Diane looked at each other still they find it hard to believe what is currently happening. However, Both Jonathan and Diane are not surprised by this, after having first hand experience of John's exceptional talent, who doesn't want to be his teacher.

This is the very first time in the history of the empire that a prince not yet even crowned as the successor is unanimously accepted by the empires top experts. Even for Jonathan, it took him decades before everyone of these men willingly accepted him as the next king of the empire.


An old immortal spoke "my king, I may not be in the position to say this but, I suggest to amend the inheritance procedure for the prince!"

"We can't agree to follow the inheritance tradition, your royal highness, with the prince's talents, it's just a waste of his time and effort." one immortal commented

"We second to that!"

"We as well!"

"Yes, we agree to that proposal!"

Then at the same time as if they rehearsed they kneel in front of him and said altogether

"Yes my lord! We beg for you to reconsider!"

Jonathan is again shocked, to have this prideful crowd kneel and plead for his son. This speaks loads about John's charisma.

As a father he wanted his son to be willingly accepted by this crowd as his next successor, this he made preparations to make it easier for his son to succeed in gaining this crowd's favor. Before he could even start his plans, John already had a firm grasp of their hearts. What the crowd did is testament to this.

This has been one of Jonathan's biggest concerns, he didn't want to be the one who proposes this to the crowd. To his surprise, everyone unanimously approved of altering the tradition for John. Since no immortal and peak saints disapproved of him, h is already crown as the empires unofficial king.

Jonathan officiated the amendment of the empires tradition, no one agreed to letting John start from the bottom of the military rank before his kingship inheritance. It would be a great insult to John if they stubbornly follow the tradition.

By the end of the day, everyone agreed to letting John be the main supervisor for the empires mass training. Through this method, the lower ranked warriors and citizens would personally experience his talents and at the same time, willingly accept him as their next ruler. They knew that John is capable of doing such feat, they were also adamant to accept him, until they personally experienced his prowess and magnanimity. With johns charisma, they knew that it won't take long before the citizens and warriors accept him as their kings successor.

The couple felt like crying, not only were thay blessed with a filial son, he is also very talented, a genius more than the both of them.

The meeting proceeded and the agenda is about the prince training, they came to a consensus, Johns's schedule after the retreat is going to be divided into martial arts and weapons training in the morning, war strategy and finance for two hours, alchemy, medicine and formation in the afternoon, and smithing till midnight.

No one would ever believe that this is possible to accomplish, what more for John who has been to University on earth. An average university student on earth even with a full load would only have classes for eight hours a day. Johns training schedule is humanly impossible to accomplish.


The next day the meeting continued, John took out the divided manuals and the training areas' new designs, along with the program he carefully prepared.

The crowd scrutinized the manuals and plans. They carefully studied it, this will be their next job, as the empires instructors. During their meeting, they decided to temporarily abolish the Academy and shift everything to a military training camp. For this to be put into action, Jonathan divided the group into three, the head is a heavenly immortal with ten earth immortal, 10000 tribulation immortals, and 50000 saints on each team. While John will be the head supervisor for all three camps.

To address the concern of capturing the spies on the empire, Mario, John and the other blacksmiths designed a shackle that has a bloodline testing and spy detection feature applying soul arts to detect any abnormalities on the user. Mario taught everyone the use and features of the shackle, and the way for the instructors to determine the spies. If they are to make everyone make an oath it would be too obvious and would attract more attention from their enemies.

After he assigned the teams, Jonathan didn't forget to remind them, to keep the spies in check, he plans to purge the spies in one go, he doesn't want them to be overly suspicious as to not expose any flaws.

The immortals and saints left to the empire, they have been given a month to complete their task. John stayed with his parents, he personally asked them to spar with him. He wanted to test many of his skills but is afraid to expose his secrets to others. Now that most of the immortals left the island, he felt less restricted and went to spar with his parents.

John went all out this time, the numbered guards were watching as the couple alternately spar against John. John removed his shackles and fought them all out. They moved very fast making it hard for them to follow it using their eyes, John has the same cultivation of BGBTA as his parent's blue gold level. His hand to hand combat is perfect, every move can both attack and defend, no mistakes are made, his level of hand to hand combat is almost the same level as Jonathan. When they took out their weapons, the guards have been enlightened by how the two used their guns and weapons. It's very extraordinary, using the guns to both defend and attack when they were in close contact John would alternately use his hammer and ax, making sure to maintain his momentum. Jonathan suddenly lost in the excitement, and fought with his all. Diane noticed it and immediately rushed to help John, but John sent her a message "mother please let me fight with father, this is important for me."

Diane is getting worried, though Jonathan won't accidentally kill their son, but John would surely be in for a good beating. John felt the pressure coming from his father, he is more than 100x more ferocious than the previous spars they fought. He always believed that even if his father went easy on him, he would be closer to his level. Now he knew that this easy-going father of his has been controlling his strength far too much. 'Father is not even releasing a tenth of his strength'

Jonathan is a true blue heavenly immortal, his hand-to-hand combat is not the way he could attack, now that he has a ranges weapon in his arsenal, his attack has been more unpredictable.

John felt his body heating up, this is what waiting for, he needs this pressure to push his BGBTA to breakthrough. After an hour he is finally getting tired, John is being hit again and again, but there was a smile on his face as if enjoying the torment.

Diane felt it weird seeing John's smiling face, but when tribulation cloud gathered around them she knew why he is smiling. 'He will again breakthrough?' she thought

Diane called Alfred and Mario, this area within the island is isolated and has concealing formations, making it impossible to spy on.

When the first lightning fell Jonathan became aware of what's happening. John sat crossed leg and everyone got near him, he channeled 10% of the lightning power to them, and started tampering with their bodies. After the ninth lightning, John felt his physique changed, everyone woke up from their meditation, as they saw John floated in the air as gold, metal and fire elements rushed to his body forming a cocoon.

Jonathan ordered a complete lockdown of the area and guarded his son, though this is a very isolated island with a very tight security, he didn't want anyone to disturb his son.


John is currently being wrapped around by 3 elements, Jonathan and Diane are not worried as they have experienced this exact phenomenon when John had his first transformation, thus, the couple is not worried for him.

Days pass and John is still wrapped in this elemental cocoon. Jonathan and Diane stay close to him, while the guards were working hard, training at the training area. John numbered guards are motivated, even more, they knew that after johns transformtion, he would be stronger than before. The twins and Merlin, led the troupes with their training, they wanted to enhance their strength. The pressure heavier on the previous royal guards. If they don't step up they would be left behind.

Mario is busy guiding the blacksmiths, not worried about John, he refined the blacksmith's techniques, and guided them patiently. He had given up on his master's dream of building a blacksmith guild, this was mainly because he has not yet found a disciple to be his successor. However, things changed when he found John, he felt that he could now accomplish the dream his master failed to see.


A year has gone and John showed no signs of ending his transformation. The guards have great progress, Diane's numbered guards have all broken through earth immortal level, their BGBTA is at the peak of red gold level, and peak 6th level of BGSA. Zero, on the other hand broke through the green-gold level, and her BGSA has reached the peak of level 5.

All of John's guards are improved a lot, their cultivation has been the same as the previous year but their control of elements and gun handling was improved to one with the world. While the three the twins and Merlin's gun proficiency at one with the galaxy. After their daily training, they would go and guard John. Their prince is still floating and the elements slowly gathered around him, showing no signs of ending it's transformation.


Alfred has been busy watching over the establishment of the training camps. The immortals and saints have started weeding out the spies and guarded against the suspicious ones. There was a mass distribution of shackles, and the whole empire knew about this and willingly accepted it, before it has been only warriors and soldiers who would have the right to wear these items. Not only is it expensive, but the benefits to their training is also the main reason why they wanted to purchase one.

Jonathan and Diane received the reports that a total of 200000 spies have been confirmed from the five hundred million population of the empire. Jonathan left john to his wife, he plans to purge all the spies in one go. He never would have thought that the empire has been deeply infiltrated. He grew mad, just as he arrived at the palace he called for all the immortals and commanders of the army.

"I'm very disappointed with the reports! Who could explain to me how these two hundred thousand spies can enter the kingdom without anyone noticing them?" he angrily asked

No one answered they could feel the anger in Jonathan, he his usually easy-going and soft-spoken. However, they knew that this kind of king is brutal and savage when it come to enemies. And having this spies roaming the kingdom, is a great insult to them, how could these spies freely roam the kingdom under their watch.

Jonathan released his killing intent and said "lock down the borders, comb through the empire, and slaughter these spies!" then he paused

"No I want them locked up and investigated let me know from which powers they belong. Don't kill them easily, they may have some use for us."

He recalled John telling them something about a secret method that he learned from Regurs memory, of using the enemies as ingredients to making pills. This was used to improve the BGBTA, this is what they needed the most right now, resources! He needed to wait for his son to test it out.
