
The borders are closed and soldiers and saints spread to the borders of the empire and periphery. Slowly they moved towards the center, capturing the spies. Not one of the spies is spared, all two hundred thousand spies are all caught and investigated. Then Jonathan ordered for them to be jailed.

What Jonathan and the rest discovered shocked them, this spies have been staying on the empire since 50 years ago, and established a network of information system within the empire. The most of them are from the wind empire, and the attacks and wars are all just to test the waters, assessing and analyzing the strength of the empire.

Jonathan ordered to investigate all the citizens these spies have had contact and investigated them.


The investigation lasted for half a year and John is still wrapped in the element cocoon, the clouds went dark, and the lightning tribulation fell to John. Diane and the rest were aghast as the strength of the lightning tribulation is more than twice the previous ones. Twenty-seven strikes of lightning fell from the skies, the cocoon absorbed each strike of lightning and by the end of the 27th strike, the tribulation continued. Ninety nine strikes fell all multicolored lightning with strength getting stronger per strike. Then after the last attack the everything went to normal.

Inside the cocoon johns body is slowly being remodelled, his cells have gone through several rounds of evolution, his capacity has been increased by several folds. The elements inside his nucleus grew bigger and stronger, while the center which holds mana is turning solid. His dantian and meridians grew even wider and flexible. His soul clones completed their splitting and he now has 7 soul clones floating in his soul sea.

Diane and the rest were surprised, they did not expect this outcome. But seeing John unharmed they felt relaxed.


Two years went by fast the empire is now rid of all the spies. The empire-wide training is now starting and the empire elite would go to the island in batches to train further.

Johns guards are presently at the training field, working hard to complete the heavenly level of difficulty, Jonathan and Diane along with the rest of the immortals are with John, watching over him as they had a meeting.

"When will my grandson end his transformation, I wonder?" Alfred sighed, he missed his cute grandson, ever since John underwent this three long years of transformation he felt that he is getting grumpier.

Jonathan and Diane felt worried for their son, his transformation is taking so long, but they couldn't do anything they tried to go near John but the cocoon as if protecting him, released bolts of tribulation lightning to anyone who went near him. All they could do is wait.

They proceeded with the meeting the immortals reported the results of the training and Jonathan is excited when he learned of the results of the training. John's training program is very systematic and well-rounded. It focused on the basics, the program lets the trainee reach their limit without endangering their life. He felt even more proud of his son, now the 5-year-olds who went for their training have all awaken their bloodline thanks to his training program.

The rest of the trainees have improved by leaps and bounds. The gold empire is now several times more powerful than before. The immortals wanted to talk to John and ask for his advice, they are now having trouble upgrading their BGBTA, the resources they have are not enough to boost their cultivation, most of them are trapped in the yellow-gold level, unable to breakthrough.

Suddenly the cocoon got smaller and smaller as it entered John's body. John sent a soul transmission to his parents "father, mother I'm having a breakthrough, let everyone who is trustworthy to know my secrets come and ready themselves. I'll try to hold it for as long as I can and wait for them!"

Jonathan stood up and ordered, " call out all the immortals and saints of the empire, it's urgent, come to the island with the fastest speed!"

Diane ordered her guards to do the same, Alfred and Mario asked Diane why they gave out such orders. "Father John finally woke up, he told us that he will be having a breakthrough and asked for all the men trustworthy enough to keep his secrets to gather on the island!" she excitedly said

It has been three years since she heard her son's voice, she got so excited that tears fell on her cheeks. This happiness she felt is indescribable, Jonathan hugged her, he is excited as well.

Jonathan wonders what level of cultivation John is right now, he could not feel any energy fluctuations from him, but he feels the same oppressive feeling from an immortal from John.

After two days everyone arrived, "everyone, I know you are busy but you all must come, before anything else, I want you to make an oath that what you experience today is to be kept under your grave.

If I learned of anyone who dares to expose this secret!" then he looked at the men and women

"I will personally erase you and your family from this world!" he loudly declared

The crowd felt how heavy this secret is for the king to say such words it's not a threat, they knew what their ending would be if this ever come to public. They all made an oath. As the sky rumbles by the oaths made by the crowd.

They all say crossed leg as they waited for instructions. John sent a soul transmission to Jonathan "father is everyone here? I can't hold on for too long."

"Don't worry son, let it fall!" he felt proud of this son of his, he knew how difficult it is to find one's tribulation. Just the sheer effort to help everyone, shows how magnanimous he is.

Suddenly the cocoon is absorbed by John's body, then the clouds grew dark, one million kilometer-long tribulation clouds covered the island, everything went dark, even the immortals felt the danger from these tribulation clouds.

"Everyone, trust me and use the energy to refine your bodies!" John said

Everyone knew who this voice owner was, after hearing their prince, the grown focused and sat in meditation and waited for the energy that John mentioned.


A kilometer wide lightning fell onto John, he absorbed the lightning and distributed it to the people. The people felt the energy that entered their body and as John instructed, they used it to refine their bodies. The crowd felt the power of the tribulation lightning, however, they listened to John advise to and refined their bodies with the energy.

After the ninety-ninth lightning strike the clouds grew smaller, thousands of the people who came broke through the yellow gold level, while the immortals who were stuck on the yellow gold broke through the orange-gold level. "Everyone focus, I will transfer the lightning power to refine your bodies."

After a while, the skies went bright and everyone felt excited, they all have broken through. Jonathan and Diane went to their son and hugged him, it's been three years and he finally came back to them.

The couple didn't mind the people around them, they missed this son of theirs a lot. Diane felt lost most of the time, looking at John silently at the elemental cocoon. Now that he is back, she wanted to be with him even more.

"Mother I missed you so much, how long have I been out?" he asked

"It's been three years now, how do you feel? I can't feel any energy fluctuations from you. It's like your a mortal." said Diane

"Son, what happened to your cultivation? I don't feel any power from you at all."

"Im also lost father, mother; even from the ancestors memories there has been no mention of this, " he honestly replied

His parents trusted him, therefore they didn't ask anymore. John looked at the crowd and stood in front of them, suddenly Diane grabbed him and wrapped John with her cape.

The ladies who saw John standing in front of him were extremely shocked, especially the single ladies. This is the very first time they saw a huge ****, their faces grew red due to the embarrassment. For a five-year-old John's assets are amazing, bigger than your average adult. The men who saw this were embarrassed as they can't help but compare it to themselves.

Elise and Eleanor who were right in front of him, saw everything and we're shocked this is the first time they saw a man's ****, and the mere size of it made their lower parts grow numb. 'Scary' they thought, when they saw John they couldn't help but blush.

John hastily changed his clothes and stood in front of them, "I'm sorry for that blunder, congratulations on everyone's breakthrough."

"We are deeply grateful to your highness!" the crowd replied in unison. Even knowing the danger of exposing this secret John chose to help them a break through. This trust and magnanimity are more than enough to gain their utmost respect.

They felt curious as to why they didn't feel any energy fluctuations from him, they wouldnt believe if he say that he didnt improve at all.

"I see that everyone tried their best to improve while i was away." He looked at his guards, every one is now orange-gold level in BGBTA, while the previous royal guards have all been second-level saints of Metal element manipulation arts.

Jonathan shook his head as he saw that after his breakthrough he proceeded with work, Jonathan and Diane smiled at each other, while the rest are impressed with their prince's professionalism.

"May I inquire about the progress with the training?" he asked

Jonathan then said, "son your training program has proven to be very effective, but we are currently faced with problems regarding the resources."

John thought long and hard, this is indeed a very pressing matter, if they wanted to win the war and be prepared for the planar war, they needed to improve everyone's fighting prowess.

"Father the spies, sere they captured?" He asked using his soul transmission

Jonathan knew what his son is planning, he didn't want others to hear about this thus he sent a soul transmission to John. "They are all kept in prison."

"Good, let's proceed with our plans father," he said

"Please bring them all here and seal all their cultivation, strip them of their possessions and scan their bodies for any tracking device. I will immediately start to experiment.

I have made a plan before to arrange a system for distributing the pills, but it can wait after I'm done with the experiments." he said

Jonathan nodded and approved of his plans, he knew that if others knew of this everyone will purge them since it's an evil practice to use the enemy's bodies as pills for cultivation.

Jonathan ordered the transfer of the spies. Then John gave instructions to the crowd. "I will be conducting the screening and advancement of the trainees in your camps, after a month ready them and we shall proceed with the plans, I'm sorry for the delay"

The immortals felt the sincerity in his words, and felt the more proud of their choice to accept this prince.


The crowd left one after the other, Mario happily came to John "my boy, it took you so long, let's proceed with where you left off." he missed teaching this disciple of his, just watching him is making him feel glad. Too bad for the blacksmiths, he lashed at them when John was not there. He patiently thought them but he is stricter and more hard to please.

The blacksmiths were happy inside, they all felt relieved, without John, Mario's temper is explosive. Every error they make, they would receive insults and his lashing. However, despite all these their progress were enormous, they could now be called divine blacksmiths, and they are thankful to him for his guidance.