
Mario had a lot to tell his disciple, he started out boasting about his patience in teaching these blacksmiths, guiding them as he corrected their techniques. When the blacksmiths heard him narrate they have goosebumps and cold sweat run through their backs. 'Very thick-skinned!' they were amazed at how thick-skinned Mario is.

Johns eyes were shining in awe as he heard Mario narrate everything. He felt happy about the old man, having his grandmaster's dream near its completion he felt happy deep down.

"Everyone, the reason for this is because the master is planning to create a blacksmith guild, and you are all going to be part of this momentous event.

But currently, you are not yet there yet, to be able to create a gun that is a natal weapon. Your next target is to reach the 7th stage of the BGSA, master will be assessing you if you can already create a natal weapon gun." he said

Hearing johns revelations they felt excited, they have heard of this from Mario but they didn't bother with it as they were too focused with their training. However, now it's different, Mario already told them that what they are lacking is their soul force, once they reach the seventh level of BGSA, they could also make a natal weapon gun.

What's more is they will be part of a blacksmith guild, it's been their dream to be part of such an organization. Hearing John's confirmation made them more eager to improve.


The spies were sent to the island everyone had the same blindfold as the ones used for training. John went to the prison and arrived next to a male prisoner, he transformed himself into a 20-year-old man, Jonathan, Diane, Alfred, and Mario are hidden behind him, while his guards surrounded the prisoner.

The moment the restrictions were released the spy rushed to John with all his strength. He was an earth immortal controlling the wind element. Before the guards could react the man is already near their prince, Jonathan is about to block the man when John raised his hand and grabbed the man's head, he sent his soul force to his head and read through everything in his memory.

Jonathan and the rest are surprised with John's movements, they knew he improved but they still underestimated him. The spy is still and earth immortal but he didn't even panic when he saw the man attack him, he maintained his composure.

After a few moments, he said, "father we might be having an earlier fight against the wind empire, "Jonathan knew of it, he is not surprised when John mentioned this. Then he saw John twist the man's head

What surprised the audience is johns indifference, his eyes were calm, there is no change in his breathing or heartbeat. It was calm, very calm, even for them their first kill made them vomit or retch by the feeling. However, recalling John's experience as the ancestor they didn't feel that it's abnormal. Who knows how much more brutality did this child experience in those memories.

Then John started the blood manipulation arts the body of the spy turned to a most of blood even the bones were turned to dust, then slowly he opened his palms and activated his lightning hellfire, the most moved to the flames and slowly forming a red round pill. After a minute the pill was formed and the energy the pill limited is so powerful that they could feel it, then suddenly a soul floated to the pill, it looked just like the man, John grabbed the soul and released it for reincarnation. He could have destroyed it but he felt that the man didn't do anything that is unforgivable that warrants such.

"Why did you cleansed the soul? You could have just destroyed it" jonathan asked

"He is not tainted with our peoples blood his only mistake is he infiltrated our lands" he simply replied

Jonathan and the rest felt comfortable, when they watched him kill the man without even blinking they thought john would be brutal to even destroy the soul. They knew he would not release it but they wanted to see if he would completely eliminate the spy. Knowing that he is perfectly in control of his psych they felt at ease. No matter what he becomes they will accept him and would guide him, but their worries were pointless he is in complete.control of himself, making them feel relieved.

He held the pill and swallowed it, John sat in meditation studying the effects. After a while he opened his eyes, "what did you discover?" Mario excitedly asked

Everyone is very expectant, they wanted to know the effects of the pill. "From my analysis, there is no problem with the pill. However, I need to check the effects when it's given to different levels of cultivation, I don't think there would be any problems, but just to be sure I need to check the changes to the recipients body" John honestly replied

He asked for another prisoner and did the same, it was another earth-level spy, after the process, "father who will want to try?"

"Ok give it to me!" Jonathan said, then John said with caution, "father remove all your guard, I want you to lay yourself bare as I check the changes in your body, grandfather's if there is any abnormality with father immediately make him faint." the two old men nodded as they focused all their attention to Jonathan

"Father let's begin"

Jonathan swallowed the pill, the moment it touched his stomach the pill effect dispersed and his cells absorbed it, after a few seconds Jonathan's body grew twice as big, his bloodline is activated, veins popped out of his body and his muscles bulged. John focused on studying the changes within his father. The cells underwent several rounds of refinement, and the body continuously released its impurities. After an hour Jonathan slumped to the ground, he is covered in filth, but the moment he sat back up, they noticed that his body got a bit slimmer. Everyone felt the power in his body is more explosive than before.

John heaved a sight of relief, the difference between his father and himself is the amount of refinement that gis body went through. He is now rid of all imurites and his cells have evolved to its most perfect form. That is why he didnt have the same reaction as his father.

"Father three more pills and you will breakthrough violet gold level," he excitedly said

The crowd were excited when they heard what John said, what does violet gold mean! They knew how hard it was to upgrade the BGBTA and three pills is all it takes to upgrade, how insane is it.

"How many earth immortals are we able to capture?" he asked

"There are 1000 heaven immortal, 10000 earth immortals, 20000 tribulation immortals, 69000 saints and 100000 gold level warriors" Diane said

"Let us experiment on the heaven immortal first" John said nonchalantly

Alfred and Mario brought a heaven immortal inside the room, same as with the first one the spy attacked John, Jonathan and the rest are worried for John, but John told them to let him try first, he wanted to test out his chances and fight it out with a heaven immortal.

The man released his earth element and attacked John, he wanted to deal with this man first. When he felt no power from John he targetted him as he thought he was the weakest among them. Too bad for him, the moment his fist reach John, his target disappeared, and a strong electric shock hit him as John punched the man's chest. It was like a shock from a defibrillator, his heart stopped for a moment John grasp his head and read through his memory. After a while, the man's eyes lost their color he is like a lifeless puppet, John crushed the spy's head like a watermelon. His parents were shocked by John's sudden anger, "father please bring this man to me, " he sent out the faces of the men to Jonathan they are all heaven immortals, 10 of them to be exact. Jonathan didn't ask why but seeing his son angry, he knew that John might have seen through their memories.

"I will personally kill them, and make them suffer a life even worse than death," he said as he trembled in rage

Diane is worried so she wanted to console her son, when John spoke to her "mother this beast raped our women, they drank and swam on their blood, they did it while they are still alive." Then he collected the soul and fed it to his flames, the soul kept wailing and asking for forgiveness, begging John to end its life. However, when they heard what John has told them, they were all so mad. They wanted to slaughter these men, how could they do such a thing, Jonathan can control his rage, he wanted to rush to the prison where the spies were kept and slaughter them all, when John said, "father we need them for our breakthrough, but I won't let this asshole die without repenting for their sins" he gravely said

The chill they felt from John is incredible, even for those who lived for centuries and had been to many brutal battles never felt this kind of chill. It's like they are inside an ice chamber.

He then sent the projection of what he saw from the man's memory to them, after a while not just John but everyone emitted the same killing intent, how could they allow such scums to live? They all deserve to die!

After a while, Jonathan left then he along with Alfred and Mario brought the ten immortals with them. One by one John fight the immortals and read through their minds, then he contained his anger as he saw even more disturbing fetishes these men have. He shared it with everyone and the anger they all felt is too much for them to handle and wanted to vent it out. They wanted to destroy the wind empire! To think that this country has been kidnapping their women and sold them as slaves and have done numerous heinous acts to them. They all wanted to create a slaughter! This is unforgivable!

John made a pill out of the first man, and afterward, he ate the pill. Slowly the power runs through his body and he spoke, "I will breakthrough after another pill."

When they heard him, Jonathan asked John to break through first then proceed after he is done. He wanted his son to get stronger first, so that he could feel at ease as he leaves his protection. Watching John fought with the immortals he knew that John's strength is about the same level as him. John continued with the second immortal, he woke up the man and didn't kill him before turning him into a pill. He slowly refined his body while burning his soul in the process, the scream is so loud, but John didn't even blink he watched the process as he tortured the man to death.

As they watch John, they all felt their heart trembled, the cute boy is not to be trifled with. He is cold-blooded and brutal against his enemies, but very kind and magnanimous to his people. They knew that their empire would prosper under his leadership.

After the completing the pill, John left with them and went to the training grounds, they meditated as John waited for his tribulation. When the lightning fell there was a total of 99 lightning strikes, his body absorbed 99% of the lightning power, he knew that his tribulation is one of the immortal levels, and its power is too much for the others to handle. His parents and grandparents may be able to handle 10% of its strength as he did before but they will suffer injuries if he did so. He didn't want that to happen. He passed 5% to his father, 3% to his mother, and 2% for both Alfred and Mario, as for the rest of the guards he gave them 1% of the power.

After his breakthrough John is now an Earth body tampering immortal, his body grew to 5 feet and his muscles are well defined, he is not bulky but the explosiveness is unquestionable. John looks incredibly handsome and divine, his face is like that of his mother with with a touch of masculinity. They can seem to take their eyes off him, the ladies all felt like their hearts stopped the moment they laid eyes on him. His skin is light colored and his hair is golden brown, along with his sword-shaped golden brown eyebrows and golden pupils, there is an attractive force that draws everyone to look at him.

Diane felt proud looking at the mesmerized ladies. 'This is my son, charming right, who among those girls are enough to capture my son's affection.'

Jonathan, Alfred, and Mario knew that with John's looks and charisma, there will be a lot of ladies who would pursue him. "Isn't it the other way around?"They thought. However, as they looked at his beautiful and handsome face they clicked their tongues as they knew that girls will definitely line up to grab his attention.
