Is this the end

John noticed the girl's fiery gaze, and he stood straight and acted as if he didn't notice them. His indifference made him even more attractive.

Diane coughed and they all woke up from their delusions. The girls felt embarrassed, they never felt this kind of attraction to any men, Diane understood their feelings, in the empire, the more powerful a lady is the more it is hard for them to look for a partner.

This the empire permits polygamy, since the king who is always the strongest among the people would attract many ladies. However, Jonathan has been an exemption, no one wanted to seduce him for fear of this bloody rose Diane. Poor Jonathan!

However, he may not have many wives but his wife Diane is the most beautiful woman in the whole kingdom or the continent, before they got married, Diane has many suitors, from different empires and races. However, they all fell under her first only Jonathan can tame this tigress.

They went back to the prison and John refined the remaining 9 immortals into pills, he did the same torture to them. He didn't feel any pity, but instead, anger as he heard their cries of mercy.

"When those ladies cried you laughed and brutally tortured them! Now that you experienced the same pain, you don't have the balls to face this kind of torture?"

"Pathetic!" when the crowd saw how John brutally tortured and killed the spies they knew that this kind and magnanimous prince is ruthless against his enemies.

To them, John being ruthless to his enemies is a big plus to them, because it only proves that he cares about his subjects.

After he finished making the pills, he asked for 100 earth immortals and started making pills out of them. He gave his father one earth immortal pill, but didn't have the same reaction as when he took the first one, when he checked his body, the effect was half the first one. Then he gave Jonathan another, the results were disappointing, the last earth immortal pill did not have any effect on Jonathan but improved his bloodline.

Jonathan told them that he is about to break through, so they canceled the experiments and went back to the training grounds. After a few hours, Jonathan finally broke through the violet gold level. But just as they thought it's over another lightning fell and he broke through another realm and has reached purple gold. John checked his father's body and found out that after eating the pill the cells refinement improved his body comparable to a purple gold level warrior, this is the reason for his double breakthrough.

He shared his analysis with everyone and they were shocked by this. To think that this method is very effective for them. However, John warned them, not to take a pill that is far above their level, as the amount of refinement may be too much for the body to handle and may cause implosion. They kept it in mind, John explained the reason why Jonathan is able to handle an earth immortal pill despite his body tampering is only at the indigo gold level, John explained that the reason is because he is a heaven immortal to begin with. Despite his weaker cultivation, in body tampering arts his bloodline and metal element manipulation arts compensated his weaker BGBTA.

The heaven immortal pills can only be used by heavenly immortals, earth immortal pill by earth immortals and so on.


John proceeded with the pill-making session, the whole process took 1 year to complete. Everyone within the island was subjected to all of John's experiments. Nothing untoward happened and it was a success. Everyone had their cultivation a broke through

They needed to improve the empires overall strength, but the core power and foundation of the empire should first be strengthened to stabilize the power.

They have been informed that John will cancel his inspection, due to the creation of the pills. Everyone is disappointed, they wanted to show the prince their trainees progress. They were curious about the effect of the pill, since the prince would cancel his inspection to prioritize it's completion.

Immortal Jura volunteered to inquire about the pills, when he arrived at the island he was blocked by the immortal guards at the teleporation formation, "im sorry Jura, but my friend I would like to ask you to go back for now."

Immortal Jura knew the immortal, he is his friend, he asked "James, your strength improved once again!" he said

James smiled and knew his friends purpose for coming. He didn't want to spoil anything but it's totally not a secret that they couldn't say, "jura tell everyone of the immortals, I could vouch my life that the princes pills will help them breakthrough the BGBTA, but this is not to be leaked out!" he gravely reminded his friend

Immortal Jura knew what he meant and talked with James for a while before he left, he excitedly reported what happened "i was blocked at the teleportation formation and was not permitted to enter the island," when they heard it the immortals wondered what's with the secret, why are the left out?

"You all knew James right?" everyone nodded as they heard the name

"Last time he was at the red gold level of the BGBTA, can you now guess his cultivation?" he asked

"Come on Jura, stop with the guessing game!" one of his friends urged him. The crowd grew excited, hearing about the words level and BGBTA they knew it was good news, their bodies tingling in excitement

"He is now blue gold level!" immortal jura excitedly said


"Jura, is it true?"

"Youre not joking around right?"

"Why would I joke around, he said he would vouch his life that the princes pills would improve our BGBTA!" immortal jura exclaimed

"Hahahaha... The prince is indeed our empires treasure, with him around our empire would reach the peak much higher than our ancestors golden era." one immortal proclaimed

"You got that right, he is a miracle worker, even the guns he introduced is amongst the most wanted weapon now-a-days."

"This is not a secret but the king didnt declare openly, so keep your mouths shut and avoid leaking this information, James might be punished for telling me." he said

Everyone knew what he meant, everything about the prince has been top secret and they all knew the reason. With his abnormal talents, it's not wise to expose his excellence unless they wanted to attract trouble. But the thought of breakthrough made their bodies itch in excitement.

Most of them offered to be a tutor for the prince, to them serving him is their honor and pride.


Jonathan called for all the immortals and saints. This is a grand event, along with the pill's completion the empire is again going to improve its overall power.

The immortals and peak saints came the moment Jonathan sent the urgent message. Within a day all immortals and peak saint experts of the empire arrived at the island, they knew what is in store for them but they deliberately stayed silent, as they waited for the king to make an announcement.

Jonathan came with his wife and son, followed by Alfred and Mario. The guards are positioned in every critical area.

Jonathan slowly walked to the stage and spoke " you all might already have heard of the reason for this meeting?" he said as he closely looked at the crowd smiling

"The Body tampering pills have been completed!"

There was a clamor in the crowd. This is what they were waiting for, they all felt excited.

"But, there is an assessment of your progress before the distribution of the pills. We have little stocks of these!"

Hearing this they felt a bit disappointed but didn't complain, they silently waited for their king to finish his speech

"As you may have known, every pill is made by your prince!" once again the crowd got noisy, everyone is whispering amongst themselves

"Sadly he is the only one capable of producing these pills, through the inheritance he obtained from our ancestor. I trust all of you but I don't want to have any leakage of information from what you will learn, so I apologize for asking everyone to make an oath." it didn't take long, after they heard Jonathan's words no one hesitated and made an oath, they have long had a blind belief in their prince! He has a lot of secrets that is very crucial to the race and empire

"Thank you for understanding" Jonathan bowed

He initially hesitated to tell how the pills are made but he needed to explain the details to avoid suspicion and make everyone accept the facts

"Our ancestors have encountered the same troubles we are facing now, and it's on the collection of resources for the upgrade of the BGBTA. In order to solve this problem, they discovered a method of converting the very essence of any creature into pills!" the moment he said those words, everyone knew what he meant and we're shocked in silence. 'So that is the reason why the prisoners were sent to the island'

John knew that this would shock everyone this he asked his father to allow him to explain, Jonathan didn't mind johns interruption and stood by his side

"This method that our king mentioned is a secret that the ancestor asked me to keep secret and asked me to not inform anyone, but, the situation we face right now I don't see any reason not to share it to the empire." hearing these words everyone of the people felt like crying in gratitude,

In order to save the empire from it's current predicament their prince never think twice to disobey the ancestors warning, they knew that this method is a taboo even till this day

"Thus, to avoid any problems for our empire, the pills will only be made by me and me alone, if worst comes to worst this could not implicate the empire."

The crowd grew agitated "why must you be the only one to bear the consequences your highness, we will die to protect you!"

"Thank you for your support, but if and only if this will be known never hesitate to blame it on me, I will bear all the consequences for my actions! No more discussions! Am I clear!" he released a very strong aura and killing intent that the crowd felt their bones tingling.

In just 4 years their prince grew strong enough to make them feel threatened.

Before they only have genuine respect, gratitude, and admiration for this prince, they feel that he still lacks a bit in terms of strength, but today they felt that he has been a complete package for a respected ruler.

They pledged to protect the price even at the cost of their lives if ever the secret is revealed.

There are a total of 100 heavenly immortals, 200 earth immortals, and 250000 tribulation immortals, and 50000 peak nine-level saints.

John explained how the pill works; the use of each pill, and the maximum amount for each use, the limitations and advantages are stated, along its risks.


The following day everyone went to the training grounds, in truth there was no need to assess them, but John wanted to check their progress and wanted to see if there is any more need to improve their training program.

After a day, he distributed the pills according to their highest cultivation level of the three arts. After taking the first pill, the clouds grew dark as most of the warriors stepped into the yellow gold level. The tribulation lasted for three whole months, and on the last month there was a sudden change in the surrounding area, the clouds grew even darker and the clouds expanded to 10 million kilometers John informed his parents that he will be having his breakthrough.

After three months of continuous refinement, John finally reached the peak of the body refinement and is about to break through the final stage of the BGBTA. He knew that no one will be able to handle this tribulation and he doesn't have the confidence that he could share the lightning while he completes his tribulation.

Jonathan and the rest of the people on the island left after johns warning, Jonathan and Diane didn't ask John about his cultivation level, but they knew that his attainment in BGBTA is equivalent to their MEMA. But they decided to keep silent, they knew the reason their son didn't expose his strength is to keep it as a trump card.

Diane wanted to stay behind, when she was asked to leave Diane went berserk, Jonathan along with Alfred and Mario used all their strength to hold her down, but after all these years of training and strengthening diane grew far stronger than before. Even with the three heavenly immortals working together they couldn't restrain Diane without hurting her. Jonathan made a heavy decision and used all his strength to punch Diane on her solar plexus, immediately she keeled over and faited while holding onto her husbands clothes tightly.