Heart beat

When John saw this he felt a stab on his heart, he knew that his mother is reluctant to leave, what he will be facing now is very dangerous and the level of difficulty to survive this ordeal is several thousand times more difficult than all the most difficult tribulations he had ever faced.

At the empire, Jonathan carrying his wife and the rest went to the southern sea border, and they can clearly see the 10 million kilometer dark tribulation lightning clouds, Jonathan clenched his fist tightly, golden blood dripped from his hands. He felt very worried for John, this tribulation is like the tribulations written in the sightings of ascension. He trusted John will survive this but he knew that the risk is very high. If anything ever happened to John he could never forgive himself.


John felt the heavy pressure coming from the tribulation clouds, he thought "will I again die after just being reincarnated?"

He lived for only six years, but even if he does die after this tribulation he felt content, the feeling of finally having a familywas his only wish even during his first life.

"Ah life is indeed not fair, " then the multi colored lightning 10 meters wide fell from the sky and hit John. He could feel his whole body being burnt to crisp after just one lightning. Slowly his body started regenerating at the speed visible to the naked eye. John felt weak after just one lightning, he felt desperate, he wanted to live but the heavens seems to want him to die.

After a few breaths the second one fell, this body is destroyed beyond recognition. The muscles are all burnt by it and leaving his skeleton and inards, his body started its regeneration but still it's not fast enough to complete it's regenaration before the next one fell, his bones are the only thing left of John. Hs soul is still intact thus he is still alive. He did his best to stimulate his body to regenerate to it's maximum, but the lightning is faster than his regeneration speed.

John is very desperate he wanted to live but he can't imagine how he will survive, none the less he didn't stop from trying. He forgot about the pain, he only wanted to survive.


After noticing the three lightning strikes the people who left the island felt nervous for John, they knew that if they are the one who will experience this tribulation, it's a miracle if they ever survive. Jonathan wanted to rush back but he was held tightly by his wife.

Diane had long woke up, she didn't open her eyes for the fear of seeing the devastating lightning tribulation John is facing. She knew that johns decision is the best course of action for them, but as a mother she didn't want to leave her child even if she knew that it was his tribulation that John needs to complete on his own. She was crying and everyone heard her even though she kept it to a minimum. Flashes of memories of her son from the time he was born until the present kept running to her mind. Diane felt lost, her eyes are so red from crying, no one knows how to comfort her. Jonathan sighed and hugged his wife, not knowing what to say. He looked at the direction of the island and the lightning never seized to fall. This was his only source of hope, as long as the lightning falls he knew that his son is still alive.


30 lightning fell, and John does not look human anymore, his storage ring contains 100 heavenly immortal pills and 1000 earth immortal pills. After the forth lightning he crushed an earth immortal pill and absorbed its vitality, and he noticed that the regenartion speed is ten time faster than before. He survived the 30th tribulation after consuming 100 earth immortal pills. His soul is also being strengthened by the lightning. He discovered that his soul is being refined at an amazing rate, his seven soul clones are being split with every strike.

After the 100 lightning, johns body is exploded and slowly small particles slowly attracted with each other rebuilding his destroyed body at a very slow pace the pills are scattered around him and it's being absorbed by johns regenerating body.

His natal weapons are destroyed, his soul is damaged, his body is obliterated only his bones are left.


Everyone felt nervous as they saw the 100th lightning strike, how terrible is this lightning tribulation, this is the 100th lightning and there are no signs of the tribulation ending.

Diane fainted after the 100th lightning strike. Her spirit collapsed as the thought of her son dying came to her mind. She didn't know how to cope with it and fainted. Jonathan held his wife tightly in his embrace, he hopes for his son to survive but after seeing the devastating power of the tribulation lightning, he felt hopeless. 'Do the heavens want our son to die that much?' he asked himself

The crowd was all nervous, they all felt that it's too soon for their prince to die, but no one is thinking that he could survive such lightning tribulation.


The lightning continued for 1 month, and a total of nine hundred and ninety-nine lightning fell from the skies, John is floating on his spot but there was no more body only his soul is left intact, his soul clones merged and become a single entity. It was gold in color, he is in a fetal position and is asleep.

When the people returned to the island they saw the 100-kilometer radius from John has been turned to ashes. On the middle of it a golden bone floated in a fetal position, everyone felt the power coming from the golden bones. It gives an oppressive pressure that they can't even come close to. Even the heavenly immortals felt the ripping pain of their souls and indescribable feeling of suppression of their bloodline as they came near John's remains.

Jonathan ordered to ban the entry into this area, it's a 500-kilometer diameter forbidden area. Only the top brass knew what it was, the area is where John's soul is sleeping, as to when he would wake up is still unknown.


It's been two years and everyone moved on, Diane recovered and lived at the edge of the 100km radius.

Jonathan would come and visit Diane daily, after John's tribulation, he focused on strengthening the empire. He felt guilty that he looked down on their enemies too much, his arrogance led to this accident. If he had only maintained his vigilance against the wind empire and neutralized the threats to the empire, his son would not be in this situation. He knew the reason why John is desperate to increase his power, it was due to the overwhelming amount of outside pressure to the empire, he wanted to be strong enough to protect himself, lessening the burdens of his parents.

Jonathan felt guilty, he spent all his time, drilling and watching over the training grounds, he made sure that everything is perfect, John made the plans, it was perfect, but no matter how perfect the plan is it must be executed perfectly for it's completion.

Jonathan, Alfred, and the rest of the strategists, organized the rearrangement of the army, all the top brass felt guilty they wanted to flatten the wind empire their prince wouldn't be in this situation if it were not for the fact that they are being pressured by the wind empire.


Beside Dianes mansion, just 10 kilometers away, is the newly built headquarters of the empire's blacksmiths. Mario decided to build the headquarters here mainly because he wanted his apprentice to see the progress of their dreams.

He missed his witty and cute apprentice, after two years all the blacksmiths are improved a lot, they are now capable of creating natal weapon guns. John thought them everything about guns, and they made many designs and models and experimented on many things, almost all the immortals and saints have their weapons remodeled. Except for Diane who persisted on waiting for her son to remodel her weapons. No one insisted and forced Diane, after what happened to John, they all felt they contributed to his misfortune.


Diane would always talk to John despite knowing that he is in slumber. Knowing that her son is still alive she regained her bearing and is hopeful and waiting for her son to wake up. Even as a soul she doesn't care she only needed her son to live.

She planted a lot of flowers around John, by using her powerful soul force she planted many plants and flowers making the whole 500km area a very huge garden.


Another 4 years passed and there is no movement from John, the plants now grew taller and the flowers bloomed beautifully.

Lately, Diane has noticed that she is frequently vomiting and her appetite is very sensitive. She would throw tantrums and would attack whenever she saw her husband. Jonathan who is lost on what is happening to his wife tried to ask his friends Tom, Dickson, and Harry, however, they are also clueless about what is happening to Diane. He called for immortal Jura and asked for his opinion, "that's what happened. Is there any problem with my wife?"

Immortal Jura stayed silent and said "congratulations your highness, it seems like the Queen is pregnant!"

Jonathan felt happy and brought immortal jura to the mansion and ask him to examine Diane. After confirming the queen's pregnancy, there was a celebration, everyone drank until they were drunk.

The queen being pregnant is a joyous moment for everyone, after the prince slumber, they all saw how devastated she was.

Johns fiancee's all came and we're expecting to see their future husband, all of them would listen to their parents brag about him telling them how handsome and talented he was, but until now they didn't even see him. Except for Clara who once had been with John, the rest didn't have any close contact with John. Jane is now at the peak of tribulation immortal on MEMA, her BGBTA is red gold level and her BGSA is at the 5th level. Claire, Clara, and Claudia are all peak saints. All of johns fiancees are now part of the top of the empire experts despite their young age, this they were invited to the party.

"Mother in law how's the prince?" Claudia asked. The whole crowd went silent after hearing her question, they looked at Diane, Dickson and his wife Myles suddenly got nervous. 'Ah why ask for the taboo?' they secretly thought

"Child, " she hugged Claudia "he's currently on his crucial moment in cultivation, once he is out I will ask him to bring you all out on a date to get to know more of each other.

No one expected Diane to be calm, but hearing her reply they felt relieved.

Suddenly, a very strong heartbeat was heard, everyone searched for the source and felt that it came from the forbidden grounds.

Diane who was stunned shocked by the sudden heartbeat, had tears flowing down her beautiful eyes. His son has started to recover, he might wake up from his slumber. After six years he is now showing signs of life. They knew that John is alive since his soul is intact and being an immortal of the BGBTA he can survive even if his body disintegrated as long as his soul is not damaged.

The saint and experts and tribulation immortals felt the suppression coming from the heartbeat. They felt that their souls are being pounded by the beating. The earthly and heavenly immortals released their soul force to protect the weaker immortals and saints. The older immortals who were privy of the prince's affairs were all happy after gearing the heartbeat, while the newer saints, they felt fear, yes, fear like never before. When they saw the king and queen hugging each other and the older immortals and saints who drank, even more, Jane came to her mother and asked, "mother why is everyone joyful after hearing that strong suppressive heartbeat?"

Macy looked at her child and decided to keep it a secret for now, "when the time comes you will know" Jane was surprised, her mother was never this secretive to her, why the sudden change?

She went to her other sisters and asked them, "Clara, what did grandpa George tell you?" she asked

"Elder sister, grandpa never told me anything and just said to wait." she honestly replied. Jane looked at Claire and Claudia, but the two of then shrugged as they shook their heads.