Crushing defeat

Diane stood up and announced, "everyone, thank you for coming to celebrate with us. The joy of having to be pregnant with my second child gives me endless joy. The prince is currently in seclusion and is probably going to complete his breakthrough soon, " then everyone cheered and gulped their wines

"Today I will introduce to you my son's fiancees" then she called the ladies

Six beautiful maidens walked to her side, the other four ladies were surprised to see two more fiancees of the prince, it was the first time they saw them, and they were twins as well. But one thing is for sure, these twins are a lot stronger than them. They are Johns guards Elise and Eleanor,

A year before John's tribulation, Diane noticed John guards Elise and Eleanor to be shyly looking at their prince, how could she not see the love-struck look on their eyes. Thus Diane took the initiative and talked to them, and asked them if they are willing to be Johns's fiancee, the twins were ecstatic about what they heard. They knew that they loved the prince but it was a one-sided love. When the queen approached them and asked to be the prince's fiancee they felt like they were on cloud nine. After the tribulation, the twins were as devastated as the queen, they knew that they couldn't love anyone other than John in this life. Barbarian women are like this, to the strength and love go hand and hand in choosing their partners, and once a woman sets their eyes on the men they like, no one can ever change their minds and feelings.

The twins would come to the forbidden grounds and accompany Diane, in these four years they grew closer to each other like mother and daughters. Diane grew fund of the twins, the cheerful Eleanor and the cold and silent elise.

The twins were at the very front followed by the four younger girls, all of them were very beautiful, many pursue them even though they knew that they were engaged especially the other four. Elise and Eleanor are both earth immortals, so few would approach them since they have very high standards for their partners. Some immortals who were attracted to them after knowing that they are the prince's fiancee instantly withdrew their plans of pursuing them, especially the ones who knew the prince.

The other four looked at the twin celestial beauties and are attracted as well. Their mature charm and voluptuous bodies accentuated their beauties even more. For those who are yet to reach their maturity knew that they still lack their charms.

'Does the prince prefer girls with big jugs?' Claudia thought, then she looked down and compare her with the twins, 'tsk I'm still just half their size, I should ask mom how to make it bigger' then she looked at Janes 'sister jane is almost the same as theirs,'

Jane felt Claudias gaze and unconsciously raised her hands to block her view, when the men saw this they all felt their hearts thumped as they found her actions cute. Janes cheeks blushed as she felt the men's gazes.

The twins noticed the girls and smiled at them, Eleanor sent a soul transmission to her elder sister 'sister, I guess we have many competition for the prince favor'

Elise blushed as she heard her sister, she secretly liked the prince and when the queen proposed that they become his fiancee her heart is about to burst in joy. The prince is very professional, even with two beautiful woman beside him he never looked at them with lust, it might be because he is still young, but given his maturity she knew that their prince wanted a relationship that is built through mutual love.

There was a time in their war games training when John faced her and Eleanor, she knew that her prince never once use his full strength against them. She knew that it didn't mean anything to John, and she might be the one overthinking things, but a woman like her who felt the very first taste of love, everything her prince did is a show of care and affection.

'Sister I think we need to work as a team to make sure that we don't loose the prince favor' Eleanor added.

'Dont talk nonsense, even if we are alder than them we should try to get along with the others' she reprimanded Eleanor

Diane saw her future daughter in laws and knew that John will be very busy after his marriage.

"Come and introduce you self." Diane urged the ladies

After their introduction, the girls seated together, "sisters have you seen the prince?" Claudia asked the twins, the others were also expecting their response. They have long heard of their fiancee's greatness but everything is vague and didn't give any information at all. They all felt that since the twins are among the top brass of the empire, they might know something about their fiancee.

The twins looked at each other and giggled, they knew that this ladies wanted to know about the prince and are fishing information from them.

"How is his looks? Is he handsome?" asked Claudia

The twins loved Claudia's jolly personality, Elise felt like she is the younger version of Eleanor.

Eleanor said "as much as I would like to tell you everything I know about the prince but I will have to let you wait until he comes out of his cultivation." but the love-struck look on her face gave the girls a vast amount of information. How could these two celestial beauties have that kind of look if the prince is mediocre? The twins are no doubt experts with very high cultivation, what kind of man could attract their attention and let them have this kind of reaction. The other ladies are now expecting a lot from their fiancee.

The party ended and everyone slept at the island, the ladies were housed at Diane's mansion, Jane took the initiative and asked the twins, "sisters how can I join the prince's personal guards?"

The others looked at Jane in a confused manner, they were puzzled why Jane asked Elise and Eleanor this question suddenly.

Elise and Eleanor smiled and Elise said "sister it's not that I look down on you, but as you are now, even the weakest among the prince's guards is ten times stronger than you." she honestly replied

The girls were surprised by Elise's words, this elder sister rarely spoke and just smiled and nods in response to them. Jane is not surprised by her reply, she knew from her grandfather and parents that the prince has 200 personal guards and the leaders of these men are two powerful young ladies. Among the people present only the twins fit the description of her grandfather. She, therefore, deduced that this twin is the head of the prince's personal guards.

The other ladies are not satisfied with Elise's reply, Claire said "sisters, you might be looking down on us too much."

The others felt the same they felt humiliated, the girls knew that they lack strength but they knew that the weakest among johns guards is a sixth level saint expert, they can't accept that they are much stronger than them.

Elise then asked the ladies to follow her, Eleanor walked by her side and the others followed behind them. When they arrived at the training ground of the mansion, 198 blindfolded men stood half-naked in front of them. Each practicing their hand-to-hand combat. When the guards saw the twins they stopped what they were doing and saluted. "Two hundred, spar with my sisters" she ordered

Two hundred saluted and bowed inform of the ladies, Elise looked at the ladies "this is two hundred, ladies you can spar with him and see if what I said is false."

Diane watched her future daughter-in-law argue, she knew that the younger girls are reluctant to accept that they are weaker than John's guards, but after ten years, John's guards are now as strong as she and Jonathan's guards. She opened the window of her room and went down the training ground. When the girls saw her descend the girls bowed, the guards knelt as they saluted.

"Training?" she asked

"Mother-in-law, my younger sisters wanted to try and spar with husbands guards" Eleanor was the one who spoke, the guards all felt chill down their spines. This captain of theirs has lots of guts and secretly gave her a thumbs up. Unlike their team leader, the second in command is gutsier.

Elise's face is very red as she blushed, even her ears and neck are flushed, she felt shy after hearing her younger sister's bold words.

Diane is very used to Eleanor's temperament, "well them, two hundred, I know you don't accept orders other than my son, but I want you to fight them without holding back, if you ever hold back your punches, when the prince exits seclusion, I will ask him to demote you like the guard's laundry man for a year!"

Johns guards are divided into two and subdivided into 20 five-man teams, everyday they would spar and the losing team would wash the winner's clothes, and the losers will crossdress and parade across the island. Johns guards have one rule during spars, there are no rules, they could use all means to win, and fight as if they are faced with enemies, this started after they all reached red gold realm as part of Johns training program. After every month there is a round robin sparing among them, and the numbers resuffles, not only that there is also a weekly royal rumble wherein these guards will fight 1 vs 199, in ten years Elise has dominated the group while Eleanor second and Merlin is third. The guards training is beyond abnormal, thus having one fight the girls is too much for their level.

Diane said so knowing that the girls are all red gold level, they could now regenerate lost body parts.

The other guards began to laugh, two hundred then bowed to the girls and said "madams, I will apologize for offending you." he knew that the prince will certainly agree to the queen's proposition being with John, and knowing his playful personality he might even ask him to rub naked if he ever holds back his attacks.

The ladies readied them serves and assumed their fighting stance, when Diane saw this she was impressed, 'these girls are no pushover, but they are far from two hundreds level'

Jane held her guns and fired at 200, Clara controlled the metal particles and made several needles and attacked 200 implementing Janes attack. Claire stealthily move to two hundreds blind spot and fired her guns at him. While Claudia held her mace and smashed it to the ground.

Two hundred, like a ghost, evaded all the attacks and fired his gun one after the other, hitting the girls at their vitals, afterward he followed through with a neck chop, rendering the girls incapable of fighting back as they were stunned. The battle only lasted for a few seconds but the four ladies fell almost at the same time.

Two hundred heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't want to hurt the madams but he also doesn't want to be punished. The other guards commented, "brother you were too heavy-handed, the prince will certainly gift you when he exits seclusion, hahaha"

The ladies sat and looked stunned, how overpowered, they didn't even fight for q minute and they all fell after two blows. The attack is swift and simple, with no excess movements, he only aimed at their vitals and delivered the killing blow. If it were a real fight, they are now cold bodies lying on the ground.

Diane smiled and consoled them "don't fret too much about the result, John has been training them. for ten years and they are far beyond your current level" the girl's eyes went wide and their mouths wide open, their fiance the prince personally trained them for ten years, how good is he to produce these elites in just ten years, each one of them is comparable to an army.

"Mother-in-law, if the prince were to fight against two hundred how would he fare?" Claudia asked

"Sister I can answer that, even if all of us were to gang up against the prince, he could easily beat us in just a few breaths." Elise proudly replied, this silent sister of them spoke with pride as she brags about the prowess of their fiance.

'Isn't the prince a lot younger than us? How come he is that strong?' they all wondered

"I know what your thinking, wait a bit more and you will personally witness your husband's strength," Diane said with pride


1 year went by so fast, and Diane is having her labor, she has been waiting for this day. Besides her, we're her daughters-in-laws and three best friends, many doctors were there to assist her child birth.

Jonathan is outside the maternity room, fidgeting and uneasy, beside him are Alfred and Mario

"Relax sire, the queen will be fine, " comforted Alfred, but he is also nervous his words for Jonathan we're like comforting words for himself