
After 12 hours of labor, a child's voice echoed across the room. Jonathan rush inside and worriedly looked at his wife.

"Congratulations your highness! The princess is very healthy" said immortal Jura

Diane weakly said "doctor can I see my daughter?"

Mlyes carried the princess to the queen "she is as beautiful as you Diane" she said

Jonathan, sat beside his daughter and wife 'how happy would it be if John is here with us' he lamented

Diane held her daughter "when your brother comes he would surely be happy to see you"

"I have two grandchildren now!" Alfred laughed while Mario interjected "what you we have two grandchildren now, hahaha"

The two old men laughed as they hugged each other, the ladies were happy and are imagining themselves giving birth to John's child. They all blushed as they thought of it.

"From this day forth my daughter shall be named Diana Gold" Jonathan said

The girls woke up from their daydreams after they heard Jonathan. Diane looked at her child tenderly, caressing her cheeks, and kissed her forehead.

Diana cried and Diane brought her closer to her breast, the child slowly sucked her mother's breast and drank as she fell asleep. Diane remembered John, 'he would also cry so hard and would only calm down after he drinks milk,' tears slowly flowed to her cheeks, as she silently sobbed, she missed her eldest child so much, it's been five years since he underwent his tribulation but since his heart started beating last year there has been no more improvements. But the heartbeat thumps loudly and more vigorously than before. Like a war drum resonating across the island.


Today is Dianas first birthday, like his brother the princess is very smart, she developed very fast she is can walk straight and is not wobbly, she can speak in phrases.

Diana woke up early and a voice kept calling her, she is curious about the voice, she slipped from her room and walked to the forbidden area as she followed the voice.

The queen woke up early and went to check on her daughter, only to find out that she is gone.

"Where is my daughter?" she screamed

Jonathan woke up and immediately rushed to the room, there was no sign of breaking through, the guards were kneeling and their bodies are shaking in fear.

"What happened here?" he asked

"Your majesty we were guarding the mansion and didn't put our guards down, but we are also surprised that the princess can bypass our senses."

The captain said nervously

"Search the island, I want to know where my daughter is! If she can't be found you know what will he the consequence!" he angrily said

Then he walked close to his wife. "Honey our daughter will be fine, don't worry" he comforted her

"But I've scanned the whole island and can't even feel her presence, " she worried said

"I know, I will get to the bottom of this mystery" his eyes were sharp as he said those words, he just lost a son and now his daughter is lost, he felt so humiliated.

A person flashed by their side and kneeled, it was Elise, Johns fiancee and head of his guards "Sire we found the princess!" she said

Elise was walking to the edge of the forbidden area doing her usual visit to her prince, daily after johns tribulation she would look at the floating golden skeleton and would report the groups improvement, she would also share her feelings for him and complain about trivial matters. She didnt know if john could hear her but she always felt comfortable near him.

As she was walking to her favorite spot, she heard the queen's scream, she immediately scanned the area but found no one using her soul sense, then she saw the princess hoping while she walks towards the forbidden area. Elise immediately went to the mansion to report to the couple.

Everyone rushed to the edge of the forbidden area, but the couple went faster than anyone, they are worried that Diana might be injured by the powerful soul force emitted by John.

When they arrived they saw their daughter walking towards the boundary, she was hoping as if playing with someone as she went inside the garden, the couple tried to stop her but as they reached the edge they were blocked by the powerful soul force.

"Honey, will Diana be ok?" Diane asked

"Her brother won't hurt Diana, " he trusted his son there must be a reason why Diana is the only one who can come near him

The girl walked slowly as she enjoyed looking at the beautiful flowers.

The couple and the guards are looking at the princess as she enjoyed the beautiful scenery in front of her.

When she was coming near John they almost stopped breathing.

Diana felt curious as she saw the skeleton floating, she went nearer and tried to get hold of it.

The couple felt nervous, John now doesn't have any consciousness, he might hurt his sister by instinct. He readied himself, preparing to snatch his daughter in case John instinctively attack Diana. He is willing to sacrifice himself for his children.

Diana went near John, she touched the skeleton and fainted. Jonathan wanted to rush in but Diane held him tightly "trust your son!"


Diana went inside Johns soul sea and saw a handsome young man seated in meditation, she walked closer and touch the man. John slowly open his eyes and looked at the girl, she is very cute with her pigtails.

"Brother what's your name?" she asked

John just looked at the interesting child and smiled

"I think you should be the first one to introduce yourself, it's impolite if you don't introduce who you are and ask my name first?" he said as he teased the girl

"I'm sorry brother, my name is Diana Gold, the second princess of the gold empire." then she bowed in respect

"Hahaha... Diana aye..." he said, 'so she is my sister, very cute"

Diana then smiled and said, "brother you are so handsome! But my brother is more handsome than you"

"How do you know that your brother is more handsome than me?" he asked, she is very cute

She puffed her cheeks "I just know, mother told me that my brother is the most handsome man in the empire, " she looked at John with contempt

"I think I'm more good-looking than him!" as he continues to tease, Diana

"What do you know, my brother is also strong. I will ask him to beat you up when he comes!" she angrily refuted

"Well I'll beat up your brother when he comes!" he said

Diana gripped her small fist and tears fell from her eyes, she rushed to John and attacked him. John welcomed her and let her attack him, 'i think I've gone too far in teasing her.'

"Don't hurt my brother, you are not allowed to!" she said while crying

John felt touched and held his sister in his embrace, but the girl never stopped punching him.

"Alright your brother is better than me, are you happy now?" he asked

The child smiled widely "he is better than you, and you can t compare to my brother, but since you admitted your inferiority to my brother, you will be second only to him"

John laughed at the child's reaction, he released his soul sense and check his sisters body, 'wonderful she is has very good aptitude, what's this? Hahaha... Perfect she could control all elements just like me' this has been due to the refinement of the body of father and mother'

He sent his will to her body and Dianas body floated and turned golden. The metal elements on the surrounding area is being sucked dry by Diana.

When diane saw this she cried, she knew that her son won't hurt his sister. The awakening of her bloodline may have been johns doing.

Jonathan relaxed his tensed body, 'my son is alive, no matter what reason it is he could recover in time'

Diana's body slowly floated back to the ground. Inside johns soul sea, he is playing with her sister. He changed the view into a mountainous land scape and a log house by the lak, Diana is amazed by what she saw and excitedly asked John to teach her the trick.

"Brother, can you teach me how you did it? Please?" she pleaded

"When you are strong enough you can learn this as well.

I have something for you, this is brothers birthday present, however this is out very own secret not even your mother and father can't know about it ok!" he said

"Ok!" she immediately replied and stretched out her pinky "lets pinky promise brother" then she smiled sweetly

"Pinky promise!" he laughed loudly,

He held her head and transmitted the element manipulation arts

Diana looked at John "brother what is this element manipulation arts?" She asked

"Sit down and follow my instructions, close your eyes"

The fainted body of Diana suddenly sat down in meditation, the couple and the guards didn't know what is happening but there must be something wrong with the princess. Diane and Jonathan asked Linda to setup a tent. The couple happily watch over their children, diane sent a soul transmission to Jonathan 'our son must be the one doing this, who else can trigger our daughters bloodline if it isn't him'

'Our son is very amazing, there must be a reason why he is still not talking to us' he said

Immortals and saints arrived for the princess first birthday, Alfred and Mario came together at the mansion, when no one was there Alfred searched for them using his soul sense. The two old men rushed to the couple, they were surprised to see that all the guards are here.

"Diane where's my cute grand daughter?" Alfred asked

"Ive prepared a wonderful gift for her" Mario also said

"Father, grampa Mario Diana is with her brother" she replied

"What! John has recovered?" the old men shouted simultaneously

"No! But she went inside the forbidden area, she is currently meditating beside her brother" then she pointed out to where Diana is

Both Alfred and Mario sent their soul sense to check on the siblings. Diana sat in meditation beside johns skeleton.

"What is happening here?" they asked

"We also don't know, early this morning Diana left without a trace and found her entering the forbidden area, we thought that she might get injured but she went through without any injury. She is also able to get near johns body." diane narrated

"How could my grandson hurt his sister, Diana is certainly going to benefit a lot from her encounter with her brother." Alfred said

One by one the guests arrived and paid their respects to the king and queen. The princess is no where in sight, but they didn't ask. Johns fiancee's came and greeted the couple, these girls would often come and play with Diana after their daily training.

"Mother in law, where is sister in law?" asked Claudia

"Shes with her brother, let's just wait for her." diane replied

"What!" Claudia reacted, she looked at her sisters and saw them elegantly dressed, normally she would just dress simple like today. "Mother in law I left my gift for sister in law, be right back" Claudia rushed with her full speed as she went to her house.

The other girls giggled and knew why she immediately rushed, but didn't comment. Diane smiled as she could see the panic in Claudia's eyes.

The girls felt conscious of their appearance, this is the very first time they will see a matured John, Jane, Clare, Clara and Claudia saw him but it was when the prince was two years old, how does he look like now.

The twins kept looking at the middle of the forbidden area. Their soul sense could barely see the center where Diana is at. However the pressure on their souls is too much for them to handle, so they just check it every now and then.


Diana followed John's instructions and felt the elements in her surrounding, her body never stopped absorbing the elements.

Inside johns soul sea, Diana enjoyed the warm feeling of being with John, 'brother is very kind, gentle, and caring' after she got used to the feeling of the elements around her John woke her up "well that is all for today, your parents might be worried if your gone for too long"

"Brother you don't want me anymore?" She asked

"How could I not want you? But if you stay with this brother you mother and father will be worried sick, they will miss you too. Do you want your mother to cry?" he asked

Diana shook her head and said "can I come and visit you tomorrow?"

"You can come anytime, " he smiled lovingly at her and pinched her cheeks

"Pinky promise?"

"Yes pinky promise"