
Diana woke up and she found herself lying on the edge of the forbidden area, a few meters away from her, she saw her parents smiling as they looked at her.

She stood up and rushed to their side, "father, mother, I met a very tall and handsome brother inside the forbidden area!" she excitedly said

"Can you describe the brother you saw?" Diane excitedly asked

Diana nodded and described John, the girls are very much interested, this will be the very first time they would know how their fiancee looked like.

"He is tall, a bit shorter than father, he has light-colored skin with long golden-brown hair and golden pupils, his face is like mom's but more masculine," she said in adoration

"But my brother is much more handsome than him, he also admitted his inferiority." she proclaimed

Diane, Jonathan and the rest knew that it was indeed John who Diana saw.

"What did the brother tell you?" she hurriedly asked

"I promised brother to not tell anyone" she said

"Please baby can't you tell mother?" she insisted

"No we pinky sweater, if I tell mom brother might not play with Diana anymore!" she said

"Mom won't insist, can you tell me what you did with your brother?" she rephrased her inquiry

"Maybe I can share with you, he didn't tell me to keep it a secret. We played many games, brother also told Diana many stories, he even told me that I could go and visit him every day." she excitedly said

"Mother, father can I go back to the garden tomorrow and the day after and the next and the next? Please please please" she pleaded

"Of course you can!" Jonathan happily replied

She hugged her father tightly "father you are the very best" and she kissed his cheeks

"Did you ask your brother his name?" Diana asked

"Ah! I forgot to ask him again, brother tricked me, he said it's not polite to ask his name first without introducing who I am. Tsk!" she annoyingly said

Diane giggled "it's alright you can always ask him next time, tell me what other things did you talk about?"

"I told him how awesome my elder brother is and that he is more handsome than him, he first didn't believe me so I attacked him and he admitted his wrong," she said in triumph

"Hahaha... That's my granddaughter for you, come here and give cramps Alfred a hug"

"Grampa, I missed you so much" she rushed to Alfred and hugged him

"Grampa Mario you're also here, " she went to Mario and hugged him as well

"This brother of yours is very good to you right?" he asked

"Yes, he also played horse with me! Hehe" she told the two old men what they did

"Next time ask your brother if he needs anything, we might be able to help him," Jonathan said

"Alright, but father, when can I see my older brother? I suddenly liked the feeling of having a big brother" she sadly said as tears fell from her chicks

"Don't you have an older brother now? Let him be your temporary brother before your elder brother returns" Diane suggested

Diana smiled sweetly, "I will do!" then she rushes to her sister-in-laws

"Sisters did you know I saw this very handsome brother inside the garden, " she said excitedly

Claudia excitedly asked, "did you ask this brother to come with you?"

"I forgot! I should have asked him to come with me, don't worry sister I'll ask him next time, " she said

"Sister In-law hurry tell us how is he like?" she can't control her excitement,

"He is very tall and handsome, he has a long golden-brown hair and golden pupils, he looks like mom but more masculine, he is very gentle and caring, he even played horse with me!" she happily shared her experiences with them, the girl's eyes were shining brightly, Diana won't lie to them, this girl is very honest

"Sister don't fall for him, my brother is ten times more handsome than him, he also admitted his inferiority" she innocently said

"I won't, I'm just interested to know your new brother, " Claudia hurriedly replied

The party went smoothly, Jonathan drank till he dropped, Diane released the burden in her heart, after hearing Diana's story she knew that her eldest is the one she saw, learning of how he cared for his sister she felt very happy.

Johns fiancee's talked to Diana the whole time, they wanted to know more about John, the twins rarely spoke about him, but they don't blame them. Many information about John is kept hidden by the empire, their only chance of knowing him is through his younger sister.

"Sister, does your brother ever told you if he has someone he likes?"Claudia daringly asked

"Ill ask him next time, " she said

"Sister you can share with him your experiences as well, you can tell him about your beautiful sister in laws" this time Eleanor made a comment

Elise pinched her hips as she blushed "what are you asking a child to do"

"Sister I think this big brother of the princess is a nice person, he wouldn't steal the prince future wives, but he could should know the people who usually are with the princess, as the princess brorher" and winked at Diana

"Ill tell him next time, " Eleanor got excited, yes after spending time with the princess she knows that she had made a very good impression to her, she would certainly put in some good word for her to the prince.

'Eleanor what are you planning? Using the princess like this?' Elise sent a soul transmission to her

Eleanor just winked at her and giggled

Elise sighed as she saw her sisters reaction.

Jane sat near Diana, "sister I have a painting of your brother, want to take a look?"

What she saw is a boy with golden brown hair and gold pupils, with light colored skin.

"My Brother looks like my new brother."

"But my big brother is still more handsome" she innocently said

"What did your brother tell you?" she asked

Then she recounted everything that she experienced with John. She felt tired after all the girl talk and slept in Elise embrace


The following day, diane brought Diana to the edge of the garden, she excitedly went inside after a few moments, Diana disappeared and arrived at the center, she fainted and entered johns soul sea.

Upon seeing John, she rushed and hugged him, "are you my big brother?" she expectedly asked

"Why do you ask?" John teased her

"You look just like the painting sister Jane showed me yesterday." she innocently looked at him expecting for his answer

John wanted to tease her so he said "how can I be your brother isn't he more handsome than me?"

"Your lying, if you don't tell me the truth I'm I'm I'm going to cry" she slowly sobbed

"Alright alright don't cry, come here Diana give your brother a hug"

Diana smiled widely, she jumped to her brother's embrace and snuggled on his chest, "brother can you come with me, father and mother miss you?"

"I can't for now, but in a few years I'll be going home you," he said apologetically

"Promise?" She asked

"Yes its a promise,"

John asked Diana to train in her element manipulation arts, his sister's aptitude is very high she could absorb the elements very fast, after she was done with her practice John showed him many tricks on manipulation of elements, and told Diana to only manipulate the metal element if she is with other people. The girl obediently nodded and didn't ask for the reason, she idolized this elder brother of her.

Then she told him many things about what she experienced, she then said "brother i have always been playing with my sisters"

"Sister?" he asked

"Yes mother said that they are your fiancees" she honestly replied

John shook his head, before the tribulation he has 6 fiancees including the twins.

"Are they nice to you?" he asked

"Yup, sister Elise is like mother, sister Eleanor is also nice she always gives me candies and sweets, sister Jane teaches me how to paint and dance, sister Clara plays chess with me, while sister Claire and Claudia plays hide and seek and brings me to climb trees," she told him every little thing she does while John silently listens and give few comments

"They are all very beautiful, mom said they have many suitors, I also want to grow up like them, like sister Elise, she is very kind and beautiful" she honestly replied

"Why not like your other sisters, you don't like them?" he asked

"I like them as well, but sister Elise is like mom, and I want to be like mom" she replied innocently

"Well mom is the best after all"

"Oh right brother, dad said this there is anything he could do to help you?" she recalled

"Can you ask father if it's possible to send me 7-9th level magical beasts? If not possible even weaker beasts if enough, It doesn't matter if they are dead or alive, also tell your sister Elise to bring my guards to do monster cleanup at the islands shore line. Also tell our parents that I just woke up yesterday, and I have to thank my cute baby sister for waking me up."he nonchalantly replied and kissed her forehead

Diana nodded in response and pestered her brother to tell her stories, John willingly complied, Diana fell asleep and John sent her back to the edge of the garden where diane and Jonathan are waiting.

When she woke up "brother? Where are you?" then she sobbed as she called her brother

"Diana come to mother" Diana stood up and hugged Diane

"There there baby, why are you crying?" diane asked

"Mother I miss brother" she said as she sobbed

"He will come out soon, did anything happen while you are with him?"

"Hmnhmn, " she shaked her head

"Mother I missed brother, I want him beside me all the time"

Diane felt her daughters longing for John, based on Diana's story John took good care of her and pampered her a lot.

"Did he say something to you?" she asked

"Brother told me to ask father to bring him 7-9th level magical beasts, he said it doesn't matter if it's dead or alive, if it's not possible weaker bests would do.

He also asked me to apologize to mother and father, he said he just woke up yesterday and I was the one who woke him up."

Diane raised her hand and zero appeared, "call Elise"

"Did your brother tell you what he needs the beasts for?" Jonathan asked

"No he didn't tell me, "

He rubbed dianas head and called his guards, "all of you prepare, ready the ship, we will hunt down magical beasts!"

Elise arrived at the moments notice "my queen" she knelt as she saluted

"Diana tell your sister your brothers orders" Diane urged diana

"Sister brother said that you lead the guards to cleanup the islands periphery from monster Beast" she said

Elise suddenly got excited, 'the prince is awake'

"Hmn princess did the prince said anything else?" Eleanor asked,

"No, but I've told brother about all my sisters, " the twins felt their blood rushed, Elise blushed as she heard diana

"My queen well be leaving" Elise grabbed Eleanor

"Your sister Elise is shy as ever" Diane giggled as she saw the leaving figures

"Care to to tell mother what you siblings talked about" Diana started to narrate all that she experienced except for the training of her elements


The following day 300 heavenly immortals arrived at the forbidden ground carrying tons of magical beasts. After word spread that John needed 7-9th magical Beast's empires top experts went on hunting

Diane used her soul force and c

Brought the beast inside the forbidden area, the moment the beast touched the ground it disappeared from their sights. At the center of the garden the beasts laid around johns skeleton, and their bodies turned to a bloody mist, the skeleton slowly absorbed the mist and gradually the blood vessels slowly formed.

John inside his soul sea could see what is happening, at this rate it would take me 10 years before i finish reconstructing a new body. There were hundreds of eighth level beast but only his blood vessels are formed.

Diana visited john daily, jonathan and the rest of the immortals went t on a hunting spree on the ocean, daily they would send hundreds of beasts to him. After a year, all of John's organs are formed, the sound of his heartbeat became more vigorous and louder. Jonathan and the rest were ecstatic with the progress, they went even deeper and searched for stronger Beast's, surrounding the island were many 6th -7th level magical beasts, and all of Johns guards, who slaughtered them nonstop. After a day all of their harvests would be brought to the garden.

"Mother brother says at this rate he can return in 8 years," she said

When Jonathan, Diane, Alfred, and Mario heard her, they were shocked, with hundreds of 9th level beasts he is still 8years away from his recovery?

"He said if you didn't help him he would take at least twenty years to come back, he said metallic ores and heavenly resources of the five elements can also be used to help him"

Jonathan and Diane brought several ores of other elements, John greedily absorbed the ores and formed his body.


Four years went by fast, the immortals are busy hunting level nine beasts, and the rest of the empire hunt down weaker beasts, everything was sent to John. In these four years, the wind empire made several skirmishes against the empire. To their surprise, not even one of the soldiers they sent came back alive. In four years more than a million soldiers died in these skirmishes.

If the wind empire knew that most of their men were slaughtered by the gold empires trainees who aged 5-15 years old, how depressed would they have been?

The bodies were collected and sent to the island. John absorbed everything. Diana trained hard and absorbed all the knowledge John taught her. In his soul sea, she would spar against her using all the elements, her control is beyond her level. Diane is happy every day, her daily routine is teaching Diana the BGBTA, MEMA and BGSA, she wanted to avoid the sparring but Diana told her one time four years ago "mother, I can't defeat brother! He asked to spar with him every time, but I can even touch him!"

Diane laughed as she heard Diana complained, "did your brother teach you hand-to-hand combat?"

"Yes, he also told me to start training the three arts, " she honestly replied

"Did he teach you anything else?" she asked

Diana paused and looked around "no that's all, mother help me, I want to at least hit brother."

Diane asked her guard to spar with Diana, to her surprise, every attack of Diana, there would be accompanying elemental attacks, sharp needles and whips would be released from her body in each attack. Her hand-to-hand combat is unique, every movement of her contains elemental attacks. The guard felt a little pressure from the little princess 'what did the prince teach the princess, if she ever sparred with kids, how could they win against her.'

She tried asking her how she got this good in her element control, but Diana is tight-lipped and never exposed her secret. Diane giggled as she saw her daughter trying hard to avoid the conversation. Knowing her son she knew that he was the one who taught her. He even made hand-to-hand combat techniques specifically for her.
