He is back

Four years of continuous daily hunting, the memories soldiers became stronger and more attuned for battle.

Diana battled with her mother's guard, suddenly the heartbeat stopped, Diane worriedly went to the garden, ' son are you ok?' she silently prayed for johns safety

Tears fell from her face, Diana came to her side and hugged her mother, her sisters came along with her and comforted Diane. Then a topless handsome man walked from the garden and rushed to her side, "mother, what's wrong? Who made you cry?" when Diane looked at the man, she cried even harder and hugged the man very tightly

The ladies were shocked, 'how could this man get near them without them noticing', why is the queen so intimate with another man, 'is he the queen's lover?' they thought

Suddenly the twins and the other guards knelt and saluted "welcome back prince!"

"What! He is the prince?" the girl's eyes went wide, this is their fiance, the kingdoms prince John Gold

John just bowed his head "mother don't cry, Diana what happened to mother?" he asked his sister

"Brother, when the heartbeat stopped mother started crying" she honestly replied, then she hugged her big brother,

John is not wearing anything to cover his upper body, his lower part is covered by golden silk pants.

The girls looked at him from head to toe, his body is muscular but unlike other men his muscles are not bulging but ripped, his skin is light-colored without blemishes, with his long golden-brown hair and gold pupils they felt attracted to him more. The girls felt their hearts skipped a beat, when he looked at them and smiled, his face is angelic.

"Son, how are you? Mother is alright I was just worried that something might happen to you" Diane wiped her tears

Jonathan arrived with Alfred and Mario, the three rushed the moment they were informed that the heartbeat stopped.

Looking at the dashing young man who is hugging his wife, Jonathan knew it was his son, he wanted to test his prowess so he rushed and throw an all-out punch at him.

"Father it's been so long" John smiled as he greeted his father

"Same to you son, show me what is the result of your hard work" John released all his shackles and fought with his son using all his might.

The girls were shocked when they saw the king suddenly attacked the prince. Diane saw the worried looks of the girls and said "come now, let them fight to their heart's content" then she giggled as she brought the girls to the tent and waited for the father and son to finish their spar

"How can he be this strong?" the girls murmured as they tried to follow their movements

"Hehehe... It's their normal routine whenever they bond, Jonathan is just happy that he found a worthy sparring partner." Diane proudly said

"Mother, brother is so handsome!" the little girl absentmindedly said

The girls subconsciously nodded, suddenly Jonathan released his domain, "boy let's see how much you've improved!"

"Father be careful, " John fought aginst Jonathan wildly, Jonathan used the techniques in his arsenal, but he doesn't seem to gain an advantage against his son. Johns hand to hand technique seems to have reached one with the universe just like him.

"My grandson, can now fight on equal grounds with the king, hehehe... That's my grandson for you!" Alfred boasted loudly

"Whose grandson is he? he is also my grandson!" Mario corrected him

"Hahaha... Old friend our grandson has become more amazing

"I guess the king would lose if he doesn't use any weapon!" Mario blurted out

"Father, you won, I'm still lacking against you" John raised his hands in surrender

Jonathan knew that this is not John's best, but to save his face, he surrendered before he could land a strike to him.

"Son your improvement is amazing, I can already retire and spend more time with your mother, hahaha..." Jonathan loudly laughed

"Father is still young, I still need to follow you more before I can be confident enough to replace you, and father did not even use his weapons and laws against me." he modestly replied

Jonathan place his arms around his son's shoulder and rubbed his head. Indeed he didnt use his all against his son he purely made use of his hand to hand technique in this battle.

'I should start practicing the laws, if not, if i were to battle a heavenly immortal who has mastered the laws i will have no power to fight back and will be a human punching bag.' He thought

John saw Mario and Alfred and saluted "grandfathers I've missed you both"

The two old men came to him and gave John a tight hug, "boy why didn't you use your weapons?" Mario asked

He use soul transmission when he replied and he included his parents 'during my tribulation I used my weapons to protect myself, both my natal weapons got destroyed and my soul got severely damaged, that is why it took a while before I was able to wake up

"It doesn't matter, now that your back I could always make you a new one." Mario laughed and tapped John's back

He looked at his guards who stood straight by their side, "you guys worked hard, let me check your progress, excuse me gramps"

"Diana let brother borrow your guns," he asked his sister

Diana threw her guns and John grabbed them in midair and fired at his guards, they scattered and fired back at him John would just smile and nod his head, the bullets would be met by his bullets and dissipate Elise teleported to his side and used her dangers to stab him. But as she struck her dagger there was no feeling of contact, John disappeared and stood behind her, he blew air to her ear.

Elise panicked and squatted on the ground her face is crimson red as she covered her face with her hands. This is the very first time the prince had done such intimate as action with her, her heart won't stop pounding.

Diane giggles as she saw johns actions, 'oh my boy is such a lady killer' while the girls felt jealous, how good would it be if the prince did the same to them.

Eleanor used this opportunity to sneak attack on John, but before she land an attack John motion his hand as if grabbing her chest, she instinctively covered it and he flicked his finger and hit her fore head.

Eleanor felt embarrassed, this is the first time she did this action, even when fighting amongst the guards she rarely cared about being hit on the chest but johns action made her instinctively cover it and made her feel shy. John attacked the rest and they all fell on the ground.

He clapped his hands, "good no one neglected their training, Merlin, good job, your progress is no less than my fiancee's, the rest of you you did well"

The guards stood up and saluted. 'We fought with two hundred and is beaten in a few breaths but the prince didn't even sweat fighting all two hundred of his guards.' the ladies were mesmerized as they saw johns performance

"Brother look at what you did to my big sisters, how could you bully them" Diana pouted as she reprimanded her brother

John laughed and scratched the back of his head, "im sorry sis" he didn't mind acting foolishly in front of his family

"Enough with that, come we need to celebrate" Jonathan said

Walked to the mansion while Diana hopped to johns shoulder and he carried her sister. The couple smiled widely as they saw how close their children are.

Jonathan issued an order and called for all the empires top warriors. The maids were busy and the chefs prepared the best dishes, their prince is back! Every one of them gains so much from their prince he is very accommodating and would often teach them in their training, so when news of his return became known to them, the chefs gave it their all.

"Father, mother ill take a bath first, " John put down his sister and went to his room, the girls never let John off their sights, they all secretly look at him on the way to the mansion, Diane noticed them, she smiled and said to her husband "look at the girls, he hehe... So smitten with my son's charm"

"Don't forget he took it from his father, they are just like you whenever you look at me😜" Diane twisted Jonathan's waist like a young girl who first had the feeling of love

The two old men laughed heartily as they watched the couple bicker.

"Old friend, what plans did you prepare for our grandson?" Alfred asked

"Now that the guild is established and the 10 immortal smiths completed their training, we could finally put the plan into action, I'll ask for our grandson's plans, he is better at that" Mario said

Alfred didn't argue with Mario, they all went to the dining area as they waited for John to arrive, the girls were silent feeling conscious of their actions. Diana is agitated, "mother, brother is taking so long to shower I'm gonna call him" the girl went to Elise and grabbed her hand, as she walked with her to johns room, Diana kicked the door wide open, what they saw shocked the ladies, Elise immediately covered dianas eyes with her hands but she forgot to close her eyes instead she lost her thought as she saw the naked John wiping the water off his body, John maintained his composure and continued to wipe his body and wear the clothes prepared for him at his bed.

"Sister, what happened, why are you covering my eyes?" Diana complained, but Elise is still in shock and couldn't hear what she is saying.

The sight of her naked fiance turned her dumb, and the dangling dragon in between his legs made her heart thump so loud, John walked to her front and waved his hands at her "elise? Are you still there?"

No response came from Elise, John moved closer to her and pecked her cheeks, Elise suddenly felt an electric shock running through her body, and she woke up from her daydream. She is lost on what John did, but she felt something soft touched her cheeks. She placed her hands on her cheek trying to remember what just happened.

Diana saw the dumb-looking Elise, "sister what is wrong with you?" then she asked her brother "brother what is wrong with sister Elise? Ever since you got back, sister has never been acting normal"

John rubbed her hair and walked down the stairs, when the maids and guards saw John they bowed deeply in respect, "long time no see everyone, don't bow down too much, your brains might rattle, hahaha..." he joked at them.

The maids and guards stood straight and laughed as well, they missed this feeling, their prince has never been one who follows the tradition strictly, he is very easygoing and easy to talk to. He doesn't look down on his men, and respected every single one of them, he would often times be the first one to greet them.

When John arrived at the dining hall, Diana asked him to sit beside her, Jonathan didn't bother with it, this is how their family usually works. Diane saw the absent-looking Elise following the siblings as she gently rubbed her cheek. "Elise is there something on your cheek?" she asked

"Ah, your highness, it's nothing" but her nervousness and panic look made Diane even more interested in asking what happened when they called john from his room

"Diana what happened when you called your brother?" she asked

The girl didn't mind and said "when we reach brothers room I kicked his door and sister placed her hands over my eyes before I could see what's inside" she angrily said

Everyone had an idea of what Elise saw that made her look lost. The ladies looked at Elise, they wanted to ask what happened but they knew that this is not the right place to ask their sister.

The couple and the old men had an idea of what happened and shook their heads as they recalled Diana's story, 'ah this girl is so mischievous, who would suddenly barge into the room while kicking the door, is she planning to raid his brother's room by doing that?' they all felt funny, knowing how close the siblings are, they knew that John didn't mind

'Sister did you see it again? The you know what?' Eleanor sent a soul transmission to Elise,

Elise suddenly blushed and closed her eyes not bothering to reply.