Gift for mother and sister

The meal went on and John listened silently as his parents talked about the kingdom. The ladies would often make secret glances at John, but he didn't even showed any reaction. His serious look made them feel more attracted to him, 'how can someone be this handsome' Claudia thought

"Son, you are now 17, most of the men your age are married and some have kids by now, when do you plan to marry your fiancee's?" Diana asked

John knew that he could not escape from his mother's pestering about his marriage, since he was born, she had made plans for his marriage. If he didn't give her a satisfactory reply he knew that she wouldn't stop.

"Mother, marriage is something sacred and special event, I know you wanted me to marry when I come of age but was delayed by my cultivation. But I believe it has to be a mutual love, if my fiancees feel the same way, then, we can proceed with the ceremony" hearing her son reply she knew what he meant, she never did ask for her son's opinion about his marriage, John always follows her decision and scarcely go against her will.

When the girls hear him they knew that John wanted a relationship base on love, they knew that if they wanted to attract him, they need to at least touch his heart.

Diane liked these ladies, she needed to plan now to make his son accept the girls.

Diana jumped to her brothers lap and hugged his neck "Brother, look at sister Elise, she is still lost, what have you shown her? Tsk brother, you need to take responsibility for her!" Diana complained to her brother

Jonathan looked at the siblings, he smiled and felt joy at the sight of the two. Diana felt the same, Elise, on the other hand, panicked when she heard the princess words. 'The princess wanted the prince to take responsibility for her' she reacted fast

"Nonono... Princess, it's not the prince's fault, it was I who suddenly barged into the room" the couple laughed as they saw the startled Elise, she knew that since John was in hibernation after his tribulation, Diane always kept his soul sense extended to check on her son, she knew that Elise and Eleanor would go and visit her son daily.

There was a time when she heard elise expressed her love for John, 'prince I know we've been engaged by the Queen, I don't know if it's the right decision, since it's been a one-sided love in the first place. But I know that in this lifetime I can only love one person and it's you, your highness, please come back soon.'

The words Elise spoke were imprinted on Diane's mind, she could feel the sincerity and love of Elise for her son.

Diana did not stop pestering her brother, asking him to take responsibility for Elise, John didn't argue with her, this was because despite him being in hibernation, he could feel, see and hear everything that is happening within the island, but he kept silent about it, what he learned was due to his soul's subconscious action and he has no control over it. He knew how Elise felt and knew everything about her, it was a subconscious act on his part since he is unconscious at that time. He knew of it after he woke up, when all the memories flashed on his mind, cold sweat run down his spine, better not let anyone know of this.

John stood up then he sent a voice transmission to his grampa Mario, 'gramps please lend your grandson your space ring' when Mario heard John, he didn't ask anything, he just tossed his space ring to him

John took the ring then left the room, no one asked where he went, "let's continue our meal, let him be, he must have something to do" Jonathan said, John, sent him a transmission telling him that he needs to do something and will be back in a while, thus, he is not worried

John arrived at the guild building and took out a huge piece of divine grade metal, he lit up the furnace using his black thunder hellfire, the metal melted then he started making a ring.

John divided it into seven parts then he compressed the metal into the size of a ring, he took out many gems from marios space ring and chose a blue-colored diamond, he cut the gem into millions of microscopic pieces elegantly designed by him.

Using the element manipulation, he molded each gem into the shape he wanted, John placed space and protective runes on every gem; the ring itself is packed with runes and formations from the blacksmiths manual, then at the middle he imbedded a big blue diamond and place a wisp of his soul force.

Six blue rings with a big diamond embedded on their centers is finally completed. Then the seventh ring did not have a big diamond center but also has a deep blue color, due to the blue diamond embedded to it.

After polishing, the ring is very shiny and beautiful, he decided to make one for both his mother and sister, John used 2 tons of white liquid silver from the high heavens, refined two batches for his mother and sister, he made a thorn ring for his mother he made 10 coils and made very intricate designs of each thorn, the whole piece is imbedded with microscopic green gems made from the core of a venomous green cobra, and the center piece is rose shaped embedded in red gems. Then placed a whip of his soul on the rings center piece.

Diana's ring is like a twisted wire with eight different colors, made from embedding multi colored gems of different elemental properties. each ring has a million square capacity, everything is designed specifically for each user.

John made 9 rings one for him and each of the ladies, his mother, and sister, then he made a very elegant jade box to place the ring.


When John woke up from his slumber, he mastered the blacksmith legacy that Mario imprinted to his soul. With his experience after the hard training with Mario, all of the theories have been clear to him, and his comprehension helped him decipher even the last part of the manual that has been destroyed.

He had all the time in the world while his body is being regenerated thus, aside from training his baby sister, he also spent time studying everything from the manuals and techniques he learned from Rigurs memory. Even if he spent his time on his ancestor's memory as his ancestor, they have different levels of comprehension.

His ancestor is not able to gain much from the manuals he had, but John is different, he used his newly improved soul to comprehend all that he saw in Rigurs memory not wasting his time. In the last five years his understanding of all the techniques and arts have been perfected, he learned about medicine, alchemy, blacksmith, formations, poison, masonry, architecture, strategy, chess, painting, calligraphy, music, songs, dance, he also mastered different techniques of using elemental magic, space, time magic, and many more, what he lacks is to practice it and gain experience.

He found a new way to incorporate the blacksmith techniques from other races and formation technique to the barbarian smithing technique, making his own method of smithing. He wanted to share it with Mario after he perfected this method.


Diana is not happy with her brother leaving "mother I won't let brother escape his responsibilities, look at how weird sister Elise had been! Humff... If he doesn't take responsibility for my sister I won't talk to him anymore!" Diane laughed and covered her mouth, 'wasn't it because you barged into your brother's room that this happened?' but she doesn't mind, it's not a bad thing to push his son to take responsibility for Elise, she just let Diana do what she wants.

Elise doesn't know what to do, she is very nervous, 'will the prince hate me now?' she wanted to plead with Diana to stop her from pestering her brother. However, the princess is firm and doesn't want her sister to be taken advantage by his brother, 'wasn't it me who took advantage of the prince?' she wanted to find a whole to hide her embarrassment

John came back and tossed the ring back to Mario, "thanks grampa" he stood by his mother's side and took out a small jade box.

Diane felt excited when she saw the box, it was an elegantly designed box with a rose design embedded on it made from finely cut gems, Mario's eyes grew wide when he saw the box, 'my disciples understanding of the manual has reached the same level as me or even better!' he grew excited and waited for Diane to open the box

"Mother please accept my gift" then he gave her the jade, this is the very first gift she received from her son, she gently caressed the box and opened the lid, everyone saw a beautiful rose ring looking at it the ring is like a real rose, made into a ring. "Please bind it with your blood. Diane made a small cut from her finger and the ring absorbed the golden blood. Lightning fell from the sky and the ring has completed its contract with Diane as her natal accessory.

"Mother this is called the rose ring, a divine grade natal accessory I made for you, this is a space ring, that has protective and weapon features. Father, please fire a bullet at mother" he said

Jonathan pointed his gun at his wife and fired a bullet, the bullet is very fast as it traveled 1000miles per second, but before it reached Diane the ring shined and a red-colored rose petal flew from the ring and blocked the bullet.

"This defensive function can contain 10 full-blown attacks from a heavenly immortal," he said

The people were in awe of John's description, Mario got even more excited, just one look he knew the materials used for this ring. 'My disciple has surpassed me, his designs are unique and out of the box, he is indeed my most precious treasure!' he felt overwhelming joy, he only has a single disciple and he is even more than what he asked for, he taught him how to smith for 15years, but only officially trained him for less than five years, but his attainment in smithing is already at his level and even beyond him.

"I can now die in peace,the disciple has already surpassed the master! Hahaha..." he laughed loudly

"Gramps I'm still hundreds of year's away from your level, you praise me too much!" John modestly replied

Then Diane willed for the ring to turn into a weapon, and the ring transformed into a shiny green whip, "the whip is made from liquid silver and is imbedded with the core of a venomous green cobra, every attack is poisonous that even immortals would suffer from it's poison. This is a natal accessory, so it would grow with your strength mother. Not only that, if fed with poisonous substance it poison would be greatly enhanced."

Diane cried as she heard her son, it was a very precious gift from her son. She loved the ring not only because it's beautiful, but because of the protective feature it has, she could feel the love and care of her son. What does 10 attacks from a heaven immortal mean? She hugged her son tightly "thank you son I love the ring, " then kissed his cheeks.

John hugged her back, then he felt a tug on his pants, when he looked down he saw Diana pulling his pants "brother I also like a ring" she said slowly

"You are too young to carry a precious ring, maybe next time. Let me think about it" he teased Diana and held his chin as if thinking hard

Diana looked down and she sobbed slowly and tears fell from her lovely eyes, "john stop teasing your sister!" Jonathan reprimanded his son, he knew that he is just playing around with Diana

He laughed and carried her by her armpit, "why are you crying?"

"Because brother forgot about me, his hic" she sobbed

He wiped away the tears with his fingers "don't cry sister, how can elder brother forget about my only baby sister." then he gave her a jade box with a rainbow design embedded on the lid

"Is this for me?" her eyes grew wide and it shined so brightly her smile is so sweet. She immediately grabbed the jade box and kissed John on his cheeks while hugging him tightly, "brother thank you, he hehe..."

She didn't wait for long and she opened the box, a beautifully shaped round multicolored ring twisted like a wire is very simple but elegant, she place the ring on her finger and looked at it again and again and showed it to her mother, "mother mother look, isn't it beautiful? Look look at the design, it's very delicate every gem is precisely cut and shaped. Thank you, big brother!"

"Hurry up and bind it, " Diana made a small cut to her finger and let it fall on the ring, after it has been completely bound to her with the lightning , John smiled and said, "father please fire at Diana, "

Jonathan didn't mind and followed his son. The bullet stopped in mid-air as a multi-colored bubble surrounded Diana, "when the ring sensed an attack more than you could handle and would pose a great threat to your life, this protective shield will appear, it could also take ten full-powered attacks from a heavenly immortal, what is the most special about your run is once the shield shatters, you will be teleported one hundred thousand miles" he said

"Wow," everyone said in amazement, this is a very precious protective equipment that money can't buy, just the protective feature is enough to make anyone drool in envy.

"Brother can it turn into a weapon?" she asked

"No but it can amplify your elemental control by 50%" he honestly replied

The crowd breathed deeply by John's words "50%! isn't it too much for an amplification?" Mario commented

"But during training you are to deactivate the ring as to not interfere with your training"

"Yes brother!" then she giggled and stretch her finger and looked at the ring, just from this alone they could tell how much John cares for his sister. The couple felt very happy, "dear I'm glad John is back" Diane said to Jonathan, he just nodded and smiled