
Jonathan felt excited just listening to John shared his dreams.

"Father, the island will be our prototype city, I plan to ask you this before, but the amount of blacksmiths capable of building the prototype is not enough to reach my standards"

Then he placed his fingers on his glabella and shared his thoughts with them. It is a plan for a metropolis, a very big and futuristic city, which incorporates the buildings to the surroundings not destroying the nature of the island.

They are in awe of his plans, the city itself is bigger than the capital it's a paradise far beyond what they have now.

This is the very first time the girls stayed with John so they knew very little about him, except for the twins the other ladies are clueless about him. Initially they are reluctant and felt that their parents and grandparents are exaggerating when they said that many ladies would want to be his wife and concubine. But now they knew that it is not an exaggeration but the truth, the prince is just exceptional. His prowess is one thing but his other skills and talents are beyond godly.

Jonathan felt his body chilled as he imagined the completion of the prototype city, this will be the place for all the central power of the empire, John even planned for the worst and made an escape plan for the whole empire to be housed on the island. After its completion, the empire would have it's very own safe haven if for the worst possible outcome.

Alfred and Mario grew even more excited, this is more than they could ever imagined this plans are way beyond their current technology and understanding. They wondered how johns brain works, it's indeed amazing how he made the plans for the island, even the other kingdoms they've been doesn't even hold a candle to this prototype city John designed.

"When do you plan to start the city?"Jonathan asked

"Once we gather all the artisans and workers loyal to the empire the plan can start immediately," he said

"Good tomorrow, when all the top warriors arrive we will discuss your proposal." the king said

"Father this is not a plan against the wind empire, the purpose of this plan is for the upcoming planar war, we need to prepare for the future generation if it ever comes years after," John said, this kind of meticulous planning is way beyond his age when they were at the same age as John they are still playing around

They ended the feast and left John with the ladies, John looked at them, and they are all shy, not one of the girls looked at him in the eye. Their hearts thumped as they recalled that their prince is alone with them.

Jonathan held Elise's hands tightly "why are you this nervous? Where is the cold, silent and composed guard leader that I once knew?"

"Prince it's not what you think, I'm still the same," she said nervously, her hands being held tightly by John made her knees soft like jelly she felt extremely happy

"Then why not call me by my name? You will soon be my wife right? Why use the honorifics?" he asked her

"John, " when she said the name her voice is very soft barely audible

He laughed loudly "don't be shy, my future wife is not this weak?" she felt even more flustered

'He already accepted me as his wife!' she thought

The other girls are very envious of Elise, all six of them wanted to be accepted by John as his wife, they knew that there must be a reason why John didn't hesitate to propose to Elise, being pressured by the princess to take responsibility for her is not the reason why he chose Elise before them.

"Ladies you've all worked hard this past year, " then she looked at Clara, "how are the guys?" he asked her,

"Prince, after you left that year, everyone trained hard under the general's lead. Tomorrow they will come and celebrate your return" Clara respectfully replied

"Good good, I knew I've trusted the right men my eyes are not blind at all," he said

"Let's all get to know each other, being chosen by mother to be my fiancee she must have seen something in you that made her recognize you as her daughter-in-law.

I don't doubt my mother's insight and trusted her instincts, but I don't like our relationship to be one that is arranged without any love between us, I hope you understand.

I don't like to force any of you to like me, it has to be mutual. If you have someone you like you can tell me and I will handle the rest" John explained

The ladies felt comfortable and like him even more, he is not forceful and gave the freedom to choose whom they like. He is not the typical prince who is spoiled and does what he likes, like those from the other empires. He is very mature and understanding.

Elise looked at him with a love-struck gaze and John couldn't help but be attracted by her mesmerizing eyes. John took a deep breath and calmed himself.

"Let's get to know each other" then he smiles at them

He stood up and pulled Elise's hands, then he princess carried her and looked back "tomorrow I hope to see you at the training grounds, "

The girls are struck by johns parting words, "sisters I don't know why, but I feel that the prince knows about us, I don't feel any rejection from him" Jane expressed her thoughts

"Yes, that's what I also feel, he doesn't reject us, but he wanted the feelings to be mutual." Clara added

"Guess the first wife is already taken, " Eleanor commented

"Sister Elise is a very strong opponent, " Claire blurted out

"I guess the prince prefers girls who are similar to the queen in personality, " Claudia added, "mother told me before to be more ladylike and learn from her highness, "

"No, from what I know about the prince, he doesn't care about such trivial matters, he doesn't follow the norm and always thinks outside the box. It's better to be more honest with him" Eleanor advised

The girls agreed with Eleanor, she has been with the prince longer than any of them.

John brought Elise on her favorite spot, she never told anyone about it, even her sister doesn't know about this place, John never let go of her hand "when I was recovering, i subconsciously feel all that's happening within the range of this garden, you would always report everything that happened within the group and also share a lot of stories with me" the he smiled at Elise

"When mother asked you, sisters, to be my fiancee I didn't complain not did I argue with her, simply because I like your personalities. The feelings you had for me is all but infatuation before, but I felt your concern and sincerity after these years of my hibernation," he added

John held her chin and drew his lips closer to her lips, she could feel the warm breath coming from John. Her heart couldn't stop thumping, she closed her eyes welcoming his warm lips. John saw her close her eyes he moved even slower and looked closely at her beautifully shaped face. His lips touched hers and he kissed her gently, Elise felt the shock coming from her lips moving to her body, she felt extremely excited and happy.

The woman in love, is totally different from her usual cold and silent self, she forgets everything around her and just enjoyed the feeling of John's lips.

"Elise I may have moved very fast on you, but I'm sure that I also feel the same way you did to me."

Tears fell from her eyes as she heard his sweet words of love, his tenderness melted her heart and made her feel weak.

"Don't cry, " John said as he wiped the tears from her cheeks

Elise smiles sweetly and held his warm hands, she closed her eyes and leaned on his wide chest. "John... I love you, in this life, I can never love another man. Please always stay with me" she murmured shyly

"I will, and will always be with you," John said what he felt in his heart. They maintained their position for a very long time, not wanting to leave each others embrace.

"Tomorrow I will announce our engagement, along with Eleanor, the other ladies, I want to know them more before I accept them as my wives" he said, she felt relieved when she heard John say that he will announce their marriage tomorrow along with her sister. She knew how much Eleanor loves John, and has always been vocal about it with her, she knew that John's proposal to her made Eleanor feel disappointed. But upon hearing the news she felt happy for her sister.

Elise just nodded shyly and held John's hands, John brought her to a mountain, Elise sat down as John used her lap as his pillow and slept under the stars. Elise carefully looked at his face and gently caressed it she is smiling so beautifully, if anyone who could see her, how many men would drool at this sight. She didn't mind letting John use her lap as his pillow, she liked this feeling and enjoyed the company of her love.

Diana went to her brothers room "brother, where are you? I can't sleep" she looked inside the room but her brother is not around, she went to her parent's room, "father, mother, brother is not in his room, I can't sleep, I want to hug him to sleep" Diana complained

"Your brother is busy right now, come mommy's gonna hug you to sleep"


The following day John woke up on Elise's lap, he looked at her sleeping face and didn't wake her up, he gently stood up and carried her to his room, he laid her down his bed and covered her with his quilt.

He went inside his bathroom and took a shower. Elise moved around a bit and felt that she is not lying on the ground, when she opened her eyes she is lying on a wide soft bed, she knew it was not her own, the smell of John permeated a cross the room.

"Why am I lying on the princes bed?" her heart thumped she gently touched her body, her clothes are intact, she heaved a sigh of relief. Though she is prepared to give herself to the prince, she still wanted her first time to be special. She felt glad but also disappointed, since yesterday she has been his unofficial wife, if John consummated with her then it would have been sealed. 'The prince might have a plan,' she thought and enjoyed herself lying on his bed and she snuggled on John's pillow.

The door slammed open, "brother! good morning!"

Elise got startled, she composed herself and remained lying on the bed.

Diana jumped on johns bed and hugged elise, "brother where did you go last night?" She touched her brother then she grabbed the quilt and pulled it off the bed "sister elise! What are you doing in my brother's bed?"

Elise didnt know what to say, her mind grew numb. Then john walked out of the bathroom, only his lower body is covered with a towel "Diana, your sister is tired he helped your brother yesterday and fainted due to exhaustion"

"Oh! Sorry for disturbing you sister" then she jumped over to his brothers embrace, "sister I'll follow you to the dining area let me change my clothes first"

"Ok brother, you owe me stories" she said

"Ill tell you many stories tonight" then he kissed her forehead and Diana run to the dining room

Elise's face is crimson red, she never felt this embarrassed in her life, when she looked at John's direction she immediately covered her eyes when she saw the half-naked John carrying his sister. Even with her eyes closed, the image of the man wrapped in towel, his ripped body, like a perfectly made sculpture, kept falshing in her mind. 'When did I become a pervert?' she kept asking herself, 'Elise pull yourself together, but when she removed her hands John is sitting next to him topless only wearing his golden harem pants.

On the entire empire, it's normal for men to wear only pants leaving their upper bodies exposed. Elise find it hard to understand why she is flustered by the sight of the prince sitting beside her half-naked.

"Let's eat first then proceed to the training grounds" he held her hands and accompanied her to the dining

"Jojohn, can I go home first, I haven't taken a bath yet" she shyly told him, John stopped "sorry Elise I forgot" he scratched the back of his head and apologized

"You can use my bathroom" then he called Linda

"Granma Linda, can you please get new clothes for Elise" Linda smiled then left to get Elise's clothes. Elise went to the bathroom reluctantly, her heart is thumping hard, she never imagined herself being so meek I front of John, she lost all her toughness. She felt nervous, will the prince barge into the bath like what the guards say. Imagining John barging into the bath while she is bathing, makes her very nervous.

Being with men in the army and the island, she heard many things from them regarding their experiences. Since the empire doesn't discriminate against women unlike the other empires, women are treated equally, this is the reason why men would not mind boisterously kiss and tell their moments in life. The girls didn't mind it especially Elise, she doesn't mind it before but she listened to everything they say.

However, being inside John's bathroom, the stories she heard from the guards and men on the island before all came flashing through her mind. She can't control herself from being nervous. Imagining all those things she prepared herself to be taken by John at any moment.