Have you eaten your breakfast?

Elise kept her alertness high, she is thinking of letting John do what he wants if he ever made a move on her. In the empire, it's common to consummate before the marriage ceremony, to them the ceremony is not necessary, it's only practiced by the noble clans and the royal family, but is never strict with it. Many would consummate before the ceremony, and it's normal for them.

She took a while to bath, her body is tantalizing, her breast are ample in size, she has very slim waist with a big and rounded hips and butt, her legs are very long and has long slender feet.

But all throughout the time she bathed John didn't even bother to peek. She is feeling a bit disappointed but at the same time sweet. Even if he is very forceful yesterday he is a gentleman through and through.

The feeling of that kiss makes her want to ask for more, she herself doesn't know why she is feeling this way. 'Why am I feeling this way am I really a pervert?' She doesn't know

Outside the bathroom, John is roaring inside and wants to barge into the bathroom, but he held his desires. He knew that marriage is just a ceremony at the empire, and couples would just consummate and seal the deal. But he wanted to make Elise first special, or so he thought. After his recovery, he felt his body heating up most of the time, if not for his strong willpower and soul cultivation, he felt like he would give in to his instincts.

From his memories of Rigur, he knew that this is a very common, occurrence, especially among men after their bloodlines are awakened. As the purity of their bloodlines improves, the urges became more frequent. However, his urges are stronger compared to the memories he could recall. And the only way to control these urges is to release it.

When Elise exit the bathroom, her scent made John drool, his manhood who stood in attention hardened even more and his breathing got heavier. Wearing her pure white dress accentuating her alluring body, John wanted to eat her up.

Elise noticed John's hot gaze and saw the huge tent between his legs, her heart thumped, and remembering the sight from yesterday when she saw John's manhood her lower part felt numb, just imagine the sheer size of John entering her made her feel nervous. John closed his eyes and tried his best to cool down his body.

After a while the tent slowly went down, his eyes return to normal, and his breathing relaxed. He looked at Elise smiling, then he went behind her and held her in his arms, "Elise you look very beautiful" then he hugged tightly and gently kissed he long neck.

Elise felt weak and nearly fall but John held her tightly in his embrace "if this goes on, I don't think I could hold myself back anymore. Your attractiveness makes me want to eat you now" Elise's ears went red from embarrassment, she didn't want to look at John, she wanted to dig while and hide herself.

John let her go and placed his arm around her hips, and walked to the dinning area. Everyone is present including his other fiancees, when the people at the hall saw the two walking together with johns arm wrapped around Elises hips, they just smiled at them.

The girls are looking shyly at John, sneaking peek at his exposed upper body, his perfectly sculpted muscles along with his long golden-brown hair and golden pupils and beautifully shaped face, made him overly attractive for the ladies. Their gaze fell on John's hands holding Elise's hips tightly, they felt jealous of Elise, they also wanted to be held in his arms.

Eleanor felt like crying, she just like her sister fell deeply in love with John, but her sister is already accepted as his fiancee, she didn't mind being last among the girls she only wanted to be with him nothing more.

"Looks like the first wife is decided," Jonathan said as he looked at his son smirking, he sent a soul transmission to his wife "ah Diane, this son of ours charm even made the cold and silent Elise into a shy and meek sheep"

"No one can resist my sons charms!" she replied, then she saw the sad face of Eleanor she sent a transmission to John 'what are you planning? Leaving Eleanor behind and accepting Elise first?'

'Mother! Though I accept Eleanor, there should be a proper order for my wives, if I accepted her along with Elise there won't be a proper hierarchy among them. I don't want to trouble myself too much about it and just let Elise handle the rest.' he replied

Diane shook her head as she heard John explained his reason, she always felt something is wrong yesterday. Not just Elise, she also knew about Eleanor's feelings for her son. Yesterday she heard John murmured Elise's promise of love, thus concluding that John knew about what happened at a certain distance surrounding the forbidden area.

Therefore, he might also know about Eleanor's feelings for him, he deliberately proposed first to Elise to make the others know that she is his first chosen wife.

Diane guessed her sons plan for today and just stays silent and giggled as she wants to see what he plans to do.

"I'll announce it today and ask Elise parents for her hand in marriage" John nonchalantly said

"That's my boy! Hahaha... Your marriage will be after two weeks it will be happening together with your coming of age ceremony" Jonathan said

"Elise dear come to mother." Diane gently called her, Elise looked at John who is tightly holding her hips. John let go if her and let her walk to his mother.

Diane went with the flow and supported her sons decision, of all the girls no one is best suited as Johns first wife but Elise. Though all the girls are excellent, they don't have enough bearing and maturity to lead the others like her.

Diane hugged Elise and tears fell from her eyes, "you must take good care of my only baby boy, " then she took off her necklace and placed it on her neck, "this necklace is a hair loom given to the empires queen, as the next queen of the empire this necklace now belongs to you. When the empires successor chose his queen it's time you give this to the next generation queen"

Then she hugged her, Elise is lost for words, everything happened so fast, she never imagined that this would happen even in her wildest dreams. She has been accepted and recognized as John's queen! She can't even contain the indescribable feeling in her chest right now, but she knew that i

She is now to carry a burden far heavier than before. She is determined to help him in every possible way.

Diane looked at the other girls then sent a soul transmission "good luck to you lot, I've given you the advantage, you need to put in more effort to make my son fall in love with you, " the girls felt the sudden pressure coming from the Queen's words,

Elise got back to John's side, John looked at her closely, his gaze is scorching hot, "the necklace looks good on you" the necklace on her long white neck made it look like it's made for her.

Elise felt her heart stopped hearing Johns praises, every girl wants their special someone to shower them in praises. The other girls are drowned in jealousy, they wanted to feel that excitement and lost in love feeling like Elise.

Elise shyly hid her face on his chest, being praised in front of others by John made her very shy. "Ah how good it is to be young" Alfred sighed

Eleanor felt very jealous, she also wanted to be this intimate with the prince, not just her all the other girls are thinking the same.

They finished their meal and went to the training grounds.

There are many immortals and saints who are new to him. When they saw John these new immortals and saints looked at him with disdain, John didn't complete his succession rights by tradition, so these men and women disdained him.

The women all have the same thoughts 'but the piece is very handsome and sexy none the less'

Looking at the new immortals and saints showing disrespect to the prince, the older immortals wanted to hit them and apologize, seeing this John signaled them to let it be.

"Some of you might think that I don't deserve you respect, since I haven't completed the tradition for succession" the crowd don't reply but their eyes agreed with his words

"There are a hundred thousand of you who recently joined the group so it's normal for you to not know things, like the rest of the seniors. But don't fret over it, you will know soon enough" he said tauntingly

The younger saints and immortals felt his taunt and felt that this prince is really getting on their nerves.

"All talk, even if you are the prince, you need to be acknowledged before we can accept you"

"Dont think taunting us will make use accept you, quite dreaming"

John just smiled as he listens to the crowd of new saints and immortals mocked him.

"Anyone of you can challenge me, or you could all go together and fight me, it doesn't matter, I won't use any weapons and elemental attacks but pure hand to hand combat,"

The crowd felt that this prince is out of his mind, there are a hundred thousand of them, how is he supposed to battle them?

Jonathan saw their reactions and felt funny, "just do it and attack him, " the moment the king said those words the crowd started to attack John, but to their surprise, he just stood there not moving, when their weapons touched his body, it didn't even move an inch.

John mocked them "have you eaten your breakfast before you came?" then he said "I'm quite disappointed, I think your mouths cultivation level is stronger than your actual strength" he mocked

Everyone of them felt their blood boiling, however, they are puzzled why their weapons are not able to scratch him, however, the older immortals knew that the prince is not wearing any artifact or triggered any protective formation, he is as he is using his body to block the attacks. 'Just how strong is the prince?' the older immortals asked themselves, even his parents are shocked by their sons strength.

The King and queen are both feeling proud of their son.

John didn't attack just parried and dodged them. The warriors felt tired, even with a hundred thousand of them, nobody is able to lay a single damage to the prince.

"Wife, give me your blindfold. And your training guns" Elise is still lost from what she heard and couldn't register the information just yet, Diane giggled looking at the shocked daughter-in-law of hers.

Then said "Elise who else is it but you, hurry up your husband is waiting" only then did Elise recovered and hurriedly passed her blindfold and training guns to John

He placed the blindfold in his eyes and made two holsters using his MEMA and positioned it on both sides of his hips, then placed the guns on each side "time is up, be ready! I will now attack"

John started to attack, with every move one person falls. What is more depressing is he is using a very simple neck chop against all of them. In less than 15minutes all the warriors fell.

'After year's of dormancy, the prince returned stronger than before' thought the old-timers

The warriors started to wake up, "you all look strong but not enough to be considered elites" he said, the warriors can't complain, there were 100000 of them against a single person

"You all seem not too convinced with your loss" he said, but the warrior are thinking 'what not convinced we all failed to even make a scratch on you and you can still say that we are not convinced?' but what can they do, he is the empires prince. The warriors stood "good, that's the spirit! This is how a real barbarian warrior should act!" he praised

"I'll start using my guns get ready! If you are hit on your vitals it means you are out!" after his last word was said, he started firing his guns at them

His guns fired 1000 shots per minute, and every bullet would hit a warrior in between their eyebrows, 'what accuracy and speed, the prince control over the metal element is close to that of the top heavenly immortals of the empire' the audience thought

The warriors could feel the bullets on their foreheads, in less than two minutes all the warriors are disqualified. Now it's clear to them why there was a sudden change in tradition, the prince is on a whole different level from them, when they heard the older immortals tell tales of the prince they didn't believe that a two-year-old boy could fight many adults at once, but now he is 17 years old, even with a hundred thousand saints and immortals ganging up on him he only took a few minutes to let them all faint, and with a gun on his hands, it only took less than two minutes to completely eliminate them.

Just how big is this difference. How dare they look down on their prince, no one dared to look straight at him. Of it were a real fight without any restrictions on the weapons and strength, they knew that they all would have died without knowing how they died.

John didn't mind them and walked with Elise and the rest, "today I would like to check everyone's progress"

All the ladies were now looking at him with fervent gazes. 'How strong and hot!' the girls thought

The arrays on the training area are lit and one by one the crowd started their routine training. The older immortals are more fluid in their movements most are now able to complete a seventh heavenly level of difficulty. While the newer ones are struggling at the fifth level of earth difficulty, his parents and the rest of the earth and heavenly immortals are able to complete the hell level difficulty. His guards, his parents guards and the older immortals who first came to train with him are all able to complete either the 4th or fifth level of hell difficulty.

"The progress is more than I except it to be, even if we are to face the wind empire, we are prepared for the battle," he said

"Numerous skirmishes are made by the wind empire this past few years, but are defeated by the young ones training from the first and second training camp" Jonathan proudly said

"Our warriors are strong and our tactics have undergone a complete change, therefore those scoundrels from the wind empire must not expect to gain an upper hand against us in battle" john proudly said

"Its a fact that they couldn't gain an upper and!" Alfred interjected. Everyone smiled smuggly and nodded their heads

"Lets proceed with the war games" Jonathan ordered. Alfred and the rest of the ten strategists divided the group into fourteen, each of the ten strategists, Alfred, John and Diane led their own armies of thirty thousand men.

After a whole day of battle only four groups are left Jonathan, Diane, Alfred and John. The new members who watched the match of John, couldn't believe what they saw, the prince is not just strong as an individual but also a very good strategy. Jonathan, Diane and Alfred are all recognized as elite strategists within the continent, but John is no way weaker than them, even better. First round is between Jonathan and Alfred, Diane and John. Alfred won after an hour of hard battle and finally checkmate his son in law after he successfully baited him to fall into his trap, both maximized the use of their long-ranged weapons and sneak tactics to outsmart one another, before Jonathan noticed the trap a full blown attack from 10000 men cleared up all his remaining men.

Diane and Johns battle is even more exciting, Diane planned to finish the fight early, she rushed to their camp planning to steal johns flag, but only to see an empty camp, she withdrew the attack and arranged traps and sentries scattered across the crucial areas of the battlefield, but John is many steps ahead of her and made use of the ground to cover their movements. All his men hid underground and he used his superior soul sense to guide his men to move underground to their positions, then gave Elise the power to issue an attack when she felt its the right time.

John baited his mother to a one on one fight, the mother and son fought without restrain, Diane's control is superb her gun handling and attacks are very fast and accurate, with her one with the universe mastery, her every attack would be infused with a very strong mastery of the laws of space.

Making it hard for him to come close to her, every earth and heavenly immortal would have a vague feeling of the space laws, depending on their comprehension they could use it for both attack and defence. Due to his fast cultivation of the BGBTA, he is not yet able to use the laws of space, the way his mother could.

John used his body to feel his mothers space laws and started comprehending it during the fight, Diane saw John comprehending her attacks, while the audience who are have weaker cultivation thought he is suicidal, but even so, his body is very sturdy, if they were to take those attacks from the queen head on they might have already turned to meat paste.

'How powerful!' this is all they could say regarding their prince