
Johns other fiancee's are watching his fight with the queen, their eyes are shining in both love and admiration, their fiance is very handsome, strong and smart, when they looked around, many ladies are looking fervently at John. They felt threatened, all barbarian race women are innately beautiful and well endowed with voluptuous breasts and perky butts. Their only advantage is that they are already his fiancee, but the prince have not yet recognized them like Elise.

The girls felt a sense of crisis, they are now making their plans to get John to accept them. With all these girls as their rivals, they needed to work double time. When all the men are in position Elise issued the order and attacked. Diane's men were all caught off guard, before Diane could react and change her plans the flag is taken by Eleanor. John smiled "mother I guess it's my win" Diane shrugged her shoulders and laughed it out, "can't you even give your mother a slack?"

"Grandpa, we will fight it out next"

"Let me see if you are now capable of replacing this old man," he said loudly, but deep inside he felt that his pride and happiness bursting from his chest. This is my grandson, he wanted to boast

John walked to Elise and kissed her forehead, "you've done we'll, " then he saw Eleanor swaying her body as she hopped to him while holding the flag behind her back.

She looked at John with expectant eyes, he touched her head "you did well"

"Hmf... Why did my sister get a kiss and only a head tap for me?" she complained crossing her arms below her chest, her huge breasts shook after the movement

John felt his lust burning up again, Eleanor's actions made it hard for him to control himself, he grabbed her by her hips and planted a deep kiss on her soft tender lips. Eleanor is taken by surprise, but instead of being shy she held onto John's neck and responded to his kiss. The crowd were who led by John's action, the ladies felt an irresistible attraction with John, his smooth and natural movements when he kissed Eleanor gave him such roguish charm that made them want to jump at him. The younger men, had a newfound respect for their prince, 'this is how a real man should be,' they idolized him and even worshipped him

Some of the more daring men made a move on their crush and tried to imitate John's action but sadly they were faced with a strong first of the females and we're trampled instead.

"Are you dreaming, wait until your fists are bigger than mine before you attempt to act like the prince" Jonathan and Elise just shook their leads as they saw their son deeply kissing Eleanor "i guess it won't be long before we will be holding grandchildren" Jonathan told Diane

Elise and Eleanors parents are happy beyond compare, they are newly promoted peak saints and had been granted the right to be part of the empires elites. Looking at the affection the prince showed their daughters, they were very proud and happy for the twins. Just from John's performance, trampling one hundred thousand saints and immortals, they willingly accepted him as their son-in-law.

Eleanor boldly answered Johns advances, even with her clumsy kissing, John enjoyed kissing her luscious lips, not minding the people around them, he used his tongue to explore the wonders of her small mouth. Elise didn't mind, she knew that her twin sister loved John as much as she did, instead, she felt happy for her that John finally recognized her as his fiancee.

After a minute of deep kiss, John is finally able to hold back his lust, he let go of Eleanor and their saliva stretched out as their lips parted. Eleanor is still in ecstasy unable to extricate herself from the heavenly feeling of the kiss.

John held the twins with each arm and walked to where their parents are, Jonathan and Diane followed behind them. "Protector of the south sea borders leader Sir Arthur Gold, Madam Misty Gold, I John Gold, wanted to ask for your daughter's hands in marriage" he bowed in respect Jonathan

Arthur and his wife bowed in response, "we leave our daughters happiness in your good hands, your highness"

Eleanor jumped to her father and hugged him "father thank you, didn't you always say that you will battle the man who wants to marry your daughters?" Arthur almost bit his tongue when he heard Eleanor, thinking 'who could even win against the prince, I can at most fight two immortals with the same level but winning against them is another thing, but the prince trampled a hundred thousand of these men in just a few minutes' his wife misty giggled as she saw his husbands flustered reaction, she grabbed Eleanor's ears and gently twisted it "stop embarrassing your old man"

"Mother stop stop, I'm engaged now, can you be more gentle? You are embarrassing me" she complained.

"Your highness please forgive my daughter for her unladylike behavior"

Diane laughed "it's ok, my baby daughter is just like her, I've long been used to her playful nature and quite enjoyed her personality"

Misty held her chest and breathed deeply, she always thought this daughter of hers won't be able to find a husband with her untamed personality. "You will soon be married, at least be more serious" she lectured Eleanor

Elise stood by John leaning her head on his wide shoulders giggling as she watched Eleanor's antics.

John move closer to Eleanor and held her hand, he took out a white jade box and took out a blue ring, but the center gem is smaller than the one that Elise's ring has.The slowly placed it on her ring finger, Eleanor cover her mouth with her other hand and tears fell from her eyes looking at the ring, it only means that she is officially recognized by John as his wife, like her sister, the ring proves their status as his future wife.

"In two weeks, the prince shall marry the daughters of the southern sea borders protector, at the same time the prince coming of age ceremony will be celebrated on the same day!" Jonathan announced

"Aren't we in the middle of the war games?" Diane asked, only then did they recalled that there is still one more match to finish.

"Come now boy, let's finish the final match, you've let your grandfather wait so long, "

Jonathan laughed at the old man, he knew that Alfred wanted to exchange pointers with John. Before even with good strategy John could never reach the top due to the overwhelming difference in the strength of the commander.

John and Alfred tossed coin John is the defender and Alfred is the attacker. After five years of war game, Alfred and the rest of the immortal strategists arranged the final match this way, it's a best of three matches, the competitors will change sides every after each match wherein both sides would have two chances to attack and defend, the first one to win three matches wins.

John chose the fortress to be his first area of defense. John issued the order for his warriors to create a deep trench around the fortress and told the warriors with water affinity to fill the trenches with water. He asked Elise to make an underground escape route in four directions. And ordered the ones with strong metal element control to fill the walls with metal spikes. When Mario attacked they had great difficulty in crossing the man-made river, they are not allowed to fly thus the warriors thread through the water by swimming and using tree bridges. But mast warriors got eliminated by the attacks made by the water element mages. After they crossed the river Alfred ordered his men to breach the walls but was suddenly attacked by the spikes placed on the walls, half of his men got disqualified.

All of the Alfreds men crossed the river when John ordered his men to encircle Alfred and his men from behind with both sides attacking them Alfred reluctantly surrendered as he was easily outwitted by his grandson.

In the second match Alfred chose to defend the mountain, John let his men cut the trees on the surrounding placed them on the area where the wind is blowing, and burned the trees. With the thick smoke coming from the burning trees, this with weak soul sense was not able to respond to John's guard's assault, most of Alfred men got eliminated and the flag was stolen by John effortlessly.

Alfred lost twice and is not able to decrease John's men by a tenth, he lost without giving out that much of a fight.

The third match John lost as he defended the shore lines, Alfred used the fog tactic to decrease their visibility and using swift attack tactics to breach his defense. It took a long time before alfreds team was able to capture Eleanor who was holding the flag, but it was a hard won battle.

The last match was an even faster defeat for Alfred's team, John brought Merlin and 100 of his guards to infiltrate alfreds' camp while Elise and Eleanor lead the warriors to attack two sides Alfred's camp. While Alfred is busy giving orders, John slipped inside his camp, eliminating the ones guarding the flag.

With this John won 3 matches to one against Alfred, "you have improved greatly, your grandfather accepts his loss willingly."

Everyone is in awe of John's battle tactics and strategy, he reads the flow of the battle and changes his plans according to the current flow of the battle, using every warrior's expertise to defeat Alfred. The audience learned many things from watching the match, they now don't look down on sneaky tactics to win the battle. John won with very few warriors being eliminated from his side. Even with overwhelming strength, every move he made is focused on preserving his troops.

On an actual battlefield, johns tactics could preserve the army strength and warriors, he could win without losing too much of his men.

Jonathan held the meeting after the match, "during johns wedding we shall invite all the forces surrounding the empire, our enemies will surely make attempts to assassinate the prince, so we will welcome all of them and let them stay and rot at our land.

We will use this event to issue a full blown war against the wind empire and eliminate our greatest foe" a flash of ruthless in Jonathan's eyes is seen

The crowd went wild as they cheered after hearing Jonathan's determination to eliminate the wind empire.

"In order for us to completely establish our plans, this should be done swiftly and ruthlessly, " he added

"My son has further instructions, " Jonathan gave the spot to John

John spoke "during the war I only have a few requests, and I hope everyone will comply"

"First! Women and children are off-limits!"

"Second! Don't kill those who surrender!"

"And lastly! Eliminate the royal family and the nobles associated with them to the very last descendant, only by eliminating the roots will the weeds not grow," he said

Everyone felt the ruthlessness in johns last orders, they all knew what it meant, and no one could argue the importance of this matter.

"Yes your highness! We shall follow your will!" everyone answered in unison

"Very well, this prince thank you for your cooperation"

"All warrior who could control two or three elements stay behind, the rest of you are dismissed"

More than a hundred thousand warriors stayed behind, "there are ten methods of elemental control manuals here, choose the manual that corresponds to the elements you control and make a copy for you to practice, I will see all of you tomorrow" then he left with his two fiancee's

The men and women grouped them selves according to their second and third elemental powers, and each making their copies of the manual.

John and the twins followed by his guards went to the blacksmiths main guild workshop, "gramps!" he called

"Whats with all the noise? Get inside here you rascal can't you see I'm busy?" Mario is busy guiding the blacksmiths in perfecting their production of natal weapon guns

"What brought you here?" he asked

"Gramps, can you help me make a new natal weapon?" he asked

"Hahahaha... Is there a need for you to ask? I'm disappointed in you, it took you so long to come and ask for my help" Mario complained

"Hehe... You know that I'm busy, anyway, I just need to borrow your furnace and ask for materials, I will be the one to craft my weapons. I've long wanted to test out some of my theories" John excitedly said

Mario's eyes were shining hearing johns words, John theories are very interesting, he enjoys discussing it with John. The blacksmiths circled around the master and disciple as they discussed johns theories, the master and disciple would shout at each other and would make a product with their own understanding of the theories to prove to each other the correct one.

Elise and Eleanor looked at their fiance fervently as if remembering every angle of his face, body and actions. When the other guards saw the twins they could only shrug their shoulders and shake their heads. Their prince is so excellent no woman can resist his charms.

"Ok old man you won, your interpretation is better than mine, but this rune can also be placed here and here, I think the outcome is much better"

"Let's try it" Mario followed johns instructions and added johns suggestion,

"Hahaha... It is indeed better this way, you lot, what are you all standing there watching, if you want to learn, then join in and experiment as well. Tsk! You call your selves blacksmiths! Don't just follow the designs on the book, make one your selves and make it your own, that is how you make your own signature craft, remember that!" he lectured the other blacksmiths

The 10 blacksmiths joined and the discussion became more lively, in just an hour the theory of making a natal weapon gun without remodeling the old weapon is finally completed. Everyone felt proud of the outcome, their contributions are all included in its creation.