Frightened Matt, Emotional Ashton

Ashton nearly felt his life seeping out when he saw the goblin running by him, not hitting, not even looking at him.

He turned his head around and saw the goblin smashing its iron stick at Matt.

His whole body froze. His mind went blank. All the dizziness left.

And with his whole might, he stood up but saw Matt kicking the goblin away and then stabbing its head non-stop, even when the goblin's head was mashed up so badly that it couldn't even be described as the head, Matt still didn't stop.

"MATT STOP! IT'S ENOUGH, MATT!! IT'S ENOUGH!!!" Ashton yelled as he hugged Matt tightly, embracing him.

Matt stiffened when he felt the familiar touch of Ashton's.

His mind which was filled with madness came back to him. He just let Ashton hug him.

He couldn't understand what just happened. This all was just too much for him. He wasn't made for this. Ashton wasn't made for this.

Killing, stabbing, fighting, stealing.

What was wrong with this world? Was this how their lives would be from now on?

The more he thought, the more tears ran down his eyes as he raised his eyes and looked at Ashton "W-Why did you rush to kill the goblin? Why did you not wait for me?"

"I-I don't know. I-It was just... It was just a moment of the spur." Ashton replied as tears started falling from his eyes too. He tried to stop them but he couldn't. They just fell on their own.

"Y-You could've died, Ash. I could've died. What would happen if something like that happened, huh? I only have you. Can you please not do this to me? I-I beg you. You are all I have left, and without you, I don't know what I'll do. Please." Matt begged as he buried his face onto Ashton's chest.

His whole body was shaking in fear. Not because he nearly died. Because if he died, what would happen to Ashton? He would break. And he couldn't let that happen. Not to Ash.

"I-I know my mistake, Matty. I promise I won't rush. I promise I won't do anything that you forbid me from now on. So just stop crying, please." Ashton stuttered as he looked at Matt, who was shivering in fear and crying his eyes out.

And Matt, who heard Ashton, hurriedly raised his head and nodded, wiped his tears from the back of his hand as he tried to smile, "I-I am not crying anymore, see. I am smiling."

And Ashton, who saw this, felt a pang of pain in his heart as he hugged Matt tightly. The fear that crept into his mind when he saw Matt nearly dying in front of him made him nearly lose his mind.

His heart nearly stopped.

At that time, he just wanted to do nothing more than to take Matt's place.

He just shook his head, not thinking anymore.

He just needs to keep Matt safe. Yes, just need to keep Matt safe. Nothing else matters. Nothing.

"Does it hurt?" Matt sniffed as he asked when he saw the big bump on Ashton's head.

"It doesn't. See, it has even stopped bleeding." Ashton spoke softly, as he showed the bump on his head to Matt.

Matt raised his finger and flicked on Ashton's bump lightly.

"Ouch! That hurt Mr. Nine-year-old man." Ashton pretended to yelp in pain.

Matt laughed, "You were asking for it Mr. Eighteen-year-old kid."

Ashton smiled in relief when he saw Matt laughing. He was happy seeing Matt smiling and kicking him like always.

"Alright. That's my card. Let's see what did I get?" Matt spoke, as he pointed his finger at the card on top of the dead goblin.

Ashton nodded his head.

Matt picked the card. It was a golden card. In front of the card was written 'Crush it'. And behind there was a picture of a long beautiful sword.

Matt already knew what would happen, so without any doubt, he crushed it.

And out of nowhere, a sword came into his hand.

The Sword was black in color, even its scabbard was black. But somehow, the Sword looked beautiful, out of this world.

Matt pulled the Sword out, and an intense pain rushed through his mind, making him yell, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...fuckkkkkkkk...….Ashhhhhhhh...…"

Ashton hurriedly hugged Matt and made him lie on the floor.

Matt huffed furiously. His breathing was rushed as large amount of information came into his mind.

It took him time to get his breathing back to normal. He hugged his sword tightly like it was his eternal partner.

Ashton worriedly looked at Matt but didn't say anything. It would take time for Matt to get used to this new feeling of getting power.

He himself hadn't gotten used to it, so he could understand how Matt was feeling right now.

Matt slowly opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Ashton looking at him worriedly, "Wow, I still don't get it. How can a person be this ugly?"

Ashton smacked Matt's head as he spoke in arrogance, "Even if you beg god, you still won't be able to get a handsome face like me."

Matt just laughed as he looked at the screen in front of him.


Host: Matt

Rank: White

Natural Element: None

Race: Human

True Body Regeneration: 0%

True Permanent Immunity: 0%

Status: (The average human status value is 10)

Strength: 6.7+10 (16.7) 

Agility: 6.5+10 (16.5)

Endurance: 6.1 +10 (16.1) 

Intelligence: 18.9+10 (29.9)

Physical resistance: 10.0+10 (20.0) 

Element resistance: 10.0+10 (20.0)

Body regeneration: 10.0+10 (20.0)

Battle skills: Slaughterer Sword Technique (Beginner 0/100)

Items on hand: Slaughterer Sword (Iron [Upgradable]), Three mid-size knives (Iron).

Matt gulped looking at his stats. Normal humans had the status value of 10, but he was a kid, and all of his stat points were above 16. How the hell was this possible?

Then he looked at the + sign. He understood that his real body stats were prior, and the later stats came after he pulled the sword out.

He felt immense strength in his body from the moment he pulled the sword. It was an extraordinary feeling.

Making him want to just start slaughtering those goblins, wolves, and awakened ones.

He just wanted to kill. It was maddening. But he controlled himself.

He lightly flicked his finger on the sword, don't know why, he just felt like doing it.

And the moment his finger was cut, the blood drew out, and like a hungry beast, the sword started absorbing it, as a bright light shone from the sword.