"Fuck!" Ashton cursed as he closed his eyes.

Matt, on the other hand, just looked at the scene without any discomfort. The bright light didn't hurt him in the least and after 5 seconds the bright sword got back to normal, and once again status screen came in front of him, but this time it showed the status of the sword instead of his.

[Slaughterer Sword] (Unique Weapon, One handed sword)

Weapon Rank: Iron [Upgradable] (Kill 10K Normal monsters and absorb their essence)

All Attributes: 10+

Ignore Defense: Every attack has a 30% chance of ignoring the enemy's defense.

Additional Passive Skill 1: Bleeding: All the wounds inflicted by the sword will slow down the enemy's body regeneration rate by 5x.

Additional Passive Skill 2: Slaughterer Curse: All the creatures wounded by the sword will be cursed. They will fall into a slaughterer curse, which will madden their brains. And if within a day the curse is not taken care of then the cursed creature will become possessed and lose its sanity. Slaughtering everyone and everything in sight. Moreover, all the killed creatures will rise and also be cursed. Making an endless vicious Slaughtering cycle.

Curse Tier: Basic.

Reminder: Only the wielder of the Slaughterer Sword can control the cursed creatures. Except for that, they cannot be controlled.

Additional Active Skill 1: Slaughterer Domain: Within 50 m wielder can disappear and reappear anywhere. Suppress all enemies within the domain, reducing their Reaction Speed by 70%, Attack Speed by 50%, Movement Speed by 50% and Ignore Defense by 30%, for 10 minutes.

Cooldown: 1 hour.

Owner: Matt

Unable to be dropped.

Unable to be traded

This time Matt nearly fainted in happiness. Those 10+ stats points on all of his stats were enough to make him yell out loud in excitement and beat Ashton happily, but this.

This was just out of this world.

The Sword only had three skills. Two passive and one active.

But they were enough to make him fall in love with the Sword.

Slaughterer Sword.

Whoever named this Sword must've known it by its essence.

It looked bloodthirsty.

Ready to kill and shed blood.

Bleeding could slow down an enemy's regeneration by 5 times. Slaughterer Curse was even vicious. The more he thought, the more he felt chill crawling down his spine.

Just these two passive skills were enough maddening, not to say Slaughterer domain.

Reducing enemies' Reaction Speed by 70%, Attack Speed by 50%, Movement Speed by 50%, and Ignore defense by 30%, plus, disappear and reappear anywhere within the 50 m boundary for 10 minutes.


Out of this world.

Moreover, the Sword was upgradable. Although, the number 10K Normal monsters made him speechless to no end.

But it was not an impossible task. All and all he was just too damn happy.

"Why so smug, Matty? You look ugly." Ashton mocked, destroying Matt's happiness.

Matt looked at the Iron Ashton and ordered "Bend down."

Ashton flinched "Now what? What did I do to get a beating?"

Every time Matt asked him to bend down. It always meant beating.

Matt couldn't jump to slap or hit him. So, he had to bend and get beaten by Matt.

Why? Did you ask?

Because Ashton was a damn eighteen-year-old kid and Matt was the nine-year-old man. So, what Matt says goes?

Cracked family. Only god could save them, No, maybe even it couldn't.

Matt didn't give a damn about the moron who was looking at him with wronged expressions.

How dare this fucker ruin his happiness? He was just starting to get happy.

Finally, one good thing happened to him after all this, but this fucker even ruined it by opening his dirty mouth.

Now nobody could save him from beating this moron so he whispery yelled "DOWN! NOW!! BEFORE I SAY 3!!! 3!!!! YOU ARE DEAD!!!!!"

Shock couldn't even describe Ashton now. Who the hell does this? Where the hell were 1 and 2?

That's cheating.

Openly cheating.

What happened to the trust between humans?

When did his Matty start playing this dirty?

Maybe after the world changed, Matty also did. So, with an aggrieved look, he bent down, removed his iron skin, and became normal.

Matt, who saw this scene, didn't care about Ashton's aggrieved look and started beating the shit out of him.

"Ouch! Ouch, ouch, ouch! MATTY, NOT THE BUMP! OUCH! YOU HIT IT INTENTIONALLY! SO COLD-BLOODED!" Ashton yelped and cried in pain while Matt just punched and slapped him.

"YOU STILL DARE TO TALK! LOOKS LIKE THE BEATING'S NOT ENOUGH!!" Matt scolded the moron, who was still not leaving any chance to talk back.

"IT'S ENOUGH! I WON'T TALK BACK!! MATTY PLEASE!!! I AM JUST AN EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD KID!!!!" Ashton cried and shamelessly justified himself and put all the blame on his age.

Matt, who heard Ashton, just gritted his teeth in anger and kicked Ashton for the last time and whispery yelled, "SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU MORON! IF THOSE MONSTERS HEARD YOU AND CAME HERE!! I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF BEFORE THEY DO!!!"

Ashton stopped whining and nodded his head, not speaking a word.

"WHAT NOW???!!!" Matt hissed looking at the moron who was now silently and wrongly looking back at him.

"Hurt," Ashton whispered spoilingly like a small kid.

Matt just sighed in defeat. Hugged Ashton, rubbed his head lovingly, and whispered, "And now."

Ashton smiled, "Now it's good. It's not hurting anymore." As he hugged Matty back.

Matt just smiled happily. No matter how much this world would change. Ashton would remain Ashton. And that's what all matters.

Matt broke the hug, cupped Ashton's cheeks, and spoke, "Let's exchange each other stats. We need to know all of our merits and demerits."

Ashton nodded his head as he showed his status window to Matt. Matt did the same.

"HOLY SHIT! YOU MONSTER!! AND HERE I THOUGHT I WAS A MONSTER ENOUGH!!! BUT LOOKING AT YOUR STATS AND THE SWORD STATUS!!! I FEEL LIKE A THREE-YEAR-OLD KID." Ashton cried in horror. Now he knew why he got the beating. If it was him, he would've started yelling in happiness.

Matt patted Ashton's shoulder, "I am the man, kid. Now, I will protect you. Stay behind."

Ashton saluted, "Aye, aye, sir."

Making both of them laugh. Then Matt became serious and asked, "What is the household rule no. 1 Ash?"

"Family things remain in the family," Ashton replied like a good kid.

Matt nodded, "This comes in Household rule no. 1. Never. Ever. Show your status window to anyone besides me. Understand."

Ashton nodded his head, "You too. And what the hell is this Slaughterer Sword Technique?"

Matt shrugged, "How the hell would I know? Maybe it came with the Sword. It says Slaughterer Sword Technique. So, it's a Sword Technique. Let's see its status."