Slaughterer Blade Technique

[Slaughterer Sword Technique]

Grade: SSS

Additional Active Skill 1: Lone Slaughter: A powerful physical slash attack against a Single target and causes 300% damage to the target.

Cooldown: 3 seconds

Additional Active Skill 2: Illusory Slaughter: A powerful magical slash attack against a Single target and causes 300% damage to the target.

Cooldown: 6 seconds

Additional Active Skill 3: Indiscriminate Slaughter: A powerful physical slash attack against multiple enemies. Inflicts 200% damage in a 50*4 yard in a cone in front of you.

Cooldown: 9 seconds

Additional Active Skill 4: Ceaseless Slaughter: A powerful magical slash attack against multiple enemies. Inflicts 200% damage in a 50*4 yard in a cone in front of you.

Cooldown: 12 seconds

Additional Passive Skill 1: Essence Eater: All the enemies who will die by the Slaughterer Sword will have their essence eaten. Essence can be used to upgrade the Slaughterer Sword or increase the Slaughterer Sword Technique Proficiency. Current essence present (0/1000).

After reading the description of the technique, Both Matt and Ashton were so shocked that they nearly fainted.

"I am not talking to you! We are done here!! You betrayer!!! How dare you become this powerful just by crushing a damn card???!!!" Ashton sulked as he turned around.

"Hey! It's not my fault. Moreover, I am a man. Keeping you safe is my job. Come on. Turn around and give me a hug." Matt gasped looking at Ashton's sulking face as he opened his hands wide for a hug.

Ashton slowly turned around. Still keeping a sulky face, he bent down and hugged Matty, "I am just an eighteen-year-old kid, Matty. You need to protect me properly."

Matt laughed, "I will." Then he looked at the other six corpses and continued, "Let's go and take a look at the other cards we got?"

Ashton nodded, broke the hug, walked towards the corpses, collected all six cards, and gave them to Matt.

Matt took all six cards and looked at them on both sides. There were five green cards.

On three cards was written Strength, and the other two had written Endurance.

Without the need to ask, he knew what these cards meant. If he crushed them, then his strength and Endurance stats would increase.

How much? He doesn't know that yet.

The last card was golden, just like his sword card. But instead of a sword, there was an ugly humongous face on the card.

Without thinking, Matt gave that card to Ashton.

Ashton took and looked at the golden card and couldn't resist and said, "Wow, what an ugly face."

Matt nodded, no doubt about it, "You use this."

"Why?" Ashton asked curiously. He wouldn't mind if Matt used all the cards. As long as Matt was fine nothing else matter

ed to him.

While Matt replied without batting an eye, "Because you are weak."

"Fuck!" Ashton cursed. He felt daggers piercing his heart.

Just a moment ago, he was protecting Matty, and a moment later, he became weak.

How could Matty do this to him? What about their brotherhood? Where was the justice in this world?

But he still did what Matty told him to do and crushed the card, and again felt that disgusting feeling all over his body, but this time his body didn't feel that much discomfort.

He just took deep breaths and calmed himself down.

Matt nodded and again gave three cards to Ashton. Two Strength cards and one Endurance card.

And without caring, again Ashton crushed the three cards.

But this time, instead of feeling discomfort, he felt an inexplicable comfort all over his body, so much so that it made him subconsciously sigh, "What a good feeling?"

"I know, right?" Matt sighed too, after he crushed his two cards. One Strength and one Endurance one.

"Let's see how much our stats have increased," Ashton happily said as he hurriedly opened his status window.

Matt, on the other hand, just shook his head speechlessly looking at Ashton who was behaving like a kid now, but his expectant eyes still betrayed him as she stared at Ashton's status window.


Host: Ashton

Rank: White

Natural Element: Metal (Iron) [Upgradable]

True Body Regeneration: 2%

True Permanent Immunity: 0%

Race: Human

Status: (The average human status value is 10)

Strength: 12.2 

Agility: 9.7

Endurance: 9.56 

Intelligence: 7.9

Physical resistance: 10.0 

Element resistance: 10.0

Body regeneration: 10.0

Battle skills: Devourer (Beginner 0/100)

Items on hand: Knife, Spiked brass knuckle

"Just this much. 0.2 in Strength and 0.1 in Endurance. Why doesn't this game just loot and be done with us?" Ashton was exasperated looking at his damn increased stat points.

"What else did you expect then? It's already enough that we have a chance to retaliate against those monsters. Otherwise, the end of humanity won't be that far. Now, stop sulking. What about your skill?" Matt asked as he slapped the annoying prick who was bullshiting without using his damn mind.

Ashton just rubbed his head and looked at the Devourer status window.


Grade: SSS

Description: Devour what you see, steal what you need. Can only be used in non-living things.

Additional Active Skill 1: Steal: There is a 10% chance of stealing any one of the enemy's battle techniques.

Cooldown: None.

Additional Active Skill 2: Devour: There is a 100% chance of devouring Iron Grade Weapon, 50% chance of devouring Bronze Grade Weapon, 25% chance of devouring Silver Grade Weapon, and 10% chance of devouring Gold Grade Weapon.

Cooldown: None.

Additional Passive Skill 3: Leftover: Devourer eats everything. Weapons, items, potions, scrolls, bloodlines, whatever you can see, but remember the magic words, non-living things. Even if it fails to give techniques or usage of the weapon/item to the user according to the probability of the percentage, it's still generous. It always leaves leftovers. Like stat points, techniques proficiency points, and even essence. So be happy.

"Wow. It sounds just like you, Matty." Ashton looked at the weird technique and then at Matt.

Matt again just slapped the moron who was asking for a beating and spoke, "We will use this technique later and see what results we get. For now, let's move. We still got five more floors to go."

Ashton just nodded his head. They both moved to the fifth floor and found two rooms open.

From there, they took a school bag and packed some food, water, clothes, medicine, bandages, rope, matches, and anything good and small enough to fit in the bag.

They also found clothes for both of their sizes. It was just a piece of dumb luck, but they were still happy.

Then they made their way to the fourth floor and found nothing.