WebNovelThe Truth14.29%

New School


Sitting in front of my laptop for the millionth time, staring at the website of Mistic High wasn't the best idea I've had so far. But who could blame me for being a little scared of what to expect from the third school this year. I should've probably been used to High school by now, but it still felt like the first day of freshman year. I stared at the photos on the screen and the students looked happy, but fear still coursed through my veins. I inhaled deeply through my nose and slowly let it out through my mouth. Trying to muster up the courage to stand up.

"Bella! Come on, or your gonna be late for school!"

My mom shouted from downstairs. I let out a sigh and stood up. I picked up my school bag from the floor, next to my desk and put the one strapped bag over my body. I walked out of my room and downstairs, to the kitchen, where my parents were. I walked in and straight to my mom. I gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye mom, have a good day at work." I said, with a smile on my face.

"Have a good day, honey." She gave me a peck on the cheek and picked up her keys, she walked over to my dad, and kissed him on the lips, slowly and tenderly. My dad's arms wrapped around mom's slender body and it seemed like they were melting into each other. I looked away from them to make sure that they didn't see the envy in my eyes. Or the sadness in my faltering smile. Unfortunately my older brother had to walk in at the exact moment my head turned to the door. He shook his head disappointedly because he knew what I was thinking. My brother's blue piercing eyes bore into my dull, brown ones and I could see the sadness he felt for me. But I didn't want pity and my sadness immediately drained away and turned into anger. "I'm leaving now." I abruptly said and quickly kiss my dad on the cheek. Thankfully my parents stopped kissing but they were still staring into each other's eyes. When I kissed his cheek they snapped out of their love sick trance.

"Have a good day, baby girl." My dad said with love dripping from his voice as clear as day. But I still couldn't help the next words that slipped out of my mouth.

"I stopped being a baby a long time ago dad. I'm certainly not the size of one." Before they could say anything, I was already rushing out the door and to my car. I opened the driver's side door, threw my bag to the passenger seat and climbed in. I started the car and drove to school, my nerves forgotten, replaced by anger.


I stared at the old, beaten up doors of the school. Trying to take that one step that would put me close enough to open the door. But I couldn't. I coudn't take that one step. Someone bumped into me from behind and I stumbled forward. I reached out with my hand to stop from hitting the ground, but I stumbled through the door and into the school instead. A gentle yet frantic voice came from behind me, "I'm so so sorry! Are you okay?" The frantic voice asked. I stood up and came face to face with a beautiful girl. Her features were soft yet sharp. She had the body of a supermodel but her eyes were kind. She had greyish-blue eyes and wavy brown hair that framed her face. She had a pair of dark blue skinny jeans on with a long-sleaved black shirt. I stopped assesing her before jealousy clouded my judgement and looked her in the eyes. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine." I reasured her. She sticks out her hand to me and I take it and we shake hands.

"I'm Ember Moore. Nice to meet you." She said in a friendly tone. I clear my throat and politely tell her my name, "My name's Bella Watson and it's nice to meet you to." She smiled happily and I answer it with my own small one.

"Do you need help finding the office?" She asked me uncertain. "Oh no, but you could help me find my locker?" She looked at me in confusion. "My parents asked the school to send my class schedule and locker number before-hand." Her confusion disappears and she nods. "Well you'll get your books in class. What's your locker number?" I look down at my paper and read the tiny number thats listed third on my listing form.

"It's number 108."

"Cool, it's right next to me and my friends' lockers." She started leading the way and we calmly walked through the halls. Suddenly a thought occured to me. "Ember?" She looked at me and hummed, telling me to go on. "School hasn't started yet, and we're not late. So why were you in such a rush?" Suddenly her entire demeanor changed and she stopped dead in her tracks. I followed her lead and stopped to. We turned toward each other but she didn't meet my eyes. Instead she looked around at the other students, like she was making sure that no one was eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Bella, your new here so you won't know this, but me and my friends aren't the most popular but we do have our own group label. And we're well known for it." My eyebrows slid into a frown of confusion as she tried to explain. She looked reluctant to tell me but her eyes were tormented like she really wanted to tell me, but was worried of what I would think. "Well, then it's a good thing I just know this nice, beautiful girl that offered to show me the way to my locker. But that still doesn't explain why you were rushing into school. It just explains why you look so agitated." I tried and reassure her and she visably relaxed. She sighed and looked at me. She took a deep breath then exhaled slowly. She looked at me and started explaining. "I was gonna meet my friends in the library. We had to talk about something that happened this weekend. Ironically, you would think the library would be more crowded in a school but no one is in there unless they have a free period." We didn't break eye contact and a question popped into my head. Thanks to my curiousity getting the better of me, I blurted out the question without thinking.

"What happened this weekend?" I was surprised with myself because I was usually never so abrupt. Yet for some reason, standing there and talking to a complete stranger in a new school didn't make me as nervous as I usually was. Talking to Ember put me at ease. It was easy to talk to her than to other people. The look on her face told me she didn't want to tell me but her eyes screamed to tell me. A twinkling sparkle was glinting in her eyes that was trying to tell me what she didn't want to say out loud. "Um..." It didn't really surprise me when that came out of her mouth so I smiled gently. "Ember, you don't have to tell me. It's none of my business anyway." I tried to reassure her and I wanted to relieve both of us from the awkwardness but I didn't know where my locker was. Thus the reason Ember was showing me the way. I looked around and I could already see snobby barbie girls look at me like I'm the ugliest thing in the world. I sighed, unable to keep it in and Ember looked at me confused. "What's wrong?" She asked me, her mood instantly changing to concern. I looked at her again and said, "Nothing. Let's keep moving before the bell goes." She looked at me confused but nodded and started leading the way again. When we got to our lockers after a quiet and almost awkward walk, I put my books in my locker and as I was closing it, she spoke up. "We had to talk about one of our friends who got in a really bad fight this weekend. Please don't judge all of us because of that. We don't all fight for nothing." She looked at me pleadingly and I could see that she really didn't want me to think less of her. "I wasn't going to judge you because of something that was probably a misunderstanding. I gotta go to the bathroom, so I'll hopefully see you later." She looked at me in shock and nodded. She looked like she didn't expect me to not judge her. "Bella? You know, you are something else. Something special. If you need anything, just tell me." She took out a pen and paper, wrote down her number and handed it to me. She turned around with a small smile on her face and left. Probably going to the library. The moment she turned a corner my nerves returned and I was nervous as hell again. Here we go, again.