WebNovelThe Truth28.57%


Ember's POV (Point of view)

That girl was very different from the rest. She didn't know me from any side and even though I told her that most people here didn't like us she still acted like a normal person toward me. I had to talk to her again. I really liked her. She was gorgious and nice. She didn't even glare at me or snapped at me when I bumped into her like most girls in this stupid school would've done. I didn't really understand her but for some reason I trusted her. I'm braught out of my thoughts by the raised voices traveling through the empty hall that holds the door of the library. The voices came from behind the closed wooden doors. As I approached the doors I pushed one open and walked in. I was greeted by the scene of three 17 year old boys glaring at each other for a reason that was probably as stupid as the idea of pigs flying. I silently walked over to the long, black leathered sofa. I sat down next to Kallie and she looked at me in desperation, mouthing the words, "Do something!" I looked at the boys and sighed, turning my attention to Sean. A smile immediately stretched over my face and warmth filled my heart, swelling with love. I cleared my throat and the boys turned to me. Sean's face lit up with the goofy smile, that was probably on my face as well, when his gaze fell on me. I cleared my throat again and said, "There is a new girl in school. She's nice and I like her. My mood was great before I stepped into the library because of this girl. So why are you boys fighting?" I looked each of them over and assessed them.

Sean Rosso: The man that stole my heart and saved my soul. He was smiling and it seemed that his anger was gone but I could see that he felt guilty for ruining my mood.

Erin Jacobs: Kallie's knight in shining armour. The man who saved her soul and stole her heart. He was looking at me in curiousity, because he didn't understand why a stranger would make me happy. To me, he looked a lot more boyish than any of us. He isn't as cheery as Sean but he wasn't brooding either. He was more realistic. Where as Sean was more optimistic.

And then there's Marcus Kane: He is the boss, everything he says go's. It's just how it worked for us. When people usually saw him, they looked at him like he was the grimreaper. He was the definition of brooding. He usually smiled when we were having fun but the smile only lasts for a few seconds and then disappears. He hasn't found THE ONE. And believe me he has looked. Every girl in the world thaught he was hot, but they didn't dare talk to him because they were afraid of him. But every once in a while a girl is stupid or should I say bold enough to ask him out. He wasn't boyish at all and he was more responsible than all five of us combined.

Marcus looked at me in a bored way and answered my question. "We were talking about what happened this weekend. You would know if you were on time." The last part of his answer was a bit rude and almost sarcastic. To prove my point about the rudeness, Sean's gaze drifted from me to Marcus. A low growl vibrated through his chest and I was about to jump up and calm him down but it wasn't necessary. Marcus turned his gaze toward Sean and they locked eyes. Sean stopped instantly after their eyes locked and he looked away. We could all feel the power coming from Marcus. Tension was building in the air and we were starting to get uncomfortable. Marcus looked away from us and stared at the door. His nostrils flared, which meant he smelt something...or someone. A few seconds ticked by when suddenly we could hear footsteps running through the hall outside the wooden doors. Marcus' eyes glinted with something familiar but I couldn't place it. His shoulders went rigid and his breathing grew deeper and louder. Sean's early anger toward Marcus was now forgotten as we focused on the hyperventilating friend. Sean and Erin slowly approached Marcus cautiously. Afraid that he would snap if they made any sudden movements. "Marcus, what is it?" Sean asked in a whisper. He took one more step toward Marcus and placed his hand on one of the shaking shoulders. At contact, Marcus flinched away very hard. Probably giving himself whiplash. He whirled around to lokk at us an shook his head. "Nothing" his voice was raspy, like he was straining himself. We all glanced at each other then looked at him again. He closed his eyes and shook his head. Almost like he was dizzy and trying to clear his head. "Ember?" Marcus said after a few moments of awkward silence. Addressing me directly with a serious expression. "Yes?" I asked hesitantly, sort of afraid of what he was going to say. But it wasn't neccessary. "We were fighting over what happened this weekend. Apparently THEY were baiting US into starting a fight." He said in a bored tone but when he said 'they' his voice spiked with anger. And with good reason. They are the people who hate us and it's wrong to hate but we were starting to hate them too. He sighed and shook his head again. He was disappointed. That much was obvious but there was something else that was bothering him too. I wasn't about to ask him what was wrong because I didn't want him to get angry. And as the other girl in the group, Kallie could see it too. She looked at me questioningly and I just shrugged. "Let's go to class. We'll talk about this at home." Marcus said in a tired voice. All our eyes turned to him. Me and Kallie stood up and picked up our bags. The boys did the same and we walked out the door together. Me and Kallie in front of the boys and they walked beside each other. As we walked to our lockers we could see a huge crowd of people surrounding someone. In the middle of all the chaos I could see the Barbie girls that thought they were the centre of attention. But there, surrounded by the bardie girls, pressed against the lockers were...

"Oh no!"