Chapter 3

After a minute, alarm went off and Lester came in. "It's all done, Boss. What's next.?" Lester asked. He didn't notice Lisa who was sitting on the ground.

"Fired all of them bunch of idiots, right now.! I don't want those cowards in my hotel. They will ruin my reputation ." Augustus said angrily and then pointed at Lisa, "Except her."

Just then Lester realized there is third person in the room. Lisa looked at both men looking down at her, she felt embarrassed and tried to get up. She has climbed stairs to tenth floor and didn't eat anything since her breakfast. She naturally felt weak, Lester came in immediately and supported her to stand.

When Augustus saw his hand touching her. He shot a glance at him and he withdrew his hand immediately in fear.

Lisa looked at Augustus. He is now not wearing his sunglasses. And she can clearly see his deep blue eyes. How could someone had that much cleared and beautiful eyes..! August looked into her eyes and asked, "Why do you come here.? To wake me.? Are you stupid.? You could have hurt yourself.? Look at yourself.! By just climbing stairs, you're exhausted. How would you take me out of this room, huh.? Do you think you can fly.?" He roared.

Lisa protested, "I am not stupid..! It's just out of humanity Mr. Augustus. Even if there was a person whom I don't even care, I would have saved him out of humanity."

"What.? You mean, you care for me.?" He asked, his eyes twinkling.

"No, Mr. Augustus. You misunderstood." She clarified immediately. A flash of disappointment appeared on his face. Meanwhile, Lisa was still puzzled by his calm nature and couldn't figured out why he and his secretary not taking this explosion seriously. Instead of leaving building, He is ordering his secretary to fire all the staff. And his secretary is asking what's next.? Weird right...

When Augustus saw her puzzled look. He asked in irritation. "What's wrong.?" "Why you didn't react on the explosion news.? Why are you so calm.?" Lisa asked nervously.

"It was fake." He replied lazily.

"But..." just as Lisa was trying to argue Lester came forward and said with a smile.

"It was a drill, Miss Lisa."

Lisa frowned and Lester continued, "It is the method of Boss to check the staff' hard work and unfortunately, they failed. Now, we will bring new staff members who will put their life at risk to help others. Just like you did today. You proved yourself that you are indeed truly devoted to your job." After praising Lisa, Lester thought may be his boss would be happy now.

But instead Augustus sneered at him and asked rudely, "Are you done.?" Lester hesitated and nodded his head down. "You can leave first, Lester." He barked those words and Lester left the room without taking a single glance.

By seeing she is alone with him. Lisa also said in calming tone. "I should leave too." And turned around. "I'll walk you out." Augustus voice came from behind. In living room, she bent down to pick her heels which she threw off while entering. Augustus took a great look of her ass. Lisa turned and caught him staring.

She asked annoyingly "What are you looking at.?" Augustus came back to his senses and said, "Can't tell a person who exercises daily is not even able to climb the stairs without heels.?" "How did you know I exercise daily.? Lisa frowned.

"Well, you have a good physique. Just guessing.." Augustus said in a mocking way so that she doesn't doubt at him. Lisa was stunned. She put on her heels, ran out of room as fast as she can. Augustus looked at her back and smiled. When she was out of his sight. He shouted, "Lester, I want all the information of Lisa Mathew before I go to bed."

Lester came out from the corner and said, "Yes boss."

By the time, Lisa reached her home she was exhausted. She took a quick shower and ate dinner peacefully. After she was full, she lie down on her bed and think about what happened today with her. This new owner is really weird. Instead of thanking, he was scolding her and even checking out her ass shamefully. Such a pervert..! After tossing on bed for half an hour she couldn't sleep. And finally she did what she always vowed to not do. She went to her closet and took out her husband's shirt. She used to sniffed it and wrapped it around her body so she could felt her husband's presence with her. It's been six months, every night she sleeps like this. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't fall asleep without hugging it.


Colosseum Hotel.

In Presidential suite, Augustus was looking on a thin file. After a while, he opened it. On first page, there was birth certificate of Lisa Mathew. Her wedding picture and Her family photo. Lisa, Husband, Son. In last, there was a picture of her Facebook account : Lisa Mathew.

He switched on his laptop and searched for her. He found her and clicked opened her profile. There was her beautiful picture on desktop in black and white. He scrolled through her photos and saw her picture with her husband. There was spark in her eyes, and her smile was so wide. Today the Lisa, he met and the Lisa in picture both looked like two different people.

He got somehow heartache by thinking this. She was married, when she was sixteen. She had a son at the age of 17 and became a widow at the age of 23. So young and face so much hardships. He felt pity for her. Then, he saw her videos of singing cover songs and playing guitar. Her voice was so mesmerizing. He heard her songs and felt she is multi-talented woman.

Her last post was on April, with caption of a song named "Rewrite The Stars"# "Loved to sing this song but couldn't found a partner, wish I could sing this one day wholeheartedly." With heart and sad face emojis. "Hmmm.. Rewrite the stars." He said while tapping his chin.


Next day, Lisa woke up and went to jog as usual at the Villa Ada Park. Augustus was already sipping his coffee when she entered. And as usual she started jogging ignoring people around her. Sipping coffee in his track suite, with the shine of sun on him. He looked like divine creature. Every women was attracted by him but the one he always wanted to see him.

She ignored him so easily. Last night, when he saw her husband. He didn't had any good physique or sharp face like him. He was just an ordinary man and yet she looked at him so affectionately. And as for him she didn't even had a proper look on him. Maybe she is blind, or she is a soul-lover. A person who doesn't pay attention to their looks but their behavior against towards another human being.

God..! It's going to be tough for me. A soul-lover seriously..? Augustus sighed lightly. ....