Chapter 4

Colosseum Hotel.

When Lisa entered in the lobby, she didn't see anybody from the old staff.

In just one night, whole staff had been fired and new staff had hired. When she was in a daze, there was a gentle tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw a beautiful young lady with sharp features, black shoulder length hair neatly braided behind. Asked gently, "Are you Miss Lisa Mathew from old staff.?"

"Yes" she replied.

"Hello, I am Anna from The Pacific Hotel." She said extending her hand to shake. Lisa took it with a smile on her face.

"Nice to see you, Anna."

"We all have been ordered to shift here to work. I am the new receptionist now." Anna explained. "What.?" Lisa exclaimed.

Just when Lisa was confused, phone rang. Anna answered the phone.

Lisa kept staring at her blankly. If she is the new receptionist than what about her.? I can't lose this job please God have mercy on me. She prayed silently.

Anna hunged the call and informed her, "Miss Lisa, President has called you in his suite."

She nodded and headed to the elevator. All the time she was just thinking about what he's going to say.? Is he going to fire her too.?

She took a deep breath and knocked at the door. The door was opened by Lester. He greeted Lisa politely and he was wearing his same black suit. Lisa greeted him back.

After that, Lisa entered the living room and greeted Augustus in the most mannered way. "Good Morning, Mr. Augustus Carlos."

Augustus was looking at the window glass. He turned around and greeted her, "Good Morning, Lisa."

Today he is wearing a silver colored suit, he looked extremely gorgeous but Lisa as usual didn't look at him instead she was looking down at her hands.

Augustus mood instantly changed. From happy to being irritated by this stupid woman. However, he remained his calm posture and asked, "Have you met new staff.?"

"No, Not yet. Except Anna." She answered.

"Okay, I want you to meet all the staff and start supervising them as soon as you can." Augustus said in a commanding tone.

"Supervising.? Me.?" Lisa asked confusingly.

"Yes. You..! I am making you new manager of this hotel. I am turning this hotel into a 7 star hotel. It will take quite time. By that time, you will learn and experience everything as a Manager." Augustus explained.

"Me? Manager? Is this reward for what happened yesterday?" Lisa asked straightly.

"Well, kind of as you say." August replied coldly.

"Errr..." Lisa was hesitating to say something. Augustus annoyed seeing her hesitating and said, "What? Speak.!"

"Can't you bring old staff back.? They have been working for more than five years. Don't you think it's unfair.?" Lisa spoke after thinking for a while.

"What.? Did you just call me unfair.?" August said loudly.

"No.. No. I don't dare to." Lisa immediately explained.

"I didn't call you here to negotiate. I have offered you a job if you want it Fine. If you don't then please Get Out. Don't waste my time." He said angrily.

"I needed the job. Mr. Augustus." Lisa said in a low voice.

"Good. Go back and start it from today." Augustus ordered.

"Okay" Lisa nodded and turned to leave. Just as she was going to leave. Augustus sneered and said sarcastically, "Lisa, didn't someone teach you manners to thank your Boss.?" Lisa froze and turned around. "Thank you, Boss" she said while faking a smile and clenching her fist.

Augustus looked at her and said coldly. "Good girl. Next time I won't ask, remember."

There was a strict warning in his tone. Lisa felt chills all over her body. She nodded to him and left hurriedly. Augustus felt proud. At last he has scared her. Good, she shouldn't be using her sharp mouth in front of me, If I scared her a little. He thought stretched his arms and relaxed in his chair.

Just then his mobile phone rang showing the word "Mom" Augustus looked at the screen and there was a displeasure on his face. Still he picked the phone and answered, "Yes Mom."

"Where are you? Why didn't you go to your home for last two days. I told you to sign the deal and leave it. Why you have not left yet?" The voice from the other end of the phone was anxious and furiously sharp. It was his mother Rheena Carlos, She is a strong and powerful woman, who never needed support of man. But as usual, she has some own sexual desires. Her husband was older than her so gradually after sometime, she started dating some beautiful handsome man behind her husband's back.

Her one serious relationship was with her husband's first cousin Monte Carlos. He was a young, charming bachelor. One day, her husband caught her with him in bed. He couldn't take it and passed away. Augustus who was deeply in love with his father couldn't take his sudden death and felt sick. After months of treatment, he finally recovered.

But his heart was filled with hatred for his mother and Monte Carlos. Rheena Carlos took over everything very gracefully and kept working hard to establish her hotel business more strong. But no matter how strong she gets, she could never accept her son's hatred for her.

So, one day she clarified things with her son. His one and only demand was to not Re-marry with anyone in the future. He hated it if he thinks someone else as his father. Her mother agreed with heavy heart. But she is a business woman she always think of her benefit too.

As usual, she accepted his condition and put one of her condition. Her condition was for him to marry her sister's daughter Giovanna in future. He agreed. At the age of 22, when he decided to take over hotel business, His mother made him signed an agreement. According to which, His mother got 52% shares and he got 48%. In any case, if he didn't marry Giovanna. He has to quit those shares and transferred it to Giovanna. In short, if he backed up from this deal. He wouldn't be left with a single penny in future.

Since the day, he had signed an agreement. He got engaged to Giovanna. He tried but he never get attracted towards her. Meanwhile, he started taking anti-stress pills and had been slept with half of the women of Rome, Italy.

Until one day, he saw Lisa Mathew in that park. And he felt something warm in his heart and she worked like an antidote for him. Every morning, he used to see her and his all stress immediately go away.

In the last 3 months, he hadn't swallowed a single pill and these last two days he has been smiling which is making Lester worry to think if his Boss is in his senses these days? "Mom, I have been thinking to upgrade this hotel." Augustus replied calmly.

"What?" She frowned.

"I'll send you all details later. I got to go." Augustus hung the call before she could react.

Two days before, His mother had send him to sign the deal and left. After that, she was planning to Re-built this hotel into an A-grade restaurant. But now, her son wants to upgrade it. It's the first time, he has taken his own decision. Before, taking any decision he always asked for her advise but this time he didn't bother to mention it to her. Rheena Carlos is a cunning woman, she can sense something has changed. What is going on? ...