Chapter 44

After an hour, both returned to the car. Lisa was driving while Augustus sat on the passenger seat.

It was very quiet in the car. She looked at him from the corner of her eyes. His eyes were closed and he looked very calm, Lisa thought he has fallen asleep and concentrated on the road.

All of a sudden, a warm hand was pressed on her thigh, she shivered from the sudden touch. She wasn’t wearing any trouser just a light stockings so she can clearly felt the warmth of his palm. She panicked.

“Creak —“

the car suddenly made a piercing braking sound.

“What’s wrong?” Augustus asked concernedly still hand placed on her thigh.

“You ... Umm ... Could you please not touch me like this while I am driving.” She hesitated and said.

“Why?” Augustus asked innocently.

“Its distracting.” She said truthfully avoiding his eyes.

“Well, exactly where it distracts you?” Augustus slowly moved his hands upwards to her private part while asking her seductively.