Chapter 45

After he left Lisa looked up, she then saw inside the bag. There were three types of tampons light, medium and heavy. She took one and used it but she didn’t have any clothes with her so after cleaning herself she poked her head to see Augustus and then went out silently.

She opened the cupboard and put on the nightdress and robe. Just when she turned she saw Augustus standing leaning at the door of the cloakroom. She yelled in shock. “Ahh”

"What? Still afraid of me.?" He sneered displeasingly.

"Why you're always so quiet.?" Lisa complained in low voice.

Augustus walked towards her step by step making her nervous. "So?" He asked.

"So what?" Lisa asked confusingly.

"Did you know?" He asked in an interrogating tone.

Lisa's mind was blank what was he talking about. "Huh..?"

Looking at her dumb face, Augustus said embarrassedly, "Your..." He paused and looked down at her Lisa followed his gaze and instantly understood his hidden meaning.