Chapter 51

This weekend, Lisa did not get off from her job because of its opening recently. She messaged Sasha to inform her that she won’t be able to meet Simon today as she is working on the weekend too. Sasha replied her with thumbs up.

Lisa was busy with the guests, when she came back to her office to pack up her things. She saw several calls from Augustus; she frowned looking at his name. Yesterday, she was supposed to go to his place but he didn’t send Lester to her place and neither did she ask him. She ignored his calls and after pack up, stepped out of the office.

When she was leaving hotel, she bumped into Lester accidentally. “Madam.!” As no one was around Lester greeted her politely. Lester’s face was not good and he looked a bit exhausted.

“What’s wrong? Where’s Augustus.?” Lisa sensed something wasn’t right.