Chapter 52

“What?” She literally yelled the word in shock.

Augustus raised his eyebrow, “Any problem?”

“Are you sure? No one else is staying here.?” She asked intentionally she clearly heard that Giovanna was supposed to stay at night with him.

“Except you, no one is here. As my wife it’s your responsibility now.” Augustus said firmly.

“Or what if someone see us together?” She told him her worries.

“Lester is guarding the door. Don’t worry.” He reassured her, making her worry less.

“Okay” Finally she agreed to stay. She sat on the sofa, opposite to the bed.

“Did you eat?” Augustus asked her.

“No” she answered.

Augustus then called Lester and ordered him to bring food for Lisa. Lisa didn’t have anything to do so she took out her mobile and focused in it. Augustus was again pissed, “Is this the way a wife should act in the hospital with her husband?” He thought.