Chapter 195

As Augustus brought Lisa down in his arms, Bella, Maria and Simon all three were already sitting on the dining table having their breakfast.

As they saw Lisa coming over in Augustus's arms Simon was the first to reach her.

"Mom, how are you feeling?" He asked before Augustus could place her on the chair.

"I am fine, Simon." Lisa answered him as Augustus gently put her on the chair.

He then brought a tiny stool as he placed it under her bandaged foot.

"Simon you shouldn't leave your breakfast like this.” Augustus told him as he pulled his chair indicating him to come back to finish his breakfast.

"I was worried for mom." Simon explained as he walked to his chair and sat.

"Don't worry, I will take care of your mom." Augustus said as he touched his head but Simon gave a look to his mother. "Like really? He would......"

Lisa gave Simon a weak smile trying to ensure him that everything is fine between her and Augustus.