Chapter 194

Next day, as Lisa woke up she felt heaviness in her foot as she tried to move it she felt painful. She groaned in her sleep feeling restless as Augustus's husky voice came into her ear making her whole body shiver.

"Hmmm don't move, the stitches are still fresh..."

"Stitches...?" Lisa frowned as she tried to recall what happened to her?

"Yeah, you got 6 stitches under your foot." Augustus said in a hoarse voice as he sat up rubbing his eyes.

Lisa frowned as she looked at his bare chest, he's always naked when he sleeps.

She rolled her eyes and then looked away from him.

Augustus put her foot again on the pillow gently and then stood up to go to the washroom.

"Don't move" He warned her as he saw her struggling to get up.

Lisa lay helplessly on the bed.

Soon, Augustus came out he helped her to sit up and then picked her up in his arms. Lisa frowned as she subconsciously pushed his chest. "What are you doing?"