Chapter Thirteen

Aliyah’s POV

I went up to my room first. It's a bit awkward but I think it's a good idea if my mom would sleep again with me.

A series of flashbacks keeps playing on my mind. I remembered the old days. I remembered the moments we were together and no one could deny that I treasured all those memories so much.

After I took a bath, I saw her sitting at the side of my bed while waiting for me. She was smiling while looking at the picture on the side table.

“I prepared some milk for you. Drink this before you sleep,” she said while holding a glass of milk.

I took it then whispered, “Thanks.”

The last time I experienced this kind of affection was about four months ago. When my world was at peace. When changes haven’t taken their place.

"Shane .." I looked at her face. I haven’t noticed for a while that she looked even older and tired.

"Yes, mom?" She sounded sad.

There might be a problem, but I don’t dare to ask for it.

I'm not used to it.

"Uhmm nothing. Come on. Let us go to sleep."

I just nodded then go to bed.

I tried to close my eyes.

I felt mom hugged me so tight.

The next morning, she is no longer by my side when I woke up.

I went downstairs and saw her preparing our breakfast. Dad was there too. He was reading a newspaper. I greeted them both then after that, I ate quietly. I am not used to being with them so I just choose to keep quiet, and besides, I have nothing to say.

After I ate, I bid my goodbye. Mom kissed me on my cheeks while daddy offered me a ride. But I insist. I can handle myself.

When I arrived at the campus, I went straight to my aunt’s room. And I’m a bit shocked upon seeing her together with Ruzzel. Are they close? Since when? Tsk. Never mind. I just rolled my eyes.

"Woah! What brought you here, Aliyah?" I gave my aunt a death glare. Is it required for her to become overreacting most of the time?

“You look like a crazy, aunt.”

“I don’t care hahaha! Back to my question, what brought you here?”

"Do you remember our deal? I will join the dance competition and win- and in return, you will follow everything I want. Now, I already have a condition. But promise me again that you'll grant it whatever happens."

"I'll grant it if you'll win the competition. What is your condition?"

"If I'll win ... Lewis will be kicked out from this school."

"W-what ??!?"

"You've heard it already, I will not repeat it."

"But I can't do that! And besi---"

"Yes, you can do it, my dear Aunt. See you in the finals! I'll do everything just to win the competition so you must be prepared!"

She was about to speak but I already left. Yeah, Aliyah, you’re being rude again.

Oh, and before I forgot, I came back immediately then grabbed Ruzzel’s hand and we ran quickly.

We went to the Gymnasium. I need to practice hard. I need to win the competition so that Lewis will be out of my sight forever!

When we arrived at the gym, others were already there and they’re practicing. I just noticed the new sets of dance instructors. So, seriously? Most of the dance instructors yesterday already quit? Maybe I should be nice and patient today?

An instructor approached us. I smiled at him. Of course, a fake smile. I just have to be kind so there’s a smile involved.

"Please teach us the sweetest moves that you know. Those moves that could sweep away the hearts of the judges." I told the dance instructor.

"Alright then. You better listen to everything that I say. First, you must be comfortable with your partner. Set aside all the negative feelings you had for each other.”

I just nodded. I think I am comfortable with my partner, so no need to worry.

Uhm wait, I just noticed Ruzzel is being quiet since I saw him this morning. What’s the matter? Oh, better not to think about it.

"Second, always remember the eye contact. That's important in dancing. Look into the eyes of each other. Imagine, both of you are deeply in love with each other.”

"What?!? Will that help?" I reacted. It doesn't seem right anymore.

"Don't you trust me?"

"Fine. I trust you." I rolled my eyes, Aliyah, remember to be nice. That instructor must not quit. Do not curse, please.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself first. My name is Domo. Hahahahhaha.” and oh yes, he laughed after he introduces himself. Is he crazy? He acts like my aunt.

And oh yes again, Ruzzel is also laughing with him. I paused for a while. What’s funny?

“So now it is your turn. Introduce yourselves.” This Domo the instructor looks like the guy version of aunt.

"My name is Ruzzel Jim Estrada, you can call me Ruzzel or Ruz, whatever you want to call me."

They shake their hands. I just raised my brow at them. Now, Domo is looking at me.

"Aliyah." my short answer. Maybe he’s waiting if there is more I wanna say, but sorry... There is none.

"Okay. Let's start! Ruzzel put your hands on Aliyah's waist."

The moment Domo said that Ruzzel surrounded his hands on my waist.

I was shocked for a while. Seems like there is electricity flowing through my whole body.

What was that?

"Now, Aliyah .. put your hands around Ruzzel's neck. Remember what I said! The eye contact! Then step! Five! Six! Seven and eight!"

While Domo was demonstrating the steps, I think my body has its mind. It keeps on following everything Domo is saying. My body is swaying together with the wind. Above the rainbow, on Ruzzel’s sight. What beautiful scenery.


What did I just say??? I think I didn’t mean it. What’s happening to me?

"Aliyah .. are you okay?!?" It's the first time Ruzzel spoke to me today.

I nodded.

"Sir Domo. Can we have a break?" said Ruzzel

"Break? I haven't even taught you half of the entire steps."

"Wait! Wait! Can we change the steps?" I asked. Maybe I was not comfortable with the steps he was teaching. I was wrong to say the ‘sweetest steps.’

"No! I am comfortable with the steps and besides, I have great confidence that you guys will be able to do the dance number I choreograph for you."


"Do you want to win Aliyah?"

"Of course!"

"Then follow all my commands."

"Fine" Looks like I am talking to the guy version of my crazy aunt.

"All right. Let’s have a short break."

After Domo said that, Ruzzel walked away from us first.

I immediately followed him. But, urghhh!!! Wait! Why did I follow him?

I do not know either >___<

"Ruzzel, where are you going?" I asked him as I chased him.

"At the rooftop." He answered.

"Same." That’s all I can say.

Then he looked at me and smiled.

He suddenly grabbed my hand. We also held hands during the practice, so I was used to it.

We sat on the floor when we arrived at the rooftop.

"Do you want to win the dance competition?" he asked.

I nodded.

Suddenly the smile on his face disappeared.

"You wanted him to be kicked out of our school."

I just nodded again. I know he is referring to Lewis.

“I don’t want your heart to be filled with anger and revenge, Aliyah. How will you love me if love has no place in your heart? You may be blinded by the anger you felt towards Lewis. And I may say that I am scared. I already fell in love with you. And I am scared because I might lose you in every possible way. I am sorry if I’ve fallen that easy.”

I feel like my soul suddenly separated from my body. I can't respond to what Ruzzel just said.

How to react?